Comments on: Sivahamy’s Sorrow: Mission Accomplished! Journalism for Citizens Thu, 19 Aug 2010 01:13:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ila Thu, 19 Aug 2010 01:13:20 +0000 @Wijayapala:

You raise a very good point as to how Sivahamy would have reacted if the form had been in English. It is true that today, a lot more people, especially youngsters, are more comfortable conversing in English rather than in Tamil/English. I personally admit that even though Tamil is my maternal language, I would struggle to fill out an official form in Tamil because I have grown up studying in English medium. However, I am not one of those people shirking my identity, but it’s a situation that arose more out of circumstances. At the end of the day, language should not be a criterion for measuring one’s level of patriotism. Both Tamil and Sinhala should be made official languages, and using English as an official mode of communication will also not hurt, but benefit our populace. Turning a conscious back on our identity is what will hurt our nation.

Who exactly did Ms Sivahamy teach?

How about the thousands of young students who study in Tamil medium in Colombo, or maybe she taught in English. And as to why she lives in a province where most people don’t speak her language, she knows enough to comfortably get by, and she doesn’t require Sinhala in her job, and she can communicate with people regardless of their mother tongue. Non Sri Lankan nationals move to Sri Lanka and are perfectly capable of getting by in Sri Lanka, save a few jittery conversations. Insinuating that people should only move to places where they are fluent in the local language is a very good idea to divide an already divided country.

By: wije Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:32:31 +0000 Subramaniam,

I also have Mr Holmes’s book, which provides a rare glimpse into Jaffna on the eve of the civil war. My critique of his narrative is that he compares Jaffna society to the West which is wholly inappropriate. As a Sinhala I would have learned more if he highlighted the differences with the other communities who live in a similar context, rather than Westerners who have a totally different culture.

If Tamils do not read very much then it is similar to us Sinhalese as well!

By: Chandra Wed, 11 Aug 2010 08:47:08 +0000 @Subramanium
1. Do you think the level of reading is of higher standards in any other community you know? Do Sinhalese read more? Do the Americans or Canadians or Eskimos read more??
2. In Mahesan’s posts here there is a mixture of fairly harmless old jokes and personal anecdotes used to convey somewhat strong political messages. Why don’t you try and give some arguments against the points he makes (what he says about the Sinhala only project of Bandaranaike being so damaging, and so successful, in this article above for example), if you so disagree with him?
3. Show us something you have written which targets a wider audience than DJ the CE.

By: subramaniam Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:13:11 +0000 @Chandra

I am Tamil, I notice that the majority of people in my family and in my wider (Tamil) society do not read – and I am talking here about the supposedly ‘educated’ Tamil community (i.e. those with M.B.B.S’s, MEng’s and even LLB’s by their name).

“Robert Holmes in his book Jaffna (Sri Lanka) 1980, made a poignant observation about the reading habits of Eelam Tamils. “Only a very small minority find recreation in reading. One of the best informed of the residents of Jaffna, who reads omnivorously told me, ‘Most of the people in Jaffna have no academic interest. They do not read books. Even the wealthy man who has two cars will not have a library. If he is a doctor, he will have a few medical books; if a lawyer, some law books…Only the exceptional person possesses books’.”

My point about the arrogance of the author of these satirical ‘faction’ pieces (that delights such colombo extraordinaires as Dayan Jayatilleka) is based on his record of writings – if you are unable to decipher for yourself the thick, sludge-like arrogance and elitism embedded in these pieces, perhaps density is the issue?

By: Heike Winnig Fri, 06 Aug 2010 00:57:16 +0000 Splendid article. Thank you.

I may not have a clue what being Tamil is like, not in the past nor at present, but I can honestly agree with Sivahamy’s feelings. It isn’t difficult to understand the devastation of her heart and soul.

By: Chandra Tue, 03 Aug 2010 15:50:22 +0000 @Subramanium
You call the author arrogant, at the same time you say the Tamil ppl don’t read much! For whom is the title a better fit, I wonder?

By: justitia Mon, 02 Aug 2010 23:41:36 +0000 SWRDBandanayake implemented Sinhala Only merely to get the approval of the majority for his own political survival. He also converted to buddhism for the same purpose. He also adopted ‘vershdi and shawl’ as national dress.This dress was that of tamils.I have seen sinhala gentlemen with a konde and a curved comb on top, wearing a coat and sarong. This was the popular dress of persons of prestige.
SWRD did not do all this because he loved the sinhala language or buddhism. All his rhetoric was for political survival.
Tamils in the north and east, not only in the western province, are sent official letters in sinhala even now. Even tamil Members of Parliament receive official letters in sinhala, sometimes with an english translation.
All these people fare/feel the same as Sivahamy.

By: wijayapala Mon, 02 Aug 2010 23:08:29 +0000 Subramaniam, I did not understand how the author is arrogant. Could you pls explain.

By: subramaniam Mon, 02 Aug 2010 10:31:29 +0000 @SLFireball
when you point ahead, it is 3 fingers not 4 that are pointing back at the pointer. the thumb, which is not a finger, would have to be really rather flexible in order to be able manoeuvre backwards against its joint to point back at the pointer.

im not sure whether the author is suffering from a “mild inferiority complex” but he is certainly highly arrogant, as a perusal of his other stories show. the problem is that tamils do not read enough and certainly nothing in the fictive category, if they did (n.mahesan included), they would be far from impressed by the satirical ‘faction’ produced by our friend above.

amateur and pedantic. move on.

By: sapper Mon, 02 Aug 2010 09:59:30 +0000 “You don’t belong here, go back to Tamil Nadu”

when she go there, can she get a central govt form to fill in tamil?
