Comments on: Record-breaking rice cakes, but at what cost? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Mervyn Silva Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:34:31 +0000 Well said the citizen. There, the Sanjana, why are you not getting your terms in the right way? Now everything else you are saying is useless because you are getting the cake mixing up with the kiri bath!

By: citizen Tue, 23 Nov 2010 05:54:24 +0000 Sanjana>> sri lankans prepare ‘kiribath’ in special occasions. guess there is nothing wrong in it. wut is this ‘rice cake’ ma’am? 😉
i think ur terms/usage shows where u r standing.

By: The Mervyn Silva Tue, 23 Nov 2010 03:39:08 +0000 Dear the longus,

I am thanking you for your message. The president is very wise man. He is knowing how to separate the dog from the puppy and puppy from kitten.

Of course I will be performing standing up, but on the man lying down!

And I am always protecting the small man and the small woman but before protecting i am making them smaller. Then they are easy to protect.

And I am very humble person also. You can always be finding me at the feet of the president.

By: longus Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:53:55 +0000 Dear The Mervyn Silva

First of all I am thanking you for being taking your valuable times to write here. Now you are got promoted to a full minister of ‘Pubic Relations’ and something are you going to tell us the pubic duties you are hopping to perform? Are you going to be willing to be perform standing up to the person or lying down humbly like a real pubic servant? Are you hopping to be the protector of the small man and small woman? Why is the King always defending you like a puppy? That man said you go mad before God(s) punish you, but that man don’y no that you are a brave-heart person who don’t scared of the gods of their goons!

By: The Mervyn Silva Mon, 22 Nov 2010 02:23:21 +0000 The conscience said,

“Those whom the Gods want to destroy they first drive mad.”

Bad news for the Chef Thillak ????

By: yapa Sun, 21 Nov 2010 20:04:31 +0000 In my view making kiribath in a special occasion cannot be considered as unworthy. Further, I don’t think it was a waste, as it was fully consumed by the general public of this country. If it was thrown away, definitely it could have been considered as waste. Really all the ingredients used for the kiribath had been in the market for consumption as food, and they were consumed and duly used for the purpose. If this should be considered as a waste, I think there is no reason why all “Danselas” given during the Vesak and Poson seasons should not be considered as waste. Even alms- giving to Malwatta temple and Asgiriya temple will have to be considered as waste. Alms-giving at Kovils and churches in this case cannot be considered as exceptions.

I have no idea about how the kiribath was funded, with public fund or not. If public fund is inappropriately spent for the occasion, it is a separate matter, otherwise I don’t see any wrong of it, when the particular incident is taken separately.

On the other hand I don’t think it as a massive expenditure in regard to government expenditure. Expenditures of this scale are done even by small scale business units of this country, keep aside a government. Further, considering the explicit and implicit objectives of the event, my assessment is it is worthy of the purposes and going in consistent with the declared vision of the government, though I have no idea whether the vision is genuine or not.

The government declares that it aims country to become the “Miracle of Asia”. To achieve this seemingly high up goal, the country as a whole must have very high soaring vigour. The country and its people must have a high national pride. We must have national symbols to show to the world that we have reasons to be proud. Our cricket team showed this to the world with a massive expense. We spent much on our boxing players in international tournaments no other than this purpose. We sent Susanthika to train her in the USA. India is spending billions on space exploration projects while millions of their people are starving, and without having even the basic education facilities. I don’t think the vision, objectives, policies and strategies of a government should be simplified to a “simple equation”.

Rajapaksha may be wrong in all his vision, but what I have to say is making kirbath is not a waste and it is in consistent with his vision for the country. Uplifting National Pride is a first and foremost condition in any massive development plan of a country, that had/has a long backward mentality due to various negative attributes. If you have the right mentality, in my view half the game is won. Without it you will never achieve any.


By: Conscience Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:55:23 +0000 What an obnoxious display to satiate egocentric power at the people’s monetary cost, for sure. That is what dictatorships are made of. Those whom the Gods want to destroy they first drive mad.

By: The Mervyn Silva Sat, 20 Nov 2010 23:40:03 +0000 The Kshama,

Don’t be worrying the Chef the Thilak. He is only trying to break record. And he is not telling what is the whole record which is to be making big cake when there is big starving in the country. He is too modest-like to be telling the whole story.

The Sanjana, I am happy you are giving the figures about the UN feding the peoples. I am telling president this is very good but not enough. We must be getting UN to be feeding all the peoples in the country all the times so that we can have all the foods for making bigger cake and having bigger party. All the times.

By: Kshama Sat, 20 Nov 2010 15:03:51 +0000 Chef Tilak, the grand aim of your group would have been better served and well appreciated if the kiribath was made to feed those disadvantaged and maligned in society, not to prop up a meglamoniac and his lackeys.

This is wasteful! The issues of the IDP’s and all others who strive hard to earn a decent wage should be the main focus for all of us.

At least you made a pongal shoru instead of a kiribath.

Sanjana, thanks for the breakdown.

By: Mawatha Siva Sat, 20 Nov 2010 07:48:13 +0000 AyyoBowan, Our Dictator and King Mahinda has arrived

Spending counterfeit incentive
Wasting precious time and health
Placing value on the worthless
Disregarding priceless wealth
You can wheel and deal the best of them
And steal it from the rest of them
You know the score, their ethics are a bore

Eighty-six proof anesthetic crutches prop you to the top
Where the smiles are all synthetic
And the ulcers never stop
When they take that final inventory,
Yours will be the same sad story everywhere
No one will really care, no one more lonely than
This rich important man, lets have your autograph
Endorse your epitaph
