Comments on: Bell Pottinger and official communiqués of the Sri Lankan government Journalism for Citizens Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:37:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groundviews Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:37:08 +0000

Senior executives at Bell Pottinger told undercover reporters that they were so influential that they had written a key speech given by the Sri Lankan President to the United Nations.

During the address by President Mahinda Rajapaksa last year, which the company said was used in preference to one prepared by the Sri Lankan foreign ministry, the President suggested rules governing the humanitarian conduct of war should be re-examined. He also described his troops’ action against Tamil Tiger separatists as humanitarian.

By: Observer Tue, 14 Dec 2010 08:24:53 +0000 In reply to Belle.

I find it rather interesting that Groundview’s tag line has changed from “Citizen Journalism” to “Journalism for Citizens” with the new WordPress update. Anyway, according to you belle, it would seem that these terms are rather oxymorons going by your views of journalism. Essentially your view is that a journalist must be someone who has proper training and experience in the field of reporting/media. Where as sites like groundviews exist on the premise that ordinary citizens can also report/contribute at grassroots levels and become journalists in their own way. I really do think that you need to relax your classifications of journalist. If you saw the last link I posted, people are questioning whether Julian Assange is a journalist. Whether he should have the same protections as career journalists. I can understand why someone like you would feel threatened by the broadening definition of your own profession. But times have changed!

By: Observer Mon, 13 Dec 2010 09:28:33 +0000 I beg to differ about your opinion of techcrunch. They may have several editors now but if you knew the history of the web site you would know that the guys who wrote there weren’t really journalistic types. Anyway it is acquired by AOL now, so it is running as a media distributor now!

If you also read blogs on the Gawker network, you’d know that most of them are not your traditional journalist types.

Anyway, is he a journalist?—daniel-ellsberg

I’d like to get your opinion since you’re a journalist type as I suspected.

By: wijayapala Mon, 13 Dec 2010 01:16:16 +0000 Prof Heshan

They delayed the fascist plan to colonize the North for 30 years.

Kindly provide us evidence of this master plan.

Was this worth the death of tens of thousands of Tamils and the suffering of thousands more??

By: Belle Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:48:07 +0000 Observer,
All the editors except Arrington are career journalists. Most of the writers also came from news organizations, including tech news organizations. Only the contributors and sales and production staff lack the journalism connection. This is exactly what you find at a traditional print magazine. I’ve been editor-in-chief of two magazines–nobody gets copy published until it is cleared by editors. As such, untrained contributors (chosen for their expertise in content areas) will have their copy developed in accordance with journalistic principles applied by trained editors.

By: Luxmy Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:47:33 +0000 The commentators are inwardly satisfied by the Tamils being squashed and keep arguing irrelevant matters so that all the Tamils are scraped out alive?

By: luxmy Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:05:38 +0000 What are the commentators interested in while:
Submission before Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Committee (LLRC) by Chandra Jayaratne, 23 September 2010:

IDP’s being denied access to their former places of residence
Challenging the right to title of the properties traditionally owned and /or occupied persons living in conflict affected areas
Large tracts of previously occupied lands being demarcated as high security zones
Unjustified land acquisitions on security considerations but allocated for non security related purposes
The publicly announced resettlement benefits to internally displaced persons not being distributed equitably and in line with the announced scheme
Lack of basic amenities like water, sanitation, power and proper housing for the newly resettled families
Resource allocation not determined on community priorities and allocated without consultation and outside the need base and at times missing the most vulnerable and in need, possibly due to identity based biases
Some areas like Jaffna receiving more than necessary resource allocations and peripheral areas lacking in even basic allocations
Preventing willing and capable NGO’s/INGO’s, international community and Diaspora from helping people in need at their most vulnerable moment of need
Building of new permanent military cantonments with residential facilities for military personnel and their families
Plans to settle majority community families in order to change the traditional area demography otherwise than by natural development oriented migration
Arbitrary arrests and detention in the post war period as well
Continuing active engagement of unauthorized armed groups
Continuing disappearances of civilians
List of persons in custody, camps and detention centres not being made public
Failure to assist families in tracing missing persons
Negative impact on civilians during the conflict due military excesses
Unease of single women headed families fearing for their safety in the presence of large number of armed personnel of the forces
Removal of burial sites of persons affected by the conflict
Some important cultural, religious and remembrance sites being damaged and destroyed
Disrespect shown by visitors to holy sites and sites held in high esteem by resident communities
Free availability of liquor, cigarettes and narcotics
Emerging consumerism promoted by business houses who fail to participate in adding value to the civilian communities
Savings of the region being channelled to other areas whilst unmet needs of area community remain
Decision making in the hands of the military or officials from the Central Government.

By: Observer Sun, 12 Dec 2010 07:43:00 +0000 belle, no! they’re not all career journalists. they’re mostly techies who are knowledgeable and passionate about the subject that they cover. they cover one and only one topic! that is tech. maybe lol catz now and then 😛 i thought real journalists cover what ever is in the wind and trending. they’re trained to investigate and do stories of any sorts…

yes i agree they have some writers with journalistic experiences and editorial skills but not most of them –

the guy who started it from humble beginning mr. arrington was a career lawyer! kincaid is a ucla bilogy major. seigler is a film major and web developer, etc. etc. but their passion is tech and they blogged about it before they hit the big time!

lot of people research and write for various purposes including my self. but i do not consider my self as a journalist!

By: Heshan Sun, 12 Dec 2010 06:46:32 +0000 Humanist,

Are you forgetting that long before Prabhakaran was born, the South rejected any kind of political settlement with the Tamils? Where was Prabhakaran when the Banda-Chelvam Pact was botched? Where was Prabhakaran when GG Ponnambalam’s 50-50 proposal was rejected? Where was Prabhakaran when the Dudley-Chelva Pact was broken? Not even S.W.R.D, despite his illusions of Sinhalese supremacy, could escape the wrath of the Sinhalese nationalists…

Fast-forward 60 years. Prabhakaran is gone… where is the political solution? What happened to the proposals of the much hyped APRC? Forget the waving of Eelam flags… don’t you think that if MR could push through an amendment to make himself dictator for life, he could easily get a proposal passed for devolution for the minorities? But let’s face the truth! Devolution is not on MR’s agenda. His agenda is Sinhala nationalism, pure and simple. You don’t see the Sinhalese nationalists on the streets protesting against MR, do you?

What should Tamils expect from this regime? Absolutely nothing, except the continuation of the program of deliberate and subtle state-sponsored subjugation. It is in this context that the diaspora Tamils protested the planned speech at the OU. Clearly, the protest was not without just cause! MR speaking at the OU is not very different from Anagarika Dharmapala speaking on Sea Street – both had/have the same purpose in mind.

By: yapa Sun, 12 Dec 2010 04:54:42 +0000 Dear Heshan;

“it is much more useful for Tamils to get foreign governments to pressure GOSL”

“End justifies the means”- Machiavelli said. But your “end” does not justify “the means” (not accepting any wrong of the part from Tamils and trying to revive the separatist old ideology of LTTE with the connivance of the LTTE remnants).

When the end is not justifiable as in the case of yours, even Machiavelli becomes miserable. Therefore, your arguments made with great efforts have no value and invariably fail.

