Comments on: Resisting the Loss of Citizenship in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:38:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lifes Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:38:12 +0000 Wonder what effect Zorro’s post will have on sathyadeva. My guess is that his stake in this government is too high to take part in any reasonable thinking. He will reply with the whole ‘don’t bend to the west’ line. What are the chances that he is genuinely convinced about mahinda and thinks that there is nothing wrong with the new amendment. How can it possibly be so black and white? There is no one here claiming that UNP is the solution. No one is saying the west is perfect or that people outside Colombo shouldn’t rule the country. When in the world did it become about that? Some of us cry about democracy and then get labelled as a traitorous western worshiping Colombo elite.
Sathyadeva no matter what you say, you still sound confused about a few things. It would be helpful if you can help me clear up a few things. Not to mention the last dozen questions you avoided…
Naomi Choksy is a strong critic of the mahinda government. He thinks that Tamils should be given their own state. So why in the world do you keep mentioning him?
Why do you keep saying Rupert Murdoch owns the US media? Do you how much influence the other top 5 media groups have? Or doesn’t it show on your Google.
You’re talking about minor candidates not being allowed in the debate… do you know that Mahinda refused to take part in a single live debate?
You say you saw UNP leaders kissing up to western politicians. Do you have any idea about the number of colon-kissing delegations our president sends every year? Do you know how many white foreign diplomats get entertained with our tax money?
Do you know that all of Mahindas sons and relations grew up in the ‘colombo 7’ lifestyle and mentality that you hate so much? It’s all politics.
Who said the UN is a fair institution? Who said we dream and worship a utopian democratic society that exists somewhere? Who said we don’t need strong leadership to rebuild our country? Can you even define the words ‘strong leadership’? What were the powers that Mahinda didn’t posses to rebuild the country? You’re telling that without the amendment he couldn’t have done what he wanted? We comment on the unnecessary and dangerous incidents happening and you label it as worshiping the west. I guess if we don’t appreciate the government then we are narrow minded kalu suddas. That’s the easiest way to brush off all the ridiculous things that are happening. And hey at first it’s just cheap government propaganda, but when you keep saying it you start believing it yourself. So keep playing the ‘colombo elite are jealous’ card…

By: sathyadeva Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:03:35 +0000 I agree with you that , this guy should learn from the West and outsmart them.
He is still crude, but he will get polished.
The poor in the west have less opportunities than in SL.
At least in the USA.
They can get food and become obese.
I still respect this guy and hope he will reach satiety , with regards to both money and power and then become mre benevolent.
In my opinion , We need strong leaders to make decisions and stay with those.
look , Iraqui war , you think americans could protest freely.

the police contain you in one play ground far away from civilization and ask you
to protest, if rupport want it covered, his media empire will cover it, if not nobody will know.

My friend , don’t ignore google, you can get any information through that portal, it is a great research tool, check the sites I suggested.

Srilankan style protest will never happen here.
You can get your banners pre approved and then displayed infront of the whitehouse, try burning any epigy here.
read about extrrdinary rendition- CIA out sourcing torture to middle east.
democracy is a nice word.
in this planet you don’t have it, not in china, not in the united kingdom( It is a kingdom).
it is all a mirage.
I agree that charaters like Mervyn Silva shold be sent asAn Ambassodor to Timbaktoo,or Russia.
Rome was not built in a day, he will get refined.
I see him to be more benevolent than even JRJ,
Dudley and anil are honest but they lack self esteem.
Thanks to all.
just my thoughts, just like all of you I love Srilanka, I “waste” a lot of time thinking about ” Apa janmabumi”- ou birth place.

By: lanorsonal Thu, 09 Sep 2010 15:50:34 +0000 Sonal sounds like the stereotypical extremist grump who got rejected by a girl and then labels all females as ‘sluts’. So sour haha. What happened to you man? Got rejected by your colleague from Colombo or got shouted at by a foreign boss? Haha. Get over it. You’re the one who is trying to create class differences and shout about it. Wasn’t the 30 years of Tamil war enough? If you’re looking for an apology from someone in the past then you won’t find it here…Try talk about some real issues here. You’re imagining some dramatic tale where the rich old evil man regret’s how he mistreated the poor and meets a miserable death. Your 18th would have never passed if it was a secret ballot. Why would it? Please don’t say “because we real patriots want a strong leader who can continue saving Sri Lanka”…

