Comments on: Internal Armed Conflicts, Humanitarian Laws and the Curious Transformation of Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala Journalism for Citizens Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:43:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: sapper Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:43:20 +0000 Kumaraya>>

hey how about Tamils, Christians, Muslims & so on living in the south? Don’t you consider to give them “mini” states from the south also??

By: Davidson Panabokke Mon, 30 Aug 2010 08:51:54 +0000 Groundviews
Dhanapala’s response shows that he is fighting with his conscience.

By: Groundviews Mon, 30 Aug 2010 06:36:22 +0000 Please read Jayantha Dhanapala responds to erroneous and selective media reports of his submission to LLRC,

By: PresiDunce Bean Mon, 30 Aug 2010 06:15:11 +0000 Right on ‘Kumaraya.’

Before the breakup of Yugoslavia, the Yougoslav’s used to say, “We have 6 republics, 5 ethnic groups, 4 languages, 3 religions, 2 alphabets and 1 Tito. In Sri Lanka it’s the other way around. In Sri Lanka we have 1 country (or so they say), 2 ethnic groups, 3 languages, 4 religions and over 300 plus Rajapaksas’.

It has been over 1 year since the end of the so called ‘Humanitarian Operation’, but very little has been done to re-settle the thousands of Tamils held in ‘Welfare Holiday Camps’, and absolutely nothing being done to devolve power and bring a permanent solution to the ethnic conflict in the country. No one in the country seems to care, and there is not a hum from the international community. If only the Tamils of Sri Lanka had been seals or better still, whales, the international community and the people of the west in particular would have come to their rescue a long time ago.

By: PresiDunce Bean Mon, 30 Aug 2010 05:35:53 +0000 It has been nearly 1 year since the end of the so called ‘Humanitarian Operation’, but very little has been done to re-settle the thousands of Tamils held in ‘Welfare Holiday Camps’, and absolutely nothing being done to devolve power and bring a permanent solution to the ethnic conflict in the country. No one in the country seems to care, and there is not a hum from the international community. If only the Tamils of Sri Lanka had been seals or better still, whales, the international community and the people of the west in particular would have come to their rescue a long time ago.

Before the breakup of Yugoslavia, the Yougoslav’s used to say, “We have 6 republics, 5 ethnic groups, 4 languages, 3 religions, 2 alphabets and 1 Tito. In Sri Lanka it’s the other way around. In Sri Lanka we have 1 country (or so they say), 2 ethnic groups, 3 languages, 4 religions and over 300 plus Rajapaksas’.

Long live the ‘Utopian Paradise of Rajapalistan!’

By: justitia Mon, 30 Aug 2010 00:34:14 +0000 Killings commenced long ago even when Dhanapala contested for the post of UNSG.
But only now he has attained enlightement that IHL is not applicable to these situations.

By: kumaraya Sun, 29 Aug 2010 15:25:35 +0000 Hey:
The mindset of all Sinhalese; whether a diplomat, clergy, laymen is same: They all think that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country and there is no place for Tamils, Christians, Muslims and so on. This is the main cause of all the problems in Sri Lanka. The only solution is to get the peoples opinion from the North & East where the Tamils, Christians live by a referrendum superised by the UN. This is the only solution to put an end the Sinhalese mindset. Two state solution is the only solution.

By: Davidson Panabokke Sun, 29 Aug 2010 14:55:22 +0000 Humanitarian help to the oppressed is not on the cards but many stories tell the buildings are erased to the ground:

Mannar – Tamil misery continues, 29 August 2010

”…. “Be careful and watch your mouth. The government security forces are vigilant and they do not like us talking to outsiders,” my hosts warned. ….
Civilian life is still a tragedy to many. There is nothing left on the ground for the people who return from the camps …. Many houses were razed to ground. …..
“The army and navy confiscated lands on the grounds of security”…..
The propagation of Buddhist shrines is evident throughout roads I followed to Jaffna. ….. ”

My trip to Jaffna: “That somewhere life was taking root again…”, 25 August 2010:

”….I saw the foundations of houses, just the foundations, every 15- 20 feet – sure signs of a flourishing village or simple township at least. None of it remained. …”

My uncle who has been going down A9 several times after the CFA was signed went down A9 in January 2010 after a few years.In Kilinochchi he found all buildings erased to the ground with rubble removed meticulously.

Vanni, northern Sri Lanka, where war has never ended, 1 June 2010:
”The area is still actually in the hands of the military, which allowed the return of the population but force them to live in absolute poverty. The military blocks any attempts to improve their lives, but does not stop abuse and violence. ..”

How many Buddha statues will bring peace to Sri Lanka?

Not certainly till UNSG candidates undertand UN principles.

By: wijayapala Sun, 29 Aug 2010 14:36:12 +0000 Talking about application of IHL to what happened up to 15 months ago after much worse has been happening in the last 15 months alone?????

Mango, what happened in the last 15 months that was much worse than before?

By: mango Sun, 29 Aug 2010 08:42:19 +0000 Stephen Hawking: Leave the planet or die, humans!

Tamils fleeing oppression in Sri Lanka are prevented by Sri Lanka Navy around Palk Strait, white vans between Northeast and Katunayake and vicious statements by Sri Lankan high Commissions to foreign governments to send them back to Sri Lanka:
” The appearance of neglect on the part of the Sri Lankan government arouses concern that its interest is more in putting more military bases in the North than in caring about the welfare of the people” – National Peace Council, 23 August 2010
