Comments on: Sinhala nationalism, civil society organisations and the future Journalism for Citizens Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:38:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: ordinary lankan Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:38:25 +0000 Let me re-state the writer’s challenge – it is a personal one – and see how many intellectuals are interested

It may require us to examine our privileged positions; and to ensure that we are not simply reproducing circles of privilege. It will be hard UNQUOTE

please deal with this – just question yourselves – I have done so too

I salute this writer – this is the kind of moderation and self reflection that will save this country – let me repeat


By: yapa Thu, 17 Jun 2010 01:14:01 +0000 Dear niranjan;

“There is a need for autonomy for Tamils and the 13 amendment is the best option.”

How do you know ? Did anybody tell you in a dream?


By: niranjan Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:02:38 +0000 Longus,

There is a need for autonomy for Tamils and the 13 amendment is the best option.

By: Malinda Seneviratne Sat, 05 Jun 2010 12:41:25 +0000 ‘we’ = civil society organizations???

By: longus Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:02:22 +0000 niranjan,

It is a historical fact that he Tamil racism started well before the Sinhalese’ reaction against it well before 1956!

It started when the Tamil politicians envisaged that they would lose the special previledges they enjoyed under the British colonists.That’s why Chelvanayagum started his Federal party in 1947,even before the independence.

And they asked for 50/50 before the independence as well.

The British colonists gave the Tamils a “special treatment” for their “good behavior”,because it was the Sinhalese who staged the Wellassa uprising in 1818;it’s the Sinhalese who staged the Mathale uprising in 1848.

All along the Tamils were the obedient servants of the British Empire;even now they are the number one bootlickers of the “old blighty”!

When the Sinhalese got their due place,the racist,self consumed Tamil politicians saw it as “discrimination” against the Tamils.

So,is there a need for autonomy for Tamils?

By: niranjan Thu, 03 Jun 2010 05:46:32 +0000 Susantha,

CBK was looking to resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner. That is why she did not pursue the war option in the manner that Mahinda did. She won a resounding victory in 1994 on a platform of peace. Many tamils supported her then.
Mahinda also invited the LTTE for talks at the begining of his tenure as President. But they refused. That is when he decided to go to war.

The President may believe in the 13 amendment and its full implementation. But there are those around him who maybe putting pressure on him not to devolve.
The SLFP should not stand for racism. They have done so in the past. It is time he got rid of the racial elements many of whom are not SLFPers. Felix did a similar thing to the marxists in the 1970’s. However, the problem is that there are no independent strong SLFP Ministers in this cabinet. Many of them cannot say “boo to a goose.”

By: sinhala_voice Thu, 03 Jun 2010 02:32:10 +0000 Kamal, I agree with you…..

It is the Sri Lankan Nationalism that is shown by the Sinhalese (may be Buddhists may be Christian) that is shown and criticised as Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism.

There are a silent majority of Sinhala-Christians who have this same “Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalism”.

What it show is that it is really Sri Lankan Nationalism.

I would like to ask this question again.

WHY is it that the Tamils want political rights in order achieve Economic Well being. The Tamils in the diasphora do not have political rights as they are insignificant minorities in most diasphoric countries in which they are residents in.

BUT they are economically well off than than most average long term residence and citizens in those countries.

If they concentrate on living peacefully securing their economic rights and well being along with ALL the other citizens in Sri Lanka who are not much better off than the average Tamil the WHOLE country Sri Lanka will be better off.

IF the Tamils continue on a path of POLITICAL RIGHTS ignoring the ECONOMIC benefits of a peaceful, stable environment in Sri Lanka then EVERYBOBY suffers and therefore the Tamils will receive their fair share of suffering…..

For example: If there was NO LTTE then Sri Lanka would have been a reasonable place to live for EVERYBODY including the the Tamils.

Remember LTTE violence was for a purpose. And that purpose was POLITICAL. Not Economic. If they the LTTE were serious about Economic well being of Tamils in Sri Lanka they would have never taken a violent path to POLITICS.

By: aiyo Wed, 02 Jun 2010 18:23:11 +0000 OMG. Did I read that right, or did Susantha just say that the 83 riots were caused by anger towards Tamil terrorists since the 1940s???????? A few more Susantha like mindsets and could easily have ourselves another riot!!!

By: longus Wed, 02 Jun 2010 17:28:14 +0000 Susantha,may be Ranil’s brother Shan W’singhe is making amends for what his grand uncle (D.R. Wijewardena) did in 1920s in launching a vicious attack on Anagarika Dharmapala calling him a “lunatic”, and a “religious fanatic”, in his news paper,resulting in the exit of the great man from the Sri Lankan land!

By: Susantha Wed, 02 Jun 2010 08:11:27 +0000 wijayapala
Do you say there are no Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists in the UNP.Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe’s brother Shan Wickremasinghe is even a strong nationalist he has helped expand the Sinhalese presence in the eastern province and many of his relations are nationalist even Ranil Wickremasinghe holds an important position in the keniya viharaya.At present the only way UNP can win some votes is by getting the support of the minorities and Ranil is trying to be the minority leader so that he can have some votes not because He has any sympathy for the tamils.

with what base are you saying that JR sponsored the 83 riots.Is he responsible for the anger among the people created by tamil terrorists since 1940s.the IGP and six DIGs in the sri lanka police force at the time were tamils and these top cops made sure large amounts of tamils were promoted to high ranks in the police,was the police paralyzed is there any proof for that?RAW was helping the LTTE long before 83.India was worried that under JR Sl would become a developed country.

JR was also the first leader who handled this problem Mahinda was the 5th so Mahinda has seen the mistakes of the past 4.JR failed because of bad luck and today Sri Lanka is powerful than before India does not want China and PAkistan influence to increase in SL.and India is surrounded by enemies from North China from west pakistan from east Bangladesh and they dont want an enemy from the south side

the JVP were terrorists that destroyed the country and took the country’s economy about 10 years backwards and they were marxists so they too must be crushed but the 2nd JVP uprising should remind those people who promote devolution what would happen if ever any kind of devolution is given however I do not agree with the amount of force used by the govt to crush them much less force could have been used to crush them and it was not JR that used such force against the JVP it was premadasa

you say that JR is the worst president but what about the amount of challenges he had to face he was one of the most intelligent leaders in the whole world and I confidently say he saved Sri lanka from the greater evils he tried to build relations with India as well but it failed as he was keen on developing the country somehow and that did not go in line with the agenda of the Indian imperialists
the worst leader would be CBK as she had the whole world on her side and yet failed to crush the LTTE and tried to bring federalism which were should thank the gods that they didnt accept it she bought the country ‘s growth rate to minus figures and was one of the most corrupt governments
