Comments on: On Anthems and the State of the Union Journalism for Citizens Tue, 21 Dec 2010 15:47:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: longus Tue, 21 Dec 2010 15:47:51 +0000 Swasthi Siddham!
(May All Good Fortunes Prevail)

It has been an unquestioned truth for decades that the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka is marginalized and thus enjoy lesser previleges than the majority Sinhalese. That is why when the Tamil separatists demanded one third of the country and two thirds of the coastal area some good natured Sinhalese showed their tolerence and were ready to consider even a Federal solution. But this 12-14%,or even less Tamil minority was riding on the patience of the Sinhalese, taking it as a sign of weakness, with ever increasing array of demands. This actually shows the signs of what is called the Minority Syndrome. Ironically when it came to the minorities who were living in the Tamil areas the Tamil separatists did not show any of that tolerence they experienced from the Sinhalese towards the Muslims.

With Yapa’s impeccable mathematical analysis this age old myth has evaporated for the immense good of Sri Lanka. This is a remarkable victory against skewed theorists who are suffering from racist dysentry. No wonder some of them got ‘cholera’ after reading Yapa’s analysis, thus giving them a “double pathology!”


By: yapa Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:07:24 +0000 Dear All; I was very busy and could even go through the
comments. It will be same until 26th. See you after that.

By: longus Sun, 19 Dec 2010 19:20:58 +0000 Vino Gamage

Not only Burma and Sri Lanka, but countries like India-due to Kashmire, China-due to Tibet, and Russia-Cechnia, would help our cause!

By: Vino Gamage Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:14:40 +0000 ”The United Nations INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS
Article 1
All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”

If Sri Lanka, Burma, etc. work to remove this caluse, there may be less problem for others?

By: longus Sun, 19 Dec 2010 03:58:42 +0000 Yapa

Your mathematics have driven some out of this forum and some have got diarrhoea -possibly cholera!

Yapa has turned the world of Federalists and Eelamists upside down with a set of unthinkably simple but profound set of calculations, with is a monumental success. Those who said that dialogue is the way to progress in a democratic forum are now saying, “we are moving to other forums which are favourable to our propaganda and lies, because we can’t refute Yapa’s equations” and “I am getting diarrhoea and (excuse me!) this is worse than verbal diarrhoea”-Drink plenty of fluids like ORS. The ease with which you vanquished the Tamil separatist ideology that the Tamils as an ethnic group enjoy less previleges than the Sinhalese is really astonishing! In Sri Lanka the majority Sinhalese have a minority mentality, and the minority Tamils have a majority mentality-that’s why they cry,”give us more more..”

Hereby I propose your name for a Deshamanya honour in the next year’s list!This year seems to be a particularly magical one for you!

This is the declaration of the final victory over the separatist propaganda! Let the closet Eelamists prove their point. This a mathematical nail(the plus sign!) on the Tamil racist’s coffin.

The Tamil population must have been definitely higher now as one cholera patient claims, if the ‘pet Tigers’ didn’t use them as broiler chicken!

By: Belle Sun, 19 Dec 2010 00:51:47 +0000 Yapa,
I am sooo…. sorry! I intended with my comment to invite only the poetic response from The Mervyn Silva, but I got your mathematical diarrhoea! This is first time I am seeing mathematical diarrhoea–usually people only give me verbal diarrhoea.

But still I continue to think that good poetry like from The Mervyn Silva is better than bad mathematics from you. Good poetry can deal with present visible and hidden realities, and also compute the past and the future. Bad mathematics (such as you practise) adds up and makes equations only from things that can be SEEN, and in Sri Lanka, not too much is allowed to be seen. That is the problem.

You see, when you talk about the percentage of the Tamils, you don’t mention how many were there before the conflict and how many that would be there today if allowed to reproduce at their normal rate without being killed or induced to run for their lives; you don’t count the children of those that fled, who may want to come back to the “Tamil Homeland” they are arguing for. But most importantly, you don’t count the statues in the country that The Mervyn Silva talks about. Bad mathematics only does addition and subtraction: it doesn’t do multiplication and division and calculus.

How to expect good mathematics from you when you equate my saying that the development of Tamil culture should be protected and that ethnic ratios in Tamil-settled areas should be preserved (so as to ensure their adequate political representation in a unitary or federalist Sri Lanka) is the same as wanting an Eelam or a Tamil Homeland? I would be happy for you to cite me where I have said that I was pro-separatism.

By: Vino Gamage Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:17:02 +0000 Dear The Mervyn Silva
Please be excusing me. I am posting this comment with utmost reluctance. I am sick of seeing illogic more than distorted history.

By ‘Homeland’ people refer to pre-1833 land(1833 saw the merger of Tamil administration(from Tamil kingdom)and Sinhala administration(from Sinhala kingdoms). Dutch and Portugese had separate administrations and the British merged them for convenience and hence the whole problem:

By: The Mervyn Silva Sat, 18 Dec 2010 08:01:10 +0000 Dear The Yapa,

Please be excusing me, I am sending my response afer seeing your response only. How am I to be replying otherwise. I know I am doctor but even I am not having magic power to know what you are going be writing. Please be blaming the groundviews for mixing and matching wrongly.

And also, please be settling down. The fighting war is long over and now we are on the way to the prosperity. Nothing to be getting agitated about. Also if you are wanting response, might be the good idea to be trying other forums also because I am feeling most people are already leaving this and going somewhere else. No good being at party when all guests are long gone. I am coming here only by the mistake and seeing your serious postings and thinking poor man – or woman, waiting all alone with no response thinking he is too smart for everybody else so I must be writing him something also.

By: yapa Sat, 18 Dec 2010 05:18:23 +0000 Dear The Mervyn Silva;

See Dear The, you have broken the queue. Your post of December 18, 2010 • 4:53 am has come before even my post of December 16, 2010 • 8:16 pm. Isn’t that unfair just as the the claim of Tamil Homeland?


By: yapa Sat, 18 Dec 2010 05:12:59 +0000 RE:Post of December 16, 2010 • 8:58 am

“Based on previous encounters, I have reason to believe that your interlocutor suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect. I’d save my breath if I were you”.

I think now he wants to save his skin from me after losing the breath in the previous encounters with me.