By: Zorro Thu, 09 Sep 2010 09:30:33 +0000 Satyadeva, it seems you are enjoying the privileges of the elite in our country and blaming the other inmates of your class for having the same incentives. Want to be alone over there among the privileged? You been to a prestigious US university even organizing meetings with these so called undemocratic US morons and praising and throwing garbage over the other Sri Lankans who lick booting these US fellows, you read and like the thesis and theories of a MIT professor, find MIT is worthwhile to mention to show that you are a man of the world (but forgetting that lots of political crab like neo-liberalism, banning of communism and American hegemony also coming from US ideologists). I agree you are an intellectual and I even respect your achievements and you still supporting MR, because he is fighting for the well being and rights of an ordinary man in SL. That’s what you are trying to say. Remember this whole matter is not about me or you, this is about our country and about the ordinary citizens of SL and the likes and dislikes of every single person in SL. The rights of every citizen of the country, independent of race and religion, as far as these prevail and no discrimination of minorities and political opponents is in place I salute him and his govt; but the past few months does not look like that. Yesterday “arresting the wife and in-lows of a (UNP) poster printer is not what we are expecting from a democrat or not publishing any reports of any commissions he himself appoints, or installing his family members and known thugs to the cabinet (Mervyn, Karuna) at vital positions and abusing the state resources for the election campaign and horse trading in the parliament for the majority at the cost of tax payers may be not abuse of power in your world bu i see it differently. I hope for you that he will change his methods for your advantage and not order to kill all the literates like Pol Pot did in Kampuchea or the Red Army in Poland, then better get out of SL and go to US, UK or somewhere.
For your information I don’t belong to the “Kalu Suthas” and english educated elite, and not even from Colombo, and not from rich and influential family who know some politician or can pay bribes, I am not even a Sinhalese. And I do not see the world in a digital manner “either good or bad and nothing in-between” and I do not claim to be an intellectual and moreover I do not depend on the information I read in Google and WIKI to understand the world. I hope that I have helped you not to be prejudicial about people who have a different stance than yours and I do have. And stop still blaming the colonial powers for the misery we have in our country even after 60 years of independence, and start working towards to improve the country. And please remember it is not about you and me, who have little to loose but about the 17 million Sri Lankans. And most of them are poor fighting every day for their survival.

By: SATHYADEVA Thu, 09 Sep 2010 01:29:01 +0000 Zorro. The utopian democracy you talk about is not found anywhere.
The West is self absorbed. Very racist.
Rupport Mudoch controls the media.
IN the USA a third party candiadate Ralph Nader was not allowed in any Presidential debate.
The Dems and Republicans represent the same coparations.
This is a coparatocaracy.
If London has to pay repeartions to Ceylon – The profits from Ceylon is still available in the ledgers kept in the British treasury_. They will have to sell the queen to an American Museum to pay us off.
US and Mr.Blake has done everything they can to avoid Mahinda getting elected.
The Foreign relations council is an elite group of Americans who meet periodically and decide where the planet should move.
If you want to learn about all the above just google .

To start with google – ” Americas ruling class ” Check for videos.
Then google ” Bildeberg group”.
You the english educated in srilanka, those Colombo 7 types who we used to call “kalu suthas” are having a Fever about the current status.

We need a powerful executive President to charter though the situation We are in.
British boot lickers should move to England and live there as second class citizens.
I dislike the way UNP leader bow down to Americans When he comes here.
I was in a meeting at a prestigious university in the USA, We arranged , he started kissing up to these guys, We don’t want such leaders.
Chandrika and her mother sent Srilankan women as domestic servants .
Zorro, Enlighten your self.
Strat reading Noam Chomsky. He is aProfessor of linguistics at MIT , and a true philanthropist.

Do above home work and then we will talk.
Don’t live in the illusion people respect impotent boot lickers.
This guy has done a lot right, He is crude yes, We should help him get refined, He is learning the game, marvelously well.
Don’t talk about simple stuff like diplomacy, and stop living the illusion that UN is a fair institiutions, and the west is benevolent.
Thank you brother/ sister( I don’t know your gender- Zoro in spanish means a cunning person- can be female or male. _ ) . I don’t intend to insult anybody.
But don’t claim that We are talking garbage.
We have lived such illusions and have matured. We invite you to do the same.
Be proud of who you are. You cannot white wash yourselves.

By: lanos Wed, 08 Sep 2010 16:04:49 +0000 Haha… you make up this group of Colombo elites and then define it yourself. So I’m from a simple background and live in the gampaha district and still loath the government then I don’t belong to this elite crowd do I? Phew you had me worried for a second. I would hate to be tagged and grouped. What about mahinda’s sons who grew up in Colombo among the most exclusive circles and the privileged western lifestyles? I hope they and their friends don’t belong to it either. And what I my parents knew mahinda from way back then and are still good friends; but I still think this is the worst thing that can happen to our pathetic country? Am I still an elitist traitor? And oh what If my skins darker than yours and my genes hail from a village way more remote than our Excellency’s? Then it’s fine of me to cry about the amendment all I want right? What a relief…
This fool sonal thinks that only a pocketful of crowds who hangout in cigar rooms are against the government. No simple soldier, teacher, labourer or farmer would EVER vote against our president. Only us few leftover UNPers who are hoping for the rich old days would vote otherwise right? No hardworking, honest, rural patriot would even THINK of voting against our president right? Pity that ‘Sonal’ won’t answer any of the questions that were previously asked of him. It would be very entertaining to hear the parrot talk of “you can cry all you want Colombo people” and “we need this strength to take our country forward”.

