Comments on: Interview with Michael Roberts Journalism for Citizens Thu, 06 Jan 2011 20:39:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam Thu, 06 Jan 2011 20:39:11 +0000 Thank you Sanjana and Prof Roberts. Sanjana’s last question and Prof Roberts answer sums up the issue and provide a path towards unity and “Sri Lankanness.” To get to Sri Lankanness the recognition of the two Nations as equal parts is a prerequisite. They need to be equal because the part is in itself a whole consisting within it parts that need to be equal for political stablity.

Starting from the late forties, in sports, I have observed this distinction and togetherness. We respected each other’s identity and the identity that we were teammates and Ceylonese. Such recognition extended when I represented Ceylon in international games, including the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China. In sports the distinctness and the Sri Lankanness co-exist.

My observation and interviews, during the last six months, in the Vanni, of those who went through the war confirms Prof Roberts observation on the resiliency of the survivors. Though they suffered, lost their belongings and family members, and many are disabled, they have not lost their identity and their rights as a Nation. In public functions they do sing the national anthem in Tamil.

There is an opportunity for peace with the recognition of the two nations as equals. Destroying or replacing monuments or ‘Resting Places’ may obliterate concrete objects, but the image of the destruction imprinted in the mind is a stronger memory than physical objects. If one travels in a bus or a Van past the new monuments and destroyed ‘Resting Places’ one will be reminded by those who witnessed such destruction and erection of new monuments the sordidness of the acts and the suppressed anger.

The monument in Kilinochchi (where a former Children’s Park rebuilt by two Sinhala gentlemen just after the Tsunami, with the stone inscriptions of the donors.) is a huge concrete cube. A large shell is embedded in the Cube with cracks radiating from the impact point. From it a lotus flower springs up. Sinhala tourists crowded at the base and laid flowers for the fallen Sinhala soldiers. A Tamil person, who knew me, mentioned what the Cube signifies to the people in Kilinochchi. “The Cube is Sri Lanka. The shell widened the crack in Sri Lanka.” One monument with two different symbolism by two nations of peoples. I hope the Tamils will not destroy that monument for the Sinhala fallen heroes.

Such actions and reactions does not augur well for political and emotional reconciliation and peace.

By: The Mervyn Silva Sat, 18 Dec 2010 21:37:40 +0000 Will someone not be ridding the Yapa of this “insane root” in his system?

By: Vino Gamage Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:32:11 +0000 After the 1958 riots Tamil parliamentarians were put on house arrest for 2/3 months for ”causing the riots”.
”The truth, though unpalatable may be to some, is simply that nobody unacceptable to the present Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has any chance of constitutional power in contemporary Ceylon.”

By: Vino Gamage Sat, 18 Dec 2010 04:41:01 +0000 yapa
what sensible Sinhalese have been telling LLRC is totally different from what you say.
the problem is our textbooks – propogating untruths and illogic.

By: Belle Sat, 18 Dec 2010 02:55:34 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Ahhh, the Conradian solution: “Exterminate the brutes!” Except we know what happened to Kurtz, don’t we?

Why aren’t the roots being cut off, since that is such a logical solution? Could it be that a parasitic plant has attached itself to these roots, so that to cut off the “root” of the problem, is also to cut off the problem itself, which provides sustenance to this parasitic plant, keeps it going, so to speak?

By: yapa Sat, 18 Dec 2010 01:39:41 +0000 Dear Vino Gamage;

Go to the root cause of the problem. Why start half way? Undue disproportionate demands for the resources (especially land) of this country by the Tamils is the root cause of the problem. Accept the injustice, help remove the root cause, that is the only solution.


By: Vino Gamage Fri, 17 Dec 2010 13:15:44 +0000 yapa,
I agree with you: You demand your due rights. Do you also demand the “due consequences”?
Allergy to analysis and historical amnesia in Sri Lanka, Dayan Jayatilleka, 17 October 2010:
”… The Bandaranaike administration sowed the dragon’s teeth and it took Mahinda Rajapakse to slay the marauding dragon, with all the corollaries and consequences that entailed. … Dozens of Tamil youth were imprisoned under Emergency for years, for the crime of hoisting black flags against the promulgation of the ’72 Constitution. …” (Jayatilleka was former Sri Lankan Representative to the UN)

By: eeurekaa Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:30:04 +0000 ”Do you also demand the “due consequences”, for the mighty destruction done to this country”
Jayantha Dhanapala’s written submission to Lessons Learnt Reconciliation Commission, 30 August 2010:
‘’’Your mandate artificially sets a time frame from 21 February 2002 to 19 May 2009 . That and its restricted mandate is also a limitation in your good faith efforts to discharge your task. The lessons we have to learn go back to the past – certainly from the time that we had responsibility for our own governance on 4 February 1948. Each and every Government which held office from 1948 till the present bear culpability for the failure to achieve good governance, national unity and a framework of peace, stability and economic development in which all ethnic, religious and other groups could live in security and equality. Our inability to manage our own internal affairs has led to foreign intervention but more seriously has led to the taking of arms by a desperate group of our citizens.’’ (Dhanapala was formerly UN Under-Secretary General for Disarmament. He also began to contest against Ban Ki-Moon but he was made to withdraw).

By: Candidly Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:44:44 +0000 Agnos wrote:
“OK, tomorrow, one madman will enter your home while you are out, hold your wife, children and elderly parents hostage. Let us see your logic of not “surrender[ing] to the moral blackmail of the criminals using non-combatants as human shields.””

Alright, so I pay the madman the ransom money (and let him take one of my kids as hostage which he also demanded). Then he goes to the next door house and does the same thing there…

As I wrote earlier, surrendering to such methods means the end of civilisation.

Alternatively, when all attempts at negotiation fail, all us neighbours get together and decide to not give into these criminals any more and we band together to do something about it. Which is exactly what we (the British) did in 1939 against another notorious gang of political criminals also led by a psychopathic killer.

By: Agnos Fri, 17 Dec 2010 01:41:14 +0000 Candidly,

Read the latest WikiLeaks cables from ex Amabassador Blake about GoSL complicity in paramilitary crimes, including the use of abductions, murders, extortion, child soldiers and prostitution. You have a “magnificiant” civilization in Sri Lanka, a government of criminals, by criminals, for criminals. Keep your hollow words to yourself, or to the mass graves in your backyard; I will stay focused on getting a measure of justice.
