Comments on: Recommendations for ICT and Research Supported Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the LLRC Journalism for Citizens Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:25:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: punitham Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:25:28 +0000 “Integration and Reconciliation Fund” should be set up (and run as suggested) asap.

Wii Friday Forum seek the help of foreign missions to persuade the President or something like that?

By: punitham Wed, 13 Oct 2010 05:52:00 +0000 This is how the Peace Secretariat should have worked. But it worked like a War Secretariat.

By: punitham Wed, 29 Sep 2010 12:55:26 +0000 sapper
On this website some Sinhalese who went down A9 up to Jaffna gave the world some info.
People using the internet have seen what and how some in the Vanni told LLRC.

By: Gnanendramohan Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:18:34 +0000 LLRC is fake and everyone in Sri Lanka knows it

Most Sri Lankans have got used to the fact that if you don’t support those in power then you won’t get anything from the government and that this is normal.

Three or four days ago a Puttalam UPFA MP and a bunch of goons beat up a Dankutowa traffic policeman because he had given a ticket to the MP’s son for riding a motor cycle without a helmet.

The really sad thing was that all the comments on the newspaper report on the web considered this quite normal.

The police have just restarted their policy of shooting dead those they considered to be criminals claiming they tried to throw a hand grenade at them whilst being taken to search for arms (three murdered in the last fortnight).

It scarcely rates a mention in the local newspapers and is generally accepted by the population.

The same policy was carried out last year with the open support of the government and head of the police force, and was only put to an end when the OIC of a local police station took it to its logical conclusion and murdered a couple of lads who had insulted his girlfriend.

And the whitewashing of Mervyn Silva, who abused his position as deputy minister to tie a government worker to a tree for not turning up to a Mervyn photo-opportunity he had no right to ask her to attend in working hours anyway, has made it clear that anything the government wants goes.

Now much of this has been happening for the last thirty years, but at least the people could throw the government out and vote in the other side, so there was some kind of imperfect control.

With effective one party government, journalists afraid to criticize, government servants afraid to whistleblow, and the government prepared to prosecute the opposition on all kinds of trumped up charges (the police are charging the printer of a set of opposition posters criticizing the 18th amendment on the grounds that they would have annoyed government supporters and thus caused public unrest), as well as the withdrawal of security from those who criticize the government, it is becoming clear that we are heading for a Mexican system without even the cosmetic change at the top the one term limit forces on the ruling party.

By: justitia Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:37:47 +0000 It is reported that those who gave evidence in the north before the commission were photogaphed/videoed by state intelligence personnel.
This is plainly an act of intimidation.
The Commissioners should explain why this was allowed but journalists from the BBC were not allowed to record the proceedings.

By: sapper Tue, 28 Sep 2010 07:03:26 +0000 ha ha am happy to realize that GOVT has provided resettled ppl of north/east with internet connections and PCs!
else who are there to go on internet and tell LLRC actual situation 😉

By: punitham Mon, 27 Sep 2010 15:09:50 +0000 Thank youuuuuuuuuu, Chandra.
