Comments on: WILL THE ISLAND OF SRI LANKA WIN PEACE? SOME NOTES ON WAR AND PEACE IN SRI LANKA Journalism for Citizens Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:49:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Banjiappu Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:49:40 +0000 people like Susantha should need sorta a training in which they can see the reality finally with their eyes. How can we say that the country is sinhala buddhists after facing all the alarming problems during the last 3 decades because of the sinhala govts^s incapabilities to introduce and implement good policies to the country which is almost not much different from Malaysia. I am a sirlankan born buddhist, I would never name our country is a only for one nation. Having lived in the european countries over two decades, I know if a majority would react against minorities, how they woudl really feel it. Be it in a country or a small staff consisting of minorities is the same. If you want to achieve peace that we every srilanken to allow peace and prosperity, we finally understand that the country for all srilankens.

By: paul Thu, 27 May 2010 11:00:54 +0000 The West has always been backers of Tamils, Tamil Chauvinism, terrorism and brutal violence against Sinhalese. Just look at history: Tamils were imported in to Sri Lanka by Europeans as indentured labourers, a military force to subjugate Sinhalese with and a tool to alter demographics to dilute up the then hostile anti-Western Sinhala population with its own proud civilisation, values and culture that was far purer with pro-Western Tamil lackeys so governing Sri Lanka would be easier. Least we forget the slaughters and conversions of Sinhala Buddhists since 1505. The worst being in 1818 and 1848 by the “holiest” of Human Rights crusaders: the British. Today under the guise of human rights they are doing what they did since 1815, using Tamils to fight and crush Sinhala Buddhists to ensure their dominance and economic and geopolitical interests. The bulk of the Tamils today in the Jaffna Peninsula (Yapnapura) were brought in by the Dutch to cultivate Tobacco. Tamils in the East were originally settled there by the British as a “reward” for killing Sinhalese in 1818 and 1848 hence why the gigantic Eastern province (made so when the British drew it on the map to punish Sinhalas and the Senkadagala Kingdom) has a Tamil “majority” which is amazingly enough concentrated in Baticalo town, not spread out. The bulk of Tamils in the Wanni jungle are in fact Tamils from the plantations moved their by the Norwegian NGO “Redd Barna” back in the 1960s to subvert the Sirimavo-Shastri Pact back originally designed to send Tamils in the central province back to their homeland of Tamil Nadu in India. Instead Norway intervened (no surprise there) gave them lunch packets to last 2 days, hired a train and sent them into the jungles of the Wanni in the middle of the night. Funnily enough they then became part of the so called “Sri Lankan Tamils” who we have just spent the last 30 years fighting, when not only are they NOT unique to Sri Lanka, but were treated like dirt by the racist chauvinistic Jaffna Tamils. Same Jaffna Tamils who are to this day drunk on power, racism and supremacy their European masters had inoculated them with against Sinhala Buddhist people that they want to return to the British apartheid system of governance where Tamils were favoured, privileged and buttressed ahead of non-Tamils for simply being Tamil. The idea of being on an equal platform to people they viewed as inferior, as has been the case since 1948, is something they find hard to stomach. It is the loss of these privileges and power that Jaffna Tamils called “discrimination” and started a war against Sinhalese with (dragging in the other relatively peaceful Tamils communities who they themselves systemically oppressed and discriminated on class, caste and language and then excused their behaviour to fellow Tamils by blaming the Sinhala boogie man as always). The last 30 years of Tamil induced brutal violence, and 60 years of Tamil induced political agitation and uncertainty were all in fact a manifestation of Tamil greed, hunger for power, desire for apartheid and suppression of non-Tamils human rights.

By: paul Thu, 27 May 2010 11:00:13 +0000 The only beheadings of children, and slaughter of children was done by Tamils against non-Tamils when they ethnically cleansed their so called “homeland” of non-Tamils. They took Sinhala children by their legs and smashed their heads against trees and walls forcing their parents to watch then hacking to them to pieces. In other cases Tamils used to raid Sinhala villages and threw children into frying pans, hacked to death pregnant Sinhala mothers, and submitted men to AK-47s rains –these cleansing programs all started in the late 60s. All these Tamils were backed, supported and funded by the West, so you have already “taken a side” and blood is on your hands. Comically you lecture us about “human rights” and “high morals” because you think you are superior by your white skin. Let it be remembered that Tamils were imported into Sri Lanka from their actual homeland of Tamil Nadu in India (home to 60 million of them) by Europeans to be used as a brutal military hit force to suppress Sinhalese and a demographic bomb to “dilute up” the population to make subjugating Sinhalese easier. You created this “minority” in Sri Lanka to destroy the native majority and remote control the Sinhalese using brutal violence a tactic which serves you to this day as Tamils continue their role as your loyal lackeys. All their violence and barbarism against us is what they learnt from the West and were encouraged to do, and which your kind continue to insist they follow and support them for it. Hang your heads in shame.

