Comments on: Official transcript of LLRC oral submission by Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala (Updated) Journalism for Citizens Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:38:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: justitia Fri, 03 Sep 2010 20:34:46 +0000 Dear longus,
Tamils fought State Terrorism from early fifties, in order to survive.
What remedy did Dhanapala have for this when he ran SCOOP?
There was no mention of International Humanitarian Law then.
Now you and MR are maligning tamil women in addition.

By: Pandukabaya Fri, 03 Sep 2010 03:06:11 +0000 The problem is the fact that the stress in Amb. Dhanapala’s submission as well as in his responses before the Commission is not on the need to protect civilians but on the need to reform the laws of war. The Island should have reported also on his passing reference to civilian protections but chose not to so which is not surprising given the line that, this newspaper pursues. However there is also an ambiguity in Amb. Dhanapala’s comments. So accusing the media of selective reporting is not the whole truth. There is really no need for anyone to apologise.

The question is also why people persist in appearing before this Commission which is just a cover up while the Constitution is being thrown into the wastepaper basket. Are we expecting anything positive to come out of the Commission sittings?

And then we have people rushing to the Supreme Court as if expecting that the Court will do anything against these amendments. Among these people is a noted sycophant of Chandrika Kumaratunge who was among those in league with the former Chief Justice, to destroy the judiciary, details of which can be found in Victor Ivan’s book, “The Unfinished Struggle” which I read as a law student at that time. And these individuals are our defenders of democracy now??

No wonder ordinary people reject these games. No wonder civil society has so little moral standing in this country today.

By: longus Thu, 02 Sep 2010 22:17:57 +0000 eeureka

It is true to say that the Tamils are undergoing one of the darkest and the most pathetic periods of their history.As President Rajapakse said in his special address to the parliament on 18-05- 2010 mothers of Tamil daughters in the North had to ask their daughters to get pregnant by somebody in order to avoid forced conscription by the LTTE. The young children were taken away as child soldiers, the civilians were taken away to be used as human shields by the LTTE; which they did-as somebody suggested in a post they (the civilians)would have liked the idea!- ,the escaping civilians were shot and displayed without giving madical attention, then videod and sent to the international media as evidence of atrocities of the Sri Lankan Forces against the Tamils.

The Tamils have only themselves to blame for their plight ;for glorifying a Psychopath, expecting that he would bring victory over the Sinhalese and bring the lost legendary Dravidian Empire -Maha Tamilnadu- back, with “Thambi” being coronated as the “Emperor Sun God”! You lost, and my sympathies go to you, but please stop shouting now!

By: longus Thu, 02 Sep 2010 21:15:04 +0000 eeureka

True the Tamil society has been pushed to the darkest and the most pathetic era of its history. As President Rajapaksha told on 18-05-2010 in his special address in parliament, Tamil mothers were forced to make their daughters pregnant by outsiders in order to avoid forced conscription by the LTTE. Young children were taken away forcibly, civilians were taken with the terrorists to be used as a human shield;which they did, the escaping civilians were shot and displayed without medical treatment and videod and sent to the international media as evidence of Government atrocities against the Tamils.

You only have to blame yourselves for glorifying a megalomaniac and expecting that he would bring victory over the Sinhalese and bring the old legendary Dravidian Empire-Maha Tamilnadu- back into existence with “Thambi” being coronated as the Emperor Sun God!

By: Pandukabaya Thu, 02 Sep 2010 14:47:19 +0000 Now that the transcript for which Amb. Dhanapala was so eagerly waiting is out, we expect him to demand an official correction from the Island.

In its absence, there is little point in this e-circulation of transcripts and outraged comments by Amb. Dhanapala who should, in fact, be little outraged if he expected the island to report what he said correctly. The people who should, in fact, be outraged are those who believed that Amb. Dhanapala was among those few people having credibility in this country and who are still waiting for a formal demand from him to the Island that the relevant news report is corrected. Probably my father, who is a senior public servant and does not surf the net may then relax after being outraged at the initial news report.

While people are going before this Commission, expecting reconciliation and lessons to be learnt, the government merrily goes ahead with its hugely undemocratic constitutional reforms. Why are people like Amb. Dhanapala participating in this fraud? The only noticeable impact of the Commission’s sittings up to now has been to destroy the public credibility of witnesses like Amb. Dhanapala. It is quite striking that he commends the Commissioners. The Chair of this Commission was responsible, almost singlehandedly, while Attorney General, for destroying the legitimacy of the Udalagama Commisison. And yet, we commend these people?? Shame on you, Amb. Dhanapala!

By: Shamindra Ferdinando Thu, 02 Sep 2010 12:57:48 +0000 This is what former Peace Secretariat Chief Jayantha Dhanapala said in relation to the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) according to the official transcript of LLRC (Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission) posted on

