Comments on: NATION-BUILDING: WHICH PROJECT FOR THE NORTH & EAST? Journalism for Citizens Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:43:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: georgethebushpig Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:43:46 +0000 Interesting article however, a “liberal realist” may want to pursue a different path that emphasises the use of scarce national resources for the establishment of health centres (mental and conventional); rehabilitation of schools; agricultural extension services, seed banks, small water harvesting structures and agricultural credit; access to fishing grounds, fish processing and other value-addition industries and market access; and micro-finance for small and medium enterprise development, among a whole host of other constructive trust building activities. In this regard, the establishment of a permanent military presence whether on state land or not is a colossal waste of money and an irritant to reconciliation.

To address the security issue, it would be much more sensible (and cost effective) to put forward a progressive political solution. In the interim, small intelligence units with time bound mandates that need to be reconfirmed, could be established in the North and East as a means of mitigating the reconstitution of yet another separatist group.

The problem associated with the promotion of increased military presence whether in the North and East or for that matter anywhere else in Sri Lanka is the inevitable consolidation of the military influence in Sri Lanka’s political affairs and the weakening of people’s control over the democratic instruments. Let’s face it even those who supported Sarath Fonseka did it out of a sense of desperation and with no real confidence that this was a brilliant move that was going to give us long term benefits. At this point it would be good if we collectively thank the military for having defeated the LTTE and come to the conclusion that it is now time for a civilian response to win the peace.

By: Davidson Panabokke Thu, 22 Jul 2010 19:58:26 +0000 For this?
NGOs stung by sudden new restrictions, 18 July 2010: ”The government from the end of June 2010 has introduced new restrictions on movement to the Wanni by staff of UN agencies, NGOs and INGOs.”

By: Davidson Panabokke Tue, 20 Jul 2010 14:07:57 +0000 How is the good judge going to change this?
SRI LANKA: Termination of visa’s of Non Violence Peace Force, 8 July 2010
SRI LANKA: Retired Senior Police Officer talks about the Devastating Degeneration of the Police Department, 13 July 2010
Former Sri Lanka rebels ‘abused in detention’, 15 July 2010
Tamil terrorist claims exaggerated, former UN official, 16 July 2010:
North HSZ to remain, 15 July 2010

By: Pillai Tue, 20 Jul 2010 08:28:44 +0000 “One Country! One Nation”, gives the impression of a policy of subordinating, or denying, the political status of the Tamil national identity.

The notion of one country-one nation implies that there is to be no recognition of the plurality of nations, nationalities and ethnic-religious communities that comprise Sro Lanka.

The fears were expressed by the Tamils of efforts to change the demographic character of the N-E from being predominantly Tamil, through settling families of armed forces and Sinhala settlers in Tamil areas, even while the Tamil population is left homeless, destitute and abandoned.

A huge piles of material for constructing pre-fabricated houses on the side of the road approaching Killinochchi.

This has raised a question as to whom these houses are being planned?

While Buddhist shrines are sprouting, many Hindu Temples remained abandoned or destroyed.

By: Thamil Tue, 20 Jul 2010 08:07:19 +0000 Every Tamil family had suffered from some form and degree of loss of lives, limbs, property and livelihood.

Why there are no reliable statistics on the numbers of war widows and female-headed households, number displaced, resettled and yet to be resettled, those who had lost their loved ones, those who have been disabled, children who have lost both parents, people who have no basic means of survival and live on dry rations or with relatives, form and degree of emotional and psychological trauma, financial and economic loss of property and livelihood, degree of malnutrition?

The lack of information on this Tamil Tragedy and on those who have disappeared, abducted and or killed causes an abiding sense of grief and despair

The strategy of the Rajapakse’s GOSL (Government of Sri Lanka) has only brought disaster, poverty and misery to Sri Lanka.

The the ground reality is continued acute suffering, deprivation and degradation of the vast majority of the Tamils

From Rajapakse the Tamils expect only grief and despair, horror and terror.

By: Mathavan Tue, 20 Jul 2010 07:44:43 +0000 Reconciliation …Nation-building

I don’t think so

Rajapakse is starving the Tamils

Rajapakse Sri Lankan Gov. and SLA refuses permission of reopen fishing jetties in Vadamaraadchi

The fisheries societies in Vadamaraadchi protest against GoSL and SLA occupying Jaffna peninsula for refusing to reopen and deepen the fishing jetties in Vadamaraadchi North and East, which had been closed by Rajapakse during war.

11,200 families living in nearly fifteen villages in Vadamaraadchi North and East depend entirely on fishing and are affected by the closure of the fishing jetties in their areas


And what Rajapakse gave to the resettled Tamils ??

The reality and process of resettlement is a profound and enduring indictment of the prevailing feudal-colonial/ Comprador Capitalist political and social order.

In general, International Groups have given to the resettled Tamil war victims twelve sheets of tin ( takaran), some utensils and five thousand Rupees to resettle.

Some had been given dry rations provided by the UN World Food Program.

Everywhere, people are huddled inside make-shift tents or in small huts.

Some people simply place the tin sheets together without any structure, to make a shelter.

The resettled Tamil war victims are exposed to heavy rain as well as scorching heat, and to mosquitoes and flies.

They have no access to safe drinking water or sanitary facilities.

Most of them are yet to generate a sustainable livelihood.

This reality is all the more pitiful, since the general public and civil society throughout the land is not being mobilized to launch and sustain a process of providing relief and recovery, as they did so effectively and impressively in the aftermath of the tsunami.

In fact, interventions by international and local civil society agencies are severely constrained and controlled, with only a selected few been granted permission to operate in the North-East

By: niranjan Tue, 20 Jul 2010 04:42:07 +0000 Justice Weeramantry is a Sri Lankan with peace and reconciliation at heart.
He is one of a handful of people who wish to see united Sri Lanka rather than a divided one.
However, the attitudes of the public or some sections of it and the politicians run counter to what Justice Weeramantry advocates.

By: sinhala_voice Mon, 19 Jul 2010 03:26:11 +0000 What we need is a truly independent PUBLIC SERVICE and a JUDICIARY.

Both these must be appointed on merit.

Educational facilities needs to be improved along with English being properly taught to suit Sri Lanka and English as a global IT and technology and science language.

Proper management structure for the country is the need of the hour. That structure MUST not have any bias to any ethno-worldview group BUT must take into account the economic and/or socio status of the citizenary to role out the policies irresepective of which part of the country you live.

Politics should not be used to govern the country. Politics can be used to come to power but must be abandoned when in power. Giving way to law and order and science and logic.

By: justitia Sun, 18 Jul 2010 23:32:01 +0000 Punitham,
An old soldier, now a buddhist monk has other ideas about buddhism and the soldier.
Please visit:-

By: Dilkusha Sun, 18 Jul 2010 20:31:46 +0000 Reading the article and listening to the interview it seems to me that Justice Weeramantary has a huge task before him to ensure his vision is realised, and Sri Lanka’s reputation is restored as a peaceful and resplendant isle. While Justice Weeramantary works to rectify”distorted views” of children across Sri Lanka, Dr Jayatilakke’s article , suggests the State itself colludes with rabble rouses rather than with professionals to spread distorted perceptions. I admire Justice Weeramantary’s optimism, and wish his vision all success for our own sakes.
