Comments on: The ‘Godayata magic’ of Oxford Journalism for Citizens Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:56:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Davidson Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:56:37 +0000 Woudn’t what HAPPENS to the people at the bottompile tell the world the truth?
Do you have to travel 6,000km spending a fortune to tell lies to cover up the unspeakable truth?
Sri Lanka: 18 months after civil war, Graham Thom, 9 December 2010:

”….Equally as confronting were the IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps situated outside Trincomalee along often barely drivable roads (which admittedly were also being upgraded to promote tourism). I was told that those in the camps just wanted to go home but the military had declared these areas as “high security zones”, so they were to be relocated elsewhere. As fishermen, their old homes were close to the beaches. The new places being offered are often remote, where even accessing water is difficult. They refuse to go, not wanting to give up the chance of returning home or ever earning a basic livelihood, so for the moment, they are stuck. ….
I was able to witness first hand the police doing a sweep through a camp; rounding everyone up to question them. The authorities are clearly still trying to find those who may have connections to the LTTE. It also serves to remind the locals who is in charge now, as if the large military presence is not enough…..”

By: colomboReader Mon, 13 Dec 2010 15:54:28 +0000 It is nice to see how different writers use this issue to attack different parties such as Oxford Union, British Government, OU Sri Lankan Society , Sri Lankan High commission etc. But all these arguments are only among Sri Lankans. However few students in Oxford should be praised for what they have tried to do, to facilitate an event to invite their president to highlight SRI LANKA on international map. What they should remember is there are so many pundits to blame you when things go wrong, but so many people to claim the ownership if it have been successful.

Any way good work young Sri Lankans out there!!!!

By: Palitha. Ranatunge Mon, 13 Dec 2010 07:26:00 +0000 We should not lament over the last minute cancellation of the sheduled speach that the Sri Lankan prsident was to make at the Oxford Union.This was indeed a cowardice act of the council president made due to the prssure of the suppoters of a defeated terrorist group.this cowardice act had not tarnished the good image of Mahinda Rajapakse nor his popularity by any mean.British Authorities should have acted in more responsible manner diischarging thei duty when a leader of a friendly nation visiting British soil irrespective whether it’s an official or on a private visit.Although this episode has become some opprtunists to make mountains out of molehills,which they are eagerly waitng for.
Mahinda Rajapkse is the most popular and the best post independent leader we have seen.

By: Davidson Mon, 13 Dec 2010 04:06:21 +0000 Oxford Union is NOT under the control of Oxford University or the British government. Furthermore Oxford Sri Lanka Society complicates the whole issue – googling shows that it is well-connected with the Sri Lankan High Commission and the government circles in Sri Lanka. Their activities show that they are an arm of the government. Googling reveals another complicating factor is Dr Liam Fox.

Just as the Sinhala rural masses have been misled over the last 62+ years on ethnic conflict issues, they are NOT told the truth about the Oxford Debacle and maliciously allowed to grow.

All those who are going mad at the cancellation are not at all worried about what has been going on in the Northeast in the last eighteen months even if they cared less in the 61+ years up to May 2009 ???

May 2008 saw the President speak a pack of lies at the Oxford Union. He was going to do the same this time – his VISION FOR SRI LANKA while he prevents aid agents from helping the desolate IDPs in the war-ravaged villages behind the 21C curtain.

My dear brethren in the South, does our progress depend on the regress of those in the Northeast?

By: Davidson Wed, 08 Dec 2010 21:59:57 +0000 Those who are NOT invited by Oxford Union will have this reception at the airport:
NLF leader Karunaratna’s supporters assaulted at airport, 8 December 2010

By: eureka Wed, 08 Dec 2010 21:54:11 +0000 There is no need to hire Bell Pottinger.
Oxford Sri Lanka Society is more than enough – it’s working 25 hrs a day and 8 days a week to get most of the Sri Lankans address Oxford Union.

By: dingiri Wed, 08 Dec 2010 17:47:06 +0000 Thanks Ananda for what I’ve been wanting to say far more eloquently than I could ever have! Perhaps MR should try Bullingdons next time if influencing future British leadership is what this trip was all about…. The “Kaapalla Beepalla Jolly Karapalla” club at Oxford which the current Prime minister, Chancellor and Mayor of London were all members of..

By: The Analyst Wed, 08 Dec 2010 13:10:03 +0000 Agree with you on the mentality of the current leadership.

By: eureka Wed, 08 Dec 2010 11:20:15 +0000 1. The invitation has been the PR work of Oxford Sri Lanka Society that has invited Arjuna and Sri lanka cricket team and celebrates Independence Day and Poya Day(complementing the work of Bell Pottinger) and other prospective Sinhalese must be ready to be invited soon

2. I hope to count the number of times ”white man’s burden” was pronounced at UNHRC in the last five years

3. In May 2008 he spoke:
”I wish to speak to you on a subject of much interest to my country at the present time. That is the empowerment of rural economy a central theme of my development strategy for Sri Lanka”, when there has been aerial bombing, intense shelling for more than 25 months, hundreds of thousands of IDPs, on the roads and under the trees with restricted help from aid agents, thousands of extrajudicial killings, abductions and murders of journalists, aid workers, parliamentarians, ordinary citizens, IIGEP leaving the country saying there is no political will, APRC running scores of sittings, Jaffna cordoned off and even some were dying of starvation, ….

4. This time he was going to speak of his ”Vision”:
‘’…. IDP’s being denied access to their former places of residence
Challenging the right to title of the properties traditionally owned and /or occupied persons living in conflict affected areas
Large tracts of previously occupied lands being demarcated as high security zones
Unjustified land acquisitions on security considerations but allocated for non security related purposes
The publicly announced resettlement benefits to internally displaced persons not being distributed equitably and in line with the announced scheme
Lack of basic amenities like water, sanitation, power and proper housing for the newly resettled families
Resource allocation not determined on community priorities and allocated without consultation and outside the need base and at times missing the most vulnerable and in need, possibly due to identity based biases
Some areas like Jaffna receiving more than necessary resource allocations and peripheral areas lacking in even basic allocations
Preventing willing and capable NGO’s/INGO’s, international community and Diaspora from helping people in need at their most vulnerable moment of need
Building of new permanent military cantonments with residential facilities for military personnel and their families
Plans to settle majority community families in order to change the traditional area demography otherwise than by natural development oriented migration
Arbitrary arrests and detention in the post war period as well
Continuing active engagement of unauthorized armed groups
Continuing disappearances of civilians
List of persons in custody, camps and detention centres not being made public
Failure to assist families in tracing missing persons
Negative impact on civilians during the conflict due military excesses
Unease of single women headed families fearing for their safety in the presence of large number of armed personnel of the forces
Removal of burial sites of persons affected by the conflict
Some important cultural, religious and remembrance sites being damaged and destroyed
Disrespect shown by visitors to holy sites and sites held in high esteem by resident communities
Free availability of liquor, cigarettes and narcotics
Emerging consumerism promoted by business houses who fail to participate in adding value to the civilian communities
Savings of the region being channelled to other areas whilst unmet needs of area community remain
Decision making in the hands of the military or officials from the Central Government. .…’’

By: Tamhala Miniha Wed, 08 Dec 2010 04:55:38 +0000 ‘Godayata’ Magic of Oxford – sour grapes? :-p
