Comments on: These Sri Lankan whores! Serve them right! Journalism for Citizens Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Mervyn Silva Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:31:18 +0000 Oh my God in the heaven what is happening to the country?!!!

What do yu think the Santa Caluse is going to say when he is coming to the Sri Lanka side this year? Whore! Whore!! Whore!!!???

By: Milinda Rajapaksha Fri, 19 Nov 2010 15:12:34 +0000 Good article. Sexuality Education, Porn websites, Love parks and Virginity became the most popular topic among news papers, magazines and many blogs in Sri Lanka during the last and this week. Almost all the Sinhala and English news papers have covered at least a single article pro or against sexuality education during that time. But unfortunately many of them talked about only morals and values instead of real figures and data about what we are facing today.

Many of us personally shared those articles among our networks and posted and created discussions in Facebook. Actually some people see this discussion as an isolated issue while some people reviewed political agenda behind the whole case. Other than individual comments made by few Civil society activists none of the Civil organizations made a statement or talked to press regarding above issue.

End of the day many of our organizations (working on Sexual and Reproductive health) have to be politically correct (for authorities). So we have to be silent in front of the politically incorrect (for people) agendas.

By: Sohan Fernando Fri, 19 Nov 2010 13:11:37 +0000 Tom Dick and Harry said:
“Didn’t a religious leader , some 2000 years ago say, ” Who ever person who hasn’t sinned can cast the first stone'”

But I think you may have missed out part of the whole context. I.e., Jesus ALSO told that woman to “go and sin no more“; those words make it clear that Jesus DID consider the woman’s actions to have been sinful; the reason He forgave her was because she had turned away from her sinful ways (for whatever reason).

So let’s not make the mistake (and hopefully that’s not what T D and H meant) of “conveniently” taking Jesus’s words to be an “OK” to the sin.

I agree with T D and H that Jesus WAS reprimanding other people for taking a “holier than thou” attitude against the sinner. So I agree: calling her a wh*re and treating her as scum, is not what they — or today we — are called to do. But if one is accepting the authority of His Bible’s teachings to support THIS point, then I think it’s fair enough that one should also accept its overall teachings about sexual morality. Such teachings are, among other things, firmly against extra marital sex and firmly places sex as part and parcel of — and only of — a married man and woman. And since porn aims at causing titillation by what OTHER people are “doing”, porn is most certainly contrary to Biblical morality.

(And yes I’m aware that my phrasing in the sentence before the last, opens up yet another can of worms, off topic! Nevertheless, like it or not, that’s the Biblical teaching on that matter.)

By: Avanka Fri, 19 Nov 2010 05:59:31 +0000 yar no! who needs whores when Sri Lankans have children( and child monks ( to be happy with. yes, down with women whores as they may actually enjoy it and thats very wrong, no

By: Tom Dick and Harry Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:46:04 +0000 I think the message should be ” practice safe sex ” and if possible have condoms available freely for use by all and sundry . This will result in not having unnecessary pregnancies as well as people not catching deseases such as Aids and other VD’s , because no amount of preaching or draconian laws are going to stop people from indulging in sex . It is a natural act . simple as that . so let’s be pragmatic and move forward . By the way Didn’t a religious leader , some 2000 years ago say, ” Who ever person who hasn’t sinned can cast the first stone’ when an angry mob brought before him a whore (sorry to use this term, but in context only) to be stoned to death ?

By: Janaka Gunarathne Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:13:03 +0000 It is a shame that we have picked up the Victorian chastity as a Buddhist norm and venerating it superficially , while monks and priests rapes children in worshipping places. Fathers rape daughters. Still we cannot openly discuss sex. How pathetic and narrow minded are we?
Sex is a human right as long as they do it without hurting and consented.

What is wrong with that? where are our doctors who should provide scientific opinions? America used to be like this sometime back until doctor Kinsy brought up the topic.
Look at thailand, It is a buddhist country yet very sexually acctive? Porn is good, sex is good. Leve people who enjoy them alone. Only thing this is going to bring out is bunch of suicides, Bad publicity to country. We are getting worse than a Muslim country.

By: PresiDunce Bean Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:26:34 +0000 Hans Billimoria

You say, “What is our country coming to?” “What has happened to our country?”

The 4 War Lord Millionaire Brothers and their family of 300+ have taken over the HOLE country…LOCK…STOCK…& BARREL!

By: Bimbisara Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:45:39 +0000 Hmm, Ancient ceylonese kings and henchmen practised polygamy. (anthahpura).Even ordinary Sinhalese brothers shared single wife under Binna system. Sigiri girls were too semi naked. Thanks to western colonies we have mongamous society. Society changes and cultural mixture inevitable with modern technology and ease of communication. Govt should have decent legislative mechanism to prevent youngsters exposing to these,but not retrospective charges what is happening now. It is pity that rich and influential people can enjoy everything in life but ordinary people have to obey the law.

By: sampath Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:07:26 +0000 At least the newspaper editors took a conscious decision to refrain from publishing the pictures. The only paper which published them was the Lakbima (Sinhala) paper – which ironically is run by gambling mogul MP Thilanga Sumapthipala. Kudos to the editors for standing up against the cops and courts !

By: Lal Thu, 18 Nov 2010 03:39:06 +0000 Those “whores” could be our daughters, mothers, sisters and/or even our wives. They are human beings! Have some respect for humanity. If you like sex enjoy it. If you don’t just ignore it. No one has the right to tell how to live one’s life. It is the national shame that a learnered (doubtful??) judge odered to publish identities of those alleged to have engaged in sexual activities. Sack the judge. No one has the right (leagal or otherwise) to defame another human being. Shame! Shame! Shame!!
