Comments on: Photos of candle-light vigil against 18th Amendment (Updated with video) Journalism for Citizens Thu, 30 Aug 2012 05:16:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: walter Thu, 30 Aug 2012 05:16:42 +0000 The 18th. amendment will never get shot down, Why?
The whistle blowers of any Country are generally the Media and the Journalist’s.
At the time of Independence we had educated and respectable and respected journalist’s of International standards.
Sadly the Media and the Editors and journalist’s who feed information to the Public have slid precipitously low.
In the good old days “newspapers” were started for National reasons.
This fundamental has deteriorated, and has been replaced by mainly monetary and economic reasoning.
A known journalist in this column was paid handsomely by the Government to prop up its propaganda work when he was writing for Lake House.
Receiving benefits and money is one thing but selling principles is another thing. Now he is editing another blog.
The moment I saw his name I got the urge to respond.
This corrupt culture has got into the blood stream of this Country, the Government is offering land and other perks to journalist’s, Why?
Because the Government wants to dodge its responsibilities.
The Coolies, the Clerks, 3 W drivers and so many categories of workers also deserve land and perks, they also work and contribute towards the economy of the Country, Why is the GOSL picking artistes and Journalist’s?.
With the expanding population with lesser jobs, men and women are scrambling for some sort of opening, journalism is one.
The era when it was considered a cultured and noble profession has diminished.
However, luckily, Sri Lanka has still a handful of journalist’s who are impeccable in their writing and convictions, you can see that these Journalist’s are fearless in their language whenever the need arises. Upul Joseph Fernando, Tissaranee Gunasekara, Kushali Pinto Jayawardena, Fredrica Janz are among those I respect.
There are the ones who write trash propping up a corrupt Government and it is very obvious what their motives are.
May be that these redundant writers, I am reluctant to call them journalist’s are also looking for survival, if that is the case they should be selling manioc in the Manning Market.
Since the take over of Lake House, journalism has suffered a stroke, and now paralyzed.
The products of this paralysis are now writing for Lake House and another new paper.

By: Malinda Seneviratne Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:17:55 +0000 Realist: you clearly don’t read any newspapers. I’ve written about this issue in 3 Sunday papers and spoke to various aspect in 5 consecutive articles for the Daily News (yes!).

As for the 17th, I never said it was path to salvation; i always stated that it was flawed, but maintained it is a good enough starting point towards democratization.


By: Realist Wed, 08 Sep 2010 18:50:19 +0000 Strange to see nothing but silence from folks like Malinda S. who thought that the 17th amendment is the path to salvation. Now that that has been shot down in flames (not a bad thing), why are they so quiet?

By: Sonal Wed, 08 Sep 2010 15:28:52 +0000 I counted 38 candles there… Is that all the people you guys could rally?
