Comments on: A homophobic Editorial: Professional negligence or genuine belief? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 13 Aug 2012 12:32:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trinco Trev Mon, 13 Aug 2012 12:32:53 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

How does one promote homosexuality? Are there adverts asking people to give up their expensive wives and get a cheaper male one, just think less money on hair products! It just wouldn’t work.

You can’t persuade someone to change their sexuality. With enormous pressure you can get gay people to marry straight people of the opposite sex, it doesn’t make them straight, it just makes them and their spouse miserable.

History is there to be learned from, the third gender was a part of South Asian culture for a very long time before foreign missionaries changed attitudes. Same sex relationships are not a Western Invention, the earliest known gay couple were two ancient Egyptian Hair dressers who were buried together as a couple, long before white men walked on Adam’s Peak. They were given the respect they deserved as a loving couple. Sri Lanka does have a very ancient civilization, and ancient civilizations tend to be more tolerant of different ways of living.

Desire might be the basic for all human suffering, but it is not illegal to have marriage, sex or children, likewise it should not be against the law to have love and make it with an adult who also wants the same. Lets save the anger for people who have sex with children, that really causes real suffering, anxiety and a very messed up head for the rest of that person’s life. If society was more open you would be shocked at how many people there are that have suffered from abuse. Fifty years on I could dissolve in a puddle of tears thanks to my dirty uncle. By the way before that all started, long before that, I would shuffle around in my mother’s shoes and loved pretty sari fabrics. No one promoted or made me gay. It’s who I am.

By: Nicola Tue, 24 Aug 2010 11:00:31 +0000 “Though I am not homosexual in my sexual orientation, I do not believe in the pre-ordained sexuality proposed by the Daily Mirror editorial or the argument that homosexuality is somehow unnatural.”

Why did the author feel the need to come out of the closet about her own non-homosexual status?

By: grassrooted Thu, 05 Aug 2010 04:58:17 +0000 Thank you Nazeeya. We needed this objective response to a diatribe that however poorly written and devoid of reason still sadly resonates with the English speaking people of our country. The gay community in Sri Lanka is far from out and proud. Colombo may have a smattering of high profile individuals who suggest otherwise, but the truth is that gay men and women across Sri Lanka live in fear of discovery and ridicule. The Kinsey scale ( suggests that 3-4% of any population is gay. Do the math. Let’s even drop it to 1% for Sri Lanka… that’s still 200,000 people. Do homophobics and god botherer’s really believe this is the devil’s work? How long do we go on embracing a Victorian culture to our breast, stroke its head and call it our own? We need to evolve. Just as we evolved to accept the prudery of Mrs.Brown and decided the ‘native custom’ of two brothers marrying the same woman was not cricket after all…

By: Groundviews Thu, 05 Aug 2010 03:45:31 +0000 This appeared in the print edition as well.

By: Realist Wed, 04 Aug 2010 13:55:38 +0000 I saw this on the Daily Mirror online. However, as far as I know, the DM online and the DM newspaper function as two separate entities with different editors and editorials. At least, this is what I’ve come to believe after reading the two for a long time. But did this actually appear in the print edition as well?

By: Suresh Wed, 04 Aug 2010 09:40:05 +0000 A well written post. Having read the editorial myself, I was shocked that a reputed newspaper would permit such trash to be passed off as their editorial opinion! The editor obviously is someone who doesn’t put much stock in researching the material that he / she writes about.

Even a schoolboy could have come up with a better balanced and more informative essay just by Googling some facts before putting pen to paper!

Shame on you Daily Mirror for permitting such narrow minded and vindictive thoughts to be published as your official opinion.

P.S. It was even more shocking to see that the Daily Mirror also declined to publish even a single comment that was made on their site. Aren’t the newspapers supposed to be the guardians and champions of free speech in this country?

By: Dee Wed, 04 Aug 2010 05:51:21 +0000 I am not going to argue about the hypocrisy of the paper or the editorials apparent need to live in the stone age and pay no heed to the way the world turns, right here, right now. Its as baffling as a Mervyn Silva episode. But what I do want to say is that an editorial of a respected daily such as the Daily mirror needs to keep that respect going. It doesn’t matter if one is gay or straight to figure out how low the editor has gone with this. Its just a bunch of baseless allegations, paranoia, mis information, personal agenda’s, confusion all rolled into one! Not something I would have expected to see in my preferred newspaper. especially not in the editorial.

Please uncross those wires and stand by what is right. If u r confused seek saner council. Just dont make it any worse for any minority who have to deal with so much more injustice and discrimination just cuz u folk are loony or too lazy to separate fact from fiction!

By: Denver Wed, 04 Aug 2010 05:36:06 +0000 Commending the writer of this post. It is so true that especially in news media where articles published need to be factual as people who read them learn from it. So the publisher should be very careful what he/she releases as the newspaper’s opinion becomes the public’s opinion after a while. When someone is publishing an article about an issue that they are entirely unfamiliar with, they should get a professional opinion on it before forming their own. The editor is not justified here, and it is utterly irresponsible journalism, if journalism at all.

An editorial shows a newspaper’s policies – so what does this say for the Daily Mirror? This is more like a gossip column than an editorial article! Hopefully, the newspaper will take measures to correct their wrongs, instead of continuing their double standards and losing the trust of their readers.

By: Ziggy Wed, 04 Aug 2010 04:14:38 +0000 @ Anonymous – How exactly can anyone ‘promote’ homosexuality? It is not a disease, trend or even a so called ‘lifestyle’ for that matter, but merely a person’s sexual orientation. What is wrong with the editorial is that the editor is sharing an uneducated opinion as if it were facts set in stone.

By: longus Tue, 03 Aug 2010 17:40:22 +0000 I commend the writer of this article for her bravery. As a leading Newspaper DM doesn’t have a role in promoting hate against people based on their sexual identity.
