Comments on: Mid-term elections: Why Obama Lost the House? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:50:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sie.Kathieravealu Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:50:43 +0000 “The Tea Partiers would have Americans blame Obama and “big government” for all economic crises, not corporate America. They are less concerned about the increasing power of corporations over the government, or corporate control of Americans’ minds, lifestyles and freedoms. Corporatist mechanisms are far greater than the state, and, ironically, corporations are also the main beneficiaries of the government’s stimulus packages. The manufactured fear of big government diverts social dissent away from corporations at the same time it increases the share of governmental resources allocated to corporations.”

It is “the big government” – decision making at the center by ONE PERSON -the cause for most of the troubles. Decision making power must be decentralized or distributed among various groups of “peoples representatives”. elected at various levels and there should be collective leadership. Only then you have “democracy”

By: Andrew Thu, 18 Nov 2010 03:04:15 +0000 It looks like Obama has recognized that a significant social force is needed to keep his government in power thus the call for youngsters to register to vote and the use of the ‘tell a friend’ techniques. For a long time it has been habitual for Americans to be hopeful that things always work out well, the only formula is hard work, living the moment and taking necessary risks. These have worked for the first century of America’s existence but as the World evolves and things become congested, the American dream precisely needs an upgrade.

Call it American Dream 2.0, this is already already under construction with the minds of the younger generation set on peace, environment, deviation from marriage, stronger self-power and realization that there is more out there than just America. This is not to say that there will be a more sensible America but there will be changes to the effect of realizing that change is necessary to survive. What my worry is is that there is no more of the original American dream but a proliferation of self-based philosophy. Marriage, relational conflict, selfishness all start within the hearts of Americans. America, please fix your heart, then your families, then your neighborhood, then your country. This can be done simultaneously. God bless you, god bless the United States of America.

By: Magerata Tue, 16 Nov 2010 08:05:00 +0000 Most of all everyone forgot what Bush started! I did not mean the war!. America Always comes back!
