Comments on: Translation of Tamil newspaper reports on the Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Commission hearings held in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu Journalism for Citizens Fri, 01 Oct 2010 12:09:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr C P Thiagarajah Fri, 01 Oct 2010 12:09:40 +0000 Only those victims who side the government will come forward to give evidence before this commission in order to get some benefit regarding those they lost. Real people who stood with their conviction of self rule for Tamils will not come forward to give evidence to this commission in spite of their assurance that there will not be any harm. For we know how Goyhabaya, Chandrasiri and Douglas operate their secret agents. They will be tortured. See what happened to the magistrate who inquired into the EPDP rep at Chavakachcheri.

The whole truth will only come out if foreign media is allowed to hear eyewitness evidence of the war and provide reports. See what Tamil Vani Gnanamalar divulged to the world. It is the truth.

Mahinda and crowd should not hoodwink the world because it will backfire. See what happened tp MR at the UN. No body wanted to listen to his badly pronounced speech.

By: nandasena Sat, 25 Sep 2010 00:49:40 +0000 Sie.Kathieravealu is comparing LTTE, a non State Actor to a “supposedly legally elected” government, which is supposed to safeguard every citizen in the country irrespective of the language spoken or religion practiced, rich or poor etc. etc.

According to him if there is a murder committed by a bunch of people from a community, the government is legally entititled to unleash terror on that community throughtout the country and it is perfectly legal to rob, burn, imprison, rape, kill anyone from the community for years and years!!!!

By: gb Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:50:39 +0000 Sie.Kathieravealu,
If you do some research you will be able to see ALL of the satellite images. But similar to what you posted, YOU MUST NOT BE SELECTIVE IN YOUR RESEARCH! You have missed the point of my post. Many in the Tamil diaspora/LTTE supporters have conveniently overlooked the actions of the same. If you read Tamilnet or seen documents from various diaspora organizations, you find that they have been EXTREMELY selective in their research. All must accept responsibility for actions done. THIS INCLUDES THE DIASPORA. When words of genocide and war crimes are thrown out, the diaspora should realize that all of those who supported the LTTE in anyway are as guilty of genocide and war crimes as any others might be. Be careful where you throw stones!    

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:14:09 +0000 “Also, before anyone starts mentions dates of riots, please think of what the Tamils/LTTE did that started those riots. Why was the LTTE in the No Fire Zones? That was for civilians. Why did the LTTE have artillary weapons in the No Fire Zone? I have seen satellite images proving they did.”

Mr/Ms. gb: Can you please make available ALL the stat lite photos taken during the WAR to the LLRC for their use and also make them public for everyone to know the truth. Not selective photos only.

By: Leon Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:54:09 +0000 Thanks Sanjana for letting the Tamils outside the Vanni to know the pathetic situation of the Tamils

By: Conscience Thu, 23 Sep 2010 21:56:21 +0000 SrI Lanka neither learns nor gives up on mass murder to prop up indecent and vile governmnets. If it had none of what has happened in teh past 25 years would have happened. Besides the credibility of this Commission is zero, also because it is a creature of the President.(who was along with his brothers) the cause of the end of war crimes, not to forget along with the LTTE. All partners in crime against innocent citizens. And what kind of Alliance is it that both parties which are at the bottom of these internal wars in the like the SLFP, the JVP, the ex-Tamil rebels like Douglas, Karuna,and even KP are all buddies in ruling (or ruining?) the country. There are no signs that justice will return and for so long have the good cititizens to continue to suffer in silence. Sad thought.

By: magerata Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:56:40 +0000 Thank you for the effort to provide these information, otherwise I had no way of getting or knowing. Even if I do, now I have something to compare with.
Knowledge wins,

By: gb Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:20:32 +0000 It is time that the Tamils stand up and admit to the atrocities commited by the LTTE but none will. Does anyone remember that the LTTE committed genocide by evicting ALL non-Tamils from their controlled areas? Please look up the definition of the word genocide. The land that was owned by non-Tamils before the LTTE is still thier land. “people cannot live on or claim rights over land distributed either by the LTTE or affiliated organisations as the LTTE did not possess the authority to distribute land.” Also, before anyone starts mentions dates of riots, please think of what the Tamils/LTTE did that started those riots. Why was the LTTE in the No Fire Zones? That was for civilians. Why did the LTTE have artillary weapons in the No Fire Zone? I have seen satelite images proving they did.

By: Panchakulasingam Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:36:31 +0000 Why the compensation not paid to uprooted families in Batticaloa district ?

Sri Lanka government has failed to pay compensation to the families uprooted from their homes in Batticaloa district due to Sri Lanka Army (SLA) 2006 offensives on places like Paduvaankarai who are still languishing in the interim camps in Batticaloa town.

Though this matter had been brought to the notice of Sri Lanka Deputy Minister of Rehabilitation aka Karuna on several occasions no action has been taken by the minister.

By: Sarwan Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:29:38 +0000 Sinhalese are blind to the lies told by the government. They are frogs swimming in a well of untruth believing it one hundred percent.

Unless this blindness is removed and truth is made to stand, there can be no reconciliation.

It is therefore important for an impartial external inquiry, if meanigful reconciliation is desired.

Surely, the blind cannot lead the blind!!