By: Sonal Wed, 08 Sep 2010 14:22:46 +0000 Wow. Just look at the people lanons2, lanos and zorro. It’s true – birds of a freather flock together. These the folks who have no identity and regard themselves as the elite with “brains” (while the rest of us simple minded folks just have no clue about anything at all). It’s quite amusing how lanos feigns ignorance about class divisions or the existence of the Colombo elite, groomed in very small (and exclusive) social circles, who are just totally clueless about the VAST majority of Sri Lankans. The people who just cant stand Mahinda because he is from outside this self-absorbed group of people. The sort who cling to the UNP like a wet rag because they feel it is the only party that will pamper and stroke their frail egos.

The 18th amendment was passed.

You lot will just have to get over it.

I know it’s difficult because you folks are STILL not over the fact that Mahinda won the presidential elections.

Your tears and whining have no effect whatsoever because the VAST majority of Sri Lankans simply do not care for you and your ways. Please accept that.

By: Lanons2 Wed, 08 Sep 2010 13:52:08 +0000 Zorro,
Stop replying to Sathedevas comments. He is obviously a part of the shameless government propaganda machine.
You’re a different class all together. I don’t know where to start.
What does Noam Chomsky got to do with this? He is anti war and specifically wanted Sri Lanka to have a diplomatic solution. He wanted us to have a federal state. I don’t see how he helps your chinthanya since he is both anti -mahinda and anti -war. And what’s your definition of a powerful leader? A government like ours that has no say and has zero clout and power among the international community? How can being stubborn and mindless portray you as a powerful leader? And you’re a true moron if you think this government didn’t make money because they won the war. Where in the world have you been living? Also if Rupert Murdoch doesn’t matter then why you were claiming he was an Australian who owned the free press in American? Do you just make up meaningless things to get attention? Why do pull out lies from your colon? Were you high when you made up all those baseless stories? I really doubt the state of your mental health. Wonder what you will conjure up next. Some statement about how polar bears are vegetarians and that reflects our need for an 18th amendment?

By: Zorro Wed, 08 Sep 2010 09:00:13 +0000 Satyadeva, you can even fall in love in MR. I don’t mind. But don’t come up with arguments like the west has no democracy too. Is it enough to argue this way to loose our freedom? Are you blind in your love to MR or aiming at a post reserved for the lap dogs? Don’t you see what is happening in our country for people who has a different stance than the Govt? Haven’t you realized how they won the last two elections? and what happened to people who dire to say about HR violations and better governance? you think thinks will get better if MR becomes the sole ruler of the country? What is the purpose for that? He wanted to help SL become a better place for its people? then the consolidation of power is not necessary to reach this goal. MR promised lots of things in his Chithanyas and later to make new promises. He ruined the profitable state businesses by rewarding the management to his stooges.He messed up with the west and UN to be applauded from people like you only later on to sent delegations to collect the money: This is what you expect from a democratic person? NO, may be from a despot YES. I am not sure may be in two years the people in the south might think the war on terrorism was over but the worst has broken up on them.
I don’t give a damn about the Brits being gentelmen or not may be you are kind of jealous that they still do better than we ever would then we can blame that on the west. SL got freedom because the cost of keeping SL without India would have been immense for the Britain that it would have been impossible to keep it alone. If you see that the Windsors are German descends then we are all Africans, Sinhalese, Tamils and everybody then the Govis and the Karavas are brothers. So some african despot can claim Sri Lanka for himself, isn’t it? Live in the reality.

By: sathyadeva Wed, 08 Sep 2010 04:24:46 +0000 Last word , You elite of Srilanka live in a dream world.
British are never were gentlemen. Anywhere you see a mess they created that. They still want to carry on their old policies.
They are not decent, bribery is rampant in British system.
It is the same game.
Why did Britain give independence to then ceylon, and India.
They had to protect their homeland from Hitler, They had to get rid of ahuge empire in aface saving way.
analyse it.
If Hitler didnot bomb London , They would have easily shot Ghadhi .
and kept the empire going.
You guys need to think and read more than, British Fairy tales.
They have lords, and Barrons there.

Wake up people, just your ability to utter a bit in english doesn’t make you or me a scholar.
We have a lot of young guys and gals with brains in Srilanka – they were deprived of English.

By the way, I denounce Holocaust and Hitler , but a by product of his bombing got us independence.

Help Mahinda , you have to do that. Engage in constructive criticism.
Peace and love to all.
