Comments on: Low intensity evil in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Tue, 03 Aug 2010 05:30:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Tony Tue, 03 Aug 2010 05:30:22 +0000 Peace constituency is NOT at all built:but low intensity evil is actively planned and practiced:
Displacing Northern Tamils to set up Sinhala military cantonments would increase resentment, 1 August 2010:
Last week the villagers of Ragamwela in Ampara, engaged in a protest demonstration, accusing the police of occupying their lands. Ragamwela is strategically located close to several tourist hotspots; at midnight, July 17, an armed gang descended on the village, assaulting inhabitants and burning houses. …
Ragamwela villagers are Sinhalese; they can protest against the injustice done to them, still, without being labelled ‘Tiger pawns’. But protests are an unaffordable luxury for the residents of three Tamil villages in Murukkundi, displaced from their homes when the state confiscated 4,000 acres in Kilinochchi to build 12,000 prefabricated houses for military families. …….

By: vino gamage Mon, 02 Aug 2010 02:23:22 +0000 Who can believe that D J was a country representative at the UN?

But then he was the representative of Mahinda Rajapakse.

By: Sivasri Sun, 01 Aug 2010 17:55:21 +0000 The Sinhalese created a monster in the name of Rajapakse to win the war.

Then once again in the last election, they fed the monster with all their votes to keep it in power

Do Sri Lankans think that now they are done with the monster, they could easily get rid of it?

The monster is there to stay and it’s stronger than ever!!!

This monster is holding All the power in Sri Lanka and is more dangerous than anyone.

He is enjoying unchallenged power to finish off anyone who he is suspicious of.

This monster interns or finishes off suspects without any witness to how they are tortured or disposed.

So in the retrospect let us see in real terms what this monster has achieved since the so called peace dawned on this country.

1. A defense budget allocation that surpassed all wartime defense budgets.
2. Loss of GSP plus resulting in daily closure of garment factories.
3. Escalation in prices of Bread/Gas/and most essentials.
4. Appointment of UN panel to probe rights abuses.
5. Demolition of legal/illegal structures of people occupying them for decades.
6. Budget allocation to family held ministries totaling 70% 0f budget.
7. Further suppression of media and journalists.
8. Targeted registration of Tamils thus discriminating minorities.
9. Embracing friends like China, Myanmar, Iran, Russia.(Birds of feather…….)
10. Slowly killing the population with increasing COL and repression.

Keep up the good work.

By: Pillai Sun, 01 Aug 2010 11:09:56 +0000 Another Low intensity evil in Sri Lanka !! 🙁

I think, that this Tamil only registration in Sri Lanka is an ethnic profiling !!

Why are they registered twice in 3 years ?


An elderly Tamil man who born and brought up in Colombo and he has no other place to call his own and has lived all his life in there.

Last month he had been told by the police to reregister himself and his family members with the police, the second time in past three years he had to undergo the humiliating procedure.

Earlier in 2008, he was rudely woken up and dragged to Wellawatta police station in the night and kept waiting for hours till cops wrote down his family information.

That was at the height of the war.

He asks: “But, why this time… when the war is over?

That is the question of a thousand Tamils.

This still the mind numbing question is why now — 14 months after the end of the war? And, if the program is to register all citizens, which is still bad and smacks

Why is it only in Tamil majority areas that the registration of people is taking place?

By: davidson Panabokke Sun, 01 Aug 2010 06:09:41 +0000 ”If not what does sovereignty mean?
It means the lack of right to interferer!”

Sovereignty means good governance within one’s borders.

When that fails, good neighbours should prod each other.

South Asia hasn’t evolved that much.

It’s the evolution of humanity that talks about sovereignty and R2P.

Reflection of our education system?

By: davidson Panabokke Sun, 01 Aug 2010 05:59:31 +0000 I appeal to some charities in the South to arrange bus trips for representatives from all vertical and horizontal groups in the South (not down A9 only to Buddhist temples) but into the side roads/lanes of Northeast and we will have a good definition of severeignty.

By: suagathyarumugam Sun, 01 Aug 2010 00:42:45 +0000 ‘sovereign people’
“chosen people”
Doesn’t it smell like…..

By: suagathyarumugam Sun, 01 Aug 2010 00:37:10 +0000 Dayan is the organic intellectual of the Sinhalese state- chauvinism, He always backs authoritarian regimes

By: mahen Sat, 31 Jul 2010 05:33:33 +0000 Dr Dayan Jayatilleka presumably does not consider the Tamils in Sri Lanka as ‘sovereign people’ people of Sri Lanka. They all are urging for international investigation on the massacre of thousands of Tamils by the armed forces, ordered by Gotabaya Rajapaksa

By: Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 31 Jul 2010 03:40:37 +0000 It doesn’t seem to have occurred to the writer that the ‘sovereign people’ of Sri Lanka would be even less willing to consider an international investigation into the conduct of their armed forces in the climactic battles of a popular and victorious war, than would the ‘sovereign state’ of Sri Lanka!
