
Economic prospects in post-war Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa (L) shakes hands with Reuters Editor for South Asia Duncan Pitcairn (R) as the Governor of Sri Lanka’s Central Bank Ajith Nivard Cabraal looks on at a Thomson Reuters forum to discuss Sri Lanka’s post-war economic rebirth in Colombo November 26, 2010. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte

Earlier this evening in Colombo, Reuters hosted a panel discussion with Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal And Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Sri Lanka’s post-war economic prospects. Media has often reported that the Rajapaksa’s control over 75% of Sri Lanka’s budget. When asked this in the past, Gotabaya’s demeanour has not been the most diplomatic and collected. This evening however, both he and the Central Bank Governor were in calm control, addressing a number of issues related to economic development.

Perhaps because of inadequate awareness and promotion of the live webcast of the event, Groundviews was the sole voice that posed a number of pointed comments and questions to the panellists. See the all our live updates plus our comments and questions here (as a PDF) or on the website of Reuters (which we do not know for how long will be online). An RSS feed of all the updates and our comments / questions can be accessed here.

It is unclear if they were posed to the panelists by Reuters, who may have preferred to avoid antagonising them with pertinent questions! Readers are invited to reflect on what was said by both panelists.

Our comments and questions follows, and most are in response to statements made by one of the panelists as reported on the Reuters website:

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