Comments on: The Wedding: An imagined portrait of an unusual day Journalism for Citizens Thu, 01 Jul 2010 13:54:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: justitia Thu, 01 Jul 2010 13:54:52 +0000 The author has missed his vocation – he should write sceenplay for teledramas. His fictional mindset of a bride at the state sponsored parody of a mass wedding ceremony qualifies him.
Punitham –
Yours is a voice in the wilderness which is the mindset of the state running these internment camps. You have shown the disregard of the state to social justice.

By: anthony jones Thu, 01 Jul 2010 12:32:29 +0000 Another cheap low stunt by a desperate mob to hoodwink the world and by doing these stupid acts they can stop the proceedings of the enquiries against them.

Not only they perform these circus acts, they even bring the buddhist monks into the equation and an insignificant indian film actor to boost their deflated egos.

Then, last week they try these same tricks with a cricket team [eleven tamils from four countries] to turbo boost their desperation but two have already fallen by the wayside.

They say that failures are the pillars of success, they impotents are thick skinned, many times bitten never shy. a j.

By: Sangarasivam Thu, 01 Jul 2010 10:00:37 +0000 I don’t think they should be used for Sinhala propaganda. I think they should be free and be at home. Nobody will know their plight in the Sinhala prisons after this ceremony and the photo ops. Can anyone guarantee that the Sinhala regime will allow the Red Cross visit to verify the condition of their lives in the barbed wire Sinhala Prison camps

By: Vishnu Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:53:43 +0000 Sri Lanka holds mass wedding for ex-rebels

Sri Lanka propaganda to eye eash the world and get more funds 🙂

By: Ainkaran Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:51:48 +0000 Gypsy

Thanks for a very good article

You are a talented writer, Gypsy.

By: Gypsy Thu, 01 Jul 2010 08:15:58 +0000 Indi – I know some family members were invited but apparently there were space restrictions, so not everyone was invited to attend. I also saw some video footage of the event which showed some family members outside the fence.

By: Punitham Thu, 01 Jul 2010 07:15:36 +0000 What is the meaning of this mass wedding when

i. ICRC cannot see the thousands of cadres and suspected cadres in secret locations and still detaining about 80,000 IDPs in camps,
ii. severely restricting aid agents from helping those who have been ”released”,
iii. additional allocation to military spending after the budget in 2009 and maintaining the military budget for 2010 at levels of previous years
iv. immensely increasing militarisation of Northeast Sri Lanka and building a huge military complex in the Vanni and not allowing civilians/journalists access
v. allowing crimes by the army and paramilitary to continue, eg. restriction of movement, extortion, theft, abduction, murder – there has been a series of undue transfers of Tamil Magistrates out of the North.
vi. preventing commemoration of the dead and forcing the people of Northeast to celebrate victory
vii. continuing sinhalisation of Northeast with government help (when Tamils move to the South they go as individuals on their own expenses)
viii. appointment of retired army officials for top administrative jobs in the Northeast
ix. a. indiscriminate mining of sand, limestone and rocks without regard for the delicate geology of Jaffna peninsula and b.the Navy helping Sinhalese fishermen use the internationally banned nets in the seas around the Northeast
x. army running commercial ventures down A9 blocking opportunities for the released and still interned IDPs and army running tourist information centres in Jaffna where floods of tourists from the South are throwing plastic rubbish while Tamils are languishing in camps and open prisons
xi. Tamil parliamentarians are still not allowed into the camps except a few who agreed to be taken to the camp chosen and accompanied by the army
xii. incarceration of journalists and human rights activists criticising the government goes unabated in the South as well as in the Northeast
xiii. Commonwealth Election Monitoring Team gave an unsatisfactory report about the Presidential elections of January 2010 which was brought two years forward to capture the votes of Sinhalese euphoria of the ”victory” over the rebels, but tens of thousands of detainees in the camps didn’t get polling cards and of those who got the cards, many couldn’t get transport. This happened to upcountry Tamils in 2007/8 in provincial elections.
xiv. The office of the Attorney General is now brought under the President’s command. The Minister who was physically and verbally abusing journalists was appointed Media Minister but after a huge shoutdown from the public was removed from it.
xv. The former Attorney general who obstructed the Commission of Inquiry in 2007/8 and who caused the IIGEP to exit the contry unceremoniously is now appointed the Head of the Commission, Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation. …..

By: indi Thu, 01 Jul 2010 06:19:40 +0000 The families were seated at the wedding, not outside behind barbed wire.

By: Heshan Thu, 01 Jul 2010 02:15:50 +0000 Difficult to imagine this is occurring in the 21st century. At least real convicted prisoners can justify their incarceration behind metal and iron. But these LTTE POW’s? What crime have they actually committed? They are in fact victims of a nationalist ideology gone haywire, forced to take up arms because a few racists in the South decided the whole island belongs to one community.