… although there are more competent authorities in your Commission than I am to talk on the subject, I believe that we have learnt a great deal of lessons from the experience of combating one of the most ruthless terrorist groups in the country. The primary purpose of International Humanitarian Law is the protection of civilians, and we have been exposed to a terrorist group who have used child soldiers unconscionably; who have used civilians as human shields and who have used suicide bombers to cause mindless destruction of property and the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. How does a conventional Army of a nation state pursue a conflict with that kind of combatant? The rules of war as they exist today do not cater for that situation. We would be providing something innovative to the international community if we can discuss amongst our outstanding international lawyers here – and we have a galaxy of talent from Judge Weeramanthri to Dr. Rohan Perera (a member of the LLRC) to Dr. Lakshman Marasinghe and many others – who could all form a brains trust on behalf of the Government,
engage with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the guardian of the Geneva
Conventions, the 4 Treaties and the 3 Additional Protocols which today constitute International
Humanitarian Law in order to try to give some guidance to armies of nation states as to how they
should react to such a situation. We were very fortunate that in the end game of our conflict in May of 2009 we were able through the bravery of our own Army to save ourselves the possible holocaust of 300,000 civilians dying in the final stage. The earth bund behind which they were held as human shields was breached at great sacrifice by our Army and we were able therefore to minimize civilian losses. I do not think we have an accurate estimate as to what the civilian losses were in the crossfire but there were civilian losses. The tragedy would have been much greater if not for the bravery of our soldiers. But what if there was a tragedy greater than what happened. We would have been then denigrated in the eyes of the international community for no other reason but the fact that these civilians were being held as human shields. We have to I think engage first of all the ICRC and then the rest of the international community in order to perhaps convene a diplomatic conference to discuss the formulation of a new protocol with regard to combat with non state actors. This is a phenomenon that is taking place all over the world and I think the marshalling of international opinion on this issue will be one of the contributions that we can make in the codification of international humanitarian law.

Commenting on the the responsibility to protect concept, Ambassador Dhanapala said: “ …
Now I think it is important for us to expand that concept to bring in the culpability of those
members of the international community who have subscribed to the situation that has caused injury to the civilians of a nation. I talk about the way in which terrorist groups are given sanctuary; are harboured; are supplied with arms and training by some countries with regard to
neighbours or with regard to other countries. We know that in our case this has happened, and I
don’t want to name countries, but even countries who have allowed their financial procedures and systems to be abused in such a way that money can flow from their countries in order to buy the arms and ammunition that cause the deaths, the maiming and the destruction of property in Sri Lanka are to blame and there is therefore a responsibility to protect our civilians and the civilians of other nation states from that kind of behavior on the part of members of the international community, and I think this is something that will echo with many countries in the Non Aligned Movement where Sri Lanka has a very respected position and where I hope we will be able to raise this issue.

I am surprised missed this

Shamindra Ferdinando (News Editor The Island)

By: eeurekaa Thu, 02 Sep 2010 04:32:21 +0000 When the world has been progressing in unimagined ways by Science and Technology in the last sixty years, internal colonialism has been forcing Tamils to regress to extremely pathetic, subhuman conditions.

By: justitia Thu, 02 Sep 2010 00:14:12 +0000 Dhanapala does have doubts that “the rules of war as they exist today dont cater for that situation”, referring to “………….a terrorist group who have used child soldiers unconscionably, who have used civilians as human shields and suicide bombers…………………”
He also says “How does a conventional army of a nation pursue a conflict with that kind of combatant”.
He then says “We would be providing something innovative……………………..”
rather tan the rules of war as stated by International Humanitarian Law.
In so many words he does suggest a revision of IHL in consultation with other experts.
Shamindra Fernando, the Presidential Media Unit and Kalana Senaratne have interpreted/exposed his thoughts.
His opening comments eulogising the commissioners are irrelevant – such remarks are usual in such situations. Their decisions will also be influenced by their political affiliations. The president would have ensured that they are of the ‘right’ group.
All this is about to be overshadowed by the supreme court’s ruling on the proposed constitutional amendments which will decide the future of all citizens for many decades to come.

By: VG Wed, 01 Sep 2010 19:08:58 +0000 1. Summary of the Emergency: While the history of terrorism and terrorist acts goes back many centuries, the events of 11 September 2001, and the subsequent developments, have focused the attention of the contemporary world because of their deep impact on the structure and functioning of global society.
The World Federation of Scientists immediately reacted by beginning its consideration of the subject, first in its Annual Session in 2002, and then by establishing a Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism at its next Annual Session in August 2003.
Priorities in dealing with the Emergency: The Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism was established with the objective of identifying scientific and do-able solutions to contain and possibly eliminate the growing scourge and its impact.
The Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism brings together a large group of eminent scientists and scholars in regular session in Erice every May. Its consideration of the subject is divided into two sub-groups, the first entitled “Motivations” and the second “Mitigation”. While these two sub-groups view the problem from different angles, the two approaches are entirely complementary, as neither can succeed in resolving the problem alone.

2. Eminent Jurists Panel(convened by International Commission of Jurists) call for urgent steps to restore Human Rights in efforts to counter terrorism in Assessing Damage, Urging Action(February 2009), their Report on Post-9/11 ‘’War-on–Terror” Policies and consequences:

‘’This report catalogues, with deep concern, the extent to which the responses to the events of 11 September 2001 have changed the legal landscape in countries around the world. It documents how States have reacted to the threat posed by terrorism and concludes that as a result of the cumulative impact of counterterrorism policies that are being pursued, the international legal order based on respect for human rights, built up painstakingly during the second half of the last century, is in jeopardy. The report reflects this concern and the urgent need for action by governments to repair the damage that has been done.”

By: VG Wed, 01 Sep 2010 19:03:34 +0000 Sir, what is the cumulative effect of ”Each and every Government which held office from 1948 till the present bear culpability for the failure to achieve good governance” ?

Most barbaric state terrorism.
