Comments on: Reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Breaking the Myth and Bringing the Truth Journalism for Citizens Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:42:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ponniah Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:42:30 +0000 this article is rubbish one like the others as ignorance of the history of the island. In any solution, starting point must be that

1. Tamils is not minority but a nation that has been occupied by sinhalese
2. Errors have been made by UK Government when the island got indeopendance
3. Cheating and misrepresentation have been made to Tamil Leaders by DS Senanayake, then PM when Tamil members of Parlaiment signed the Soulbury Constitution.
4. Tamils home land was colonised by the Sinhalese Goverment with Sinhalese population.

Without these, no solution is possible but another war in future possible

By: Foreigner Sat, 02 Oct 2010 03:53:43 +0000 Hi. I think there are few alternatives when it comes to making peace with our neighbors, but a process of truth and reconciliation is one option. Letting resentments and hurts fester over the years to explode one day is the lesson of the Balkans; it is the lesson of the Hutus and Tutsi’s in Africa.

Having said that, a blanket forgiveness will not allow injustices to be redressed as far as the victims of atrocities are concerned. They will feel personally cheated. So, there has to be punishment as well. We cannot send the message that murder and mayhem are alright in the end because the perpetrators will be forgiven. So, it would seem a thorough investigation of accusations is in order first, then punitive action, then reconciliation.

By: PresiDunce Bean Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:29:21 +0000 Somebody once said, “there is no victory until you subjugate the minds of the enemy?”
Until Rajapaksa subjugates all his enemies, there will not be peace or reconciliation in the island of Jilmart!

By: sinhala_voice Wed, 29 Sep 2010 06:21:48 +0000 Rajapakse is in power because other people in other political parties did not assess the threat posed by the LTTE Tamil Separatism within Sri Lanka.

Mahinda correctly analyzed the situation appointed capable people to confront the LTTE and secured the state of Sri Lanka.


UNPs lack of intelligence caused the 1983 ethnic riots….THis elivated the LTTE position in the world. Rather than seeing exactly for what they are:= Armed militia using violence for politics.

Even after September 11 2001 was there a concerted effort by the GOSL to confront and disarm LTTE and related elements ? ANSWER:= NO;

That is WHY we have Mahinda Rajapakse.

By: TT Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:26:03 +0000 Ordinary Lankan,

Different sections of the society think differently. Some sections are very happy with their current set of ‘heroes’. As long as their ‘heroes’ continue to champion their interests, they will go after them. It is their choice. They outnumber the others.

This, is the truth we must face.

By: Chandra Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:05:18 +0000 Rajapkse is dishonest and greedy for power.
He promised to the voters that he will abolish the executive presidency, twice in his election campaigns. But after he won,
he bribed corrupt MPs in the opposition with perks to cross over
and passed Amendment No.18 to the constitution, thereby he ensured continuity as an absolute dictator.

By: ordinary lankan Sun, 26 Sep 2010 11:06:29 +0000 So the heart of the issue is taking responsibility for ourselves. Poeple have got used to looking up to all kinds of heroes to deliver but it has not worked. no one has delivered. Please face this truth.

We have to take the responsibility – we have to change ourselves. How much longer and how many other disappointments do we need to realize this?

By: ordinary lankan Sun, 26 Sep 2010 11:03:36 +0000 “Only a genuine attempt for reconciliation with an independent investigation of
rights abuses, impunity to the abusers and war crimes committed by both parties
will lead to justice to the victims and resolution of the ethnic problem.”

I have some questions about this formula. The international community has already let the Tamil community down with its moral impotence – first against the LTTE and now against the Rajapakse regime. They have failed miserably and in fact critics have pointed out that they mishandled the last phase of the war by not exerting enough pressure on the LTTE and exerting too much pressure on the Govt and forcing a quick closure to the war. That is a side issue.

By: Srivan Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:20:53 +0000 At UNGA, the Rajapaksa’s sympathy with the Palestinians does not seem to gravitate towards his own ethnic minority, the Tamils. The hippocracy of the President is revealed now to all the world as he addressed the UNGA, not seeking atonement for the thousands of civilians killed in the name of Sovereignty and Sinhala hegemony.

But then, how could he tell the UNGA that he has no explanation why his government even after finishing the war continues to impose Emergency Regulations, continues to ban foreign and independent media from covering the LLTC, continues to move from demcocracy towards as steady and sharp decline towards oligarchy and nepotism.

How could he tell that he only seeks to entrench his position as an autocratic leader on the back of winning the war.

I wonder how the UN panel’s findings on the war would alter the course this govt. has taken post-war; ie the 18A which would take away every democratic right the Soulbury Constitution bestowed on the people of Sri Lanka and which successive governments since independence chipped away to appease the Sinhala majority.

Rajapaksa would be looking over his shulders for many years to come; that is if he survives.

By: Ratna Sat, 25 Sep 2010 13:37:29 +0000 All these lessons learned commission’s work is to fool the locals and the international community. If the government is so keen on bringing peace to the island, only thing they have to do is to allow Freedom of Press and Freedom of Speech.The general public is capable to decide whether the government is right or wrong. 
