Comments on: Photos and video from the UN headquarters in Colombo today Journalism for Citizens Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:05:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: “Vikalpa” muestra las protestas ciudadanas en Sri Lanka | Periodismo Ciudadano Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:05:17 +0000 […] Groundviews, el portal de periodismo ciudadano más importante de Sri Lanka, se hacen eco de la noticia e informan también de la lista de los mejores  blogueros locales en Twitter a través de los […]

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:27:31 +0000 Dear Realist,
I refer you to google Frontline Club Events where there was a discussion on Sri Lanka on July 6 comprising a panel from AI’s Yolande Foster, Douglas Wickremaratne, Jonathan Miller(Channel 4) and Edward Mortimer (former UN advisor) chaired by Stephen Sacker of BBC’s Hard Talk.

I honestly cannot argue with you when say the rabbit has three legs.

If it is Sunday Leader you are referring to then I have alreaady expressed my views on Sunday Leader criticising it for supportig the UNP at one point. But Lasantha allowed me the freedom to criticise the UNP as well as the vgovernment. That is what freedom of expression is all about. And he paid dearly with his own life.

By: Realist Thu, 08 Jul 2010 07:31:56 +0000 @Pearl: I am referring to the recent threads that you have commented on where I have asked you to prove the assertions you have made, whereupon you have simply twisted and turned the topic in every direction to divert from the question you were being asked. Much like the red-herring journalism of your former newspaper, which, in your eyes can do no wrong.


The dogs will die of old age and the caravan will have left the road and overturned in a ditch, but Miliband and his ilk will still be there to try and remove the speck from other’s eyes without removing the log from his own eyes.

By: longus Thu, 08 Jul 2010 05:18:35 +0000 Oh..the Motley Crew of Sri Lanka bashes are at it again. These are the people who are the happiest if Sri Lanka sinks to its death.

These are the bigots of the bigots. Asking whether Thervada Buddhism doesn’t have an answer is one such question.

These are the tell-tale marks of the anti-Sinhalese,anti-Buddhist elements who are behind the campaign to condemn Sri Lanka.

Weerawansa and the Sri Lankan people have demonstrated their right to protest.

By: Diffpersepective Thu, 08 Jul 2010 04:51:42 +0000 Hey Realist,

Thanks for that Post on Miliband…. I saw it somewhere else too… Its hilarious isn’t it???
It is so ironic that these Paragons of Virtue have now got “caught with their knickers in a twist” as that old English saying goes…..its amusing to see their supporters who at a drop of a hat pick on SL and are extremely vociferous in their condemnation of SL in the name of “human rights” and all such other catch phrases… are quite satisfied with closed door non public “hush hush” inquiries and never call on old Ban Ki to have one on them….

These hypocrits will always be around….therefore as that old Arabian saying goes….”though dogs bark the caravan moves on” and so shall Sri Lanka!!! 🙂

By: Grasshopper Thu, 08 Jul 2010 03:03:32 +0000 I am caught between two evils here.

1- There is no doubt that there was a huge loss of civilian life, right throughout our entire war period. How practical is it to account for the loss of civilian life in a war and bring it to justice? All wars are crimes against humanity anyway. I do not understand how and why then are we merely focusing on this last phase of war.

2- And look whose talking here? US and UK! What do you call decimation of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan? What do you call centuries of colonialism? And those two countries that engaged in such horrors, now acting as do-gooders have the gall to accuse Sri Lanka of war crimes? This is comedy at its best.

I think we should not give into UN – the spineless US-puppet oraganisation that it is. But I’d hasten to add that righteousness, justice, fariness and equality are and were never the forte of Sri Lankan politicians.

By: Belle Thu, 08 Jul 2010 00:30:06 +0000 Realist,

“Interesting that he chose a day when Mahinda is abroad.”

This can be interpreted in two different ways. 1st meaning–the Minister didn’t have Prez’s support and so waited for him to leave the country. 2nd meaning–the Minister did have Mahinda’s support, but the decision was taken to protest when the Prez was out of town so as to avoid implicating His Highness in the action.

Given how the protests have been handled, with the police behaving as if they had been given instructions not to stop the protests, I’m inclined to stick to the 2nd meaning. Clearly, Weerawansa, as the Engineering Services and Construction Minister, has no command over the police.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Wed, 07 Jul 2010 16:07:41 +0000 Dear Realist,
There is no supposedly. I am a journalist of integrity. Please refute my arguments if you will. I never sold myself for perks or privileges.

I still struggle to make ends meet. When I was offered a house and telephone facilities by ministers I declined.

As for my arguments I never said they are the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Commentators have disputed my opinions and I have responded.

What exactly is biting you.

By: Realist Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:30:08 +0000

Reposted from someone else’ comment in a thread that only 3 people are following.

By: Realist Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:24:24 +0000 It never ceases to amaze me to see Pearl Thevanayagam, supposedly a journalist of some repute and experience, make random comments on posts and conclude that her opinions are “undeniable proof” (or variations thereof).

That said, there is no excuse for Wimal’s behaviour. Interesting that he chose a day when Mahinda is abroad.

Surprisingly, though, even segments of the theocracy seem to be oppose this:
