Comments on: Open letter to Editors of Daily Mirror and Daily Mirror Online on violation of media ethics and the reinvention of Sri Lanka’s geography Journalism for Citizens Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:13:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Edmonds Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:13:59 +0000 Correction: Aghe should read 12 – not 132 !!!

By: Paul Edmonds Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:13:01 +0000 Re Income Tax Changes

Reduction to 45p = Jam tomorrow,
Increase in personal allowance = Jam tomorrow,
Freezing/withdrawal of age related income = withdrawal of jam

As a pensioner brought up until age 132 in the days of food rationing seems I’ve been caught at both ends of the age spectrum


Pe Spalding

By: Electra Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:07:22 +0000

This is the print version of this story. It is horrendously written, and equally if not more harsh, judgmental and prejudiced in its views as its video counterpart. I posted a comment to this article online, however I am pretty sure it will not be published there as all comments are moderated before published.

This journalist Lakna Paranamana should really be taken up on the matter – clearly these are a bunch of ignorant, sheltered, naive little girls? Or so it seems.


By: cyberviews Sun, 15 Aug 2010 07:40:39 +0000 Thank you Subha for bringing these journalistic transgressions to the notice of the editors concerned. I think it will be useful if these views could also be displayed in the mainstream media as I cannot remember seeing them published as letters to the Editor. However I do not see these as journalistic lapses but as a reflection of the prejudiced, bigoted culture that is enveloping our society, the roots of which can be traced to the narrowed nationalistic,fundamentalist positions that sustained a war and is now legitimizing a post war consolidation of these forces.

By: magerata Wed, 11 Aug 2010 15:50:51 +0000 While I regard the first issue as trivial (to me), you have done great service by standing up for some part of our society that most think is dirty, with the second. While Sri Lanka might be a galaxy or two away from countries like The Netherlands regarding sex workers, this attack on the lowest rung of the pleasure industry in Sri Lanka, is truly sickening. Forget about journalistic ethics, the reporter(s) are deceiving this woman being interviewed and humiliating her in public.
I hope DM is “MAN” enough to apologize to the “woman” , for the injustice done. I do not have to wonder who is the real prostitute here, a reporter willing to sell other woman her misery, fits the bill very well. Or is her called a Madam?