By: Nithyananthan Wed, 26 May 2010 12:52:47 +0000 Fine! Let’s realize that God did not NEED to install in us a fleshy enormous capacity (the brain) and capability (Intellect) that holds the essence of the message we derive from our forefathers, just ONLY to formulate and compute what we want and could learn on our own. Instead, God gave us a mind (coupled with Memory & Intelligence) with which we could acquire and develop abundance of useful knowledge from what we inherit that would in-turn be helpful to the future generations – as we got from our forefathers. (Source: Good News/UCG/USA)

Our average Singhalese brethren, including those who feel belonging to the group of political elite, can not pretend any longer that they are innocent, don’t know any clue as to what’s wrong with the Lankan democratic system of governance. Until such time the cardinal awareness of respecting the individuality of the fellow human – that emanates from grass root level there is no …! It has become inevitable – basic prerequisite for Singhalese brethren if they want the Tamil Speaking (Hindu, Islamic and Christian) population feeling comfortable to live and wholeheartedly identify and introduce them as ‘Sri Lankan’ in territorially undivided and ethnically united Sri Lanka – in Tamil E’lankai, and work together towards prosperity.

Bogus, pompous still boisterous rants and violent ravings on public forums are not going to serve any useful purpose – even tomorrow’s bread.

I find as if Dr. Imtiyaz is looking at his country of birth from a distant continent – the USA, using a powerful telescope – his broad political intellectual capacity and summarized his observation and hypothesized the predictable effects of what he has seen through the lens and suggested some remedies in order to head-off / prevent political uncertainty. They are for the wellbeing and prosperity of intended beneficiaries – the majorities and minorities. I don’t wish to see this essay as a ‘Write-up’ for a sermon to the general political majority of Lanka but want to see and happily endorse as a narration intended to share a useful truth – for those who speak, write and act like human beings. Thank you, Sir, Dr. Imtiyaz! Nithy!

By: Magerata Tue, 25 May 2010 11:30:15 +0000 I was reading Dr. AR.M. Imtiyaz’ article and I was thinking how wrong he was and formulating a few questions to ask him, perhaps not in nicest terms. But then I read Susantha’s comment and lost it all.
I do not like anyone who tries to paint LTTE as freedom fighters or advise us to to the same ends that they were seeking with intellectual sounding words like devolution and theoretical separation. Imtiyaz’ even tries to ride coat tails of International Crisis generation (ICG) company.
But do I want to kill him or chase him away from the country. No! (By the way he is far away from Sri Lanka)
It is just not right, why can’t we have a civil conversation. no extremes will work at the end. One way to solve a problem is to have a dialog.
Perhaps Dr. AR.M. Imtiyaz’ is wrong in his views or ideas. But he took time to write an article (on the contrary I have not written a single article that took more than 10 minutes of my time, be it something about Sri Lanka or a paper for my school.) Every article could be a conversation starter. He brought out his thinking and if we think he is wrong, we should counter ideas and provide our solution to what he imagine is a problem, instead of wishing a part or a class of Sri Lankans will disappear, they were here yesterday and they will be here tomorrow. I want all Sri Lankans to come together, how ever hard it is. It hurts to see that we forgotten how to respect another human being.
If you need to read about your fellow Sri Lankans, Susantha, please read ( ) and if you want replace Kilinochchi with another border town and Kanthasamy Piratheepan, and Janaki with two names you are familiar with. That is THE Sri Lanka we need to take care of. It can happen in many a ways. It is certainly not what Imtiyaz’ wishing. But we need to engage. If you want be nasty, you can ask Imtiyaz’ about the freedom he is enjoying the great USA (where discrimination is never heard of) with an Arabic name, specially when flying.

By: Ari Tue, 25 May 2010 10:55:47 +0000 Agree with what Susantha says 100%.

By: billy Tue, 25 May 2010 08:54:53 +0000 the most hypocritical thing is these racist tamil pseudo intellectuals trying to take the higher moral ground by showing the faults of the current system while advocating to create a similar unit for their own. if these communal minded racist Tamils have any sense what they should do is to make the center more accommodating and not to create separate units for their races so they can act Sinhalese… [edited out]

By: billy Tue, 25 May 2010 08:48:05 +0000 what these blood thirsty tamil racists unable to grasp is that no country in the world gives equal rights to communities where every country favors the majority community even though most including lanka guarantees equal rights on individual basis!

By: Susantha Tue, 25 May 2010 05:57:27 +0000 kibo

Do you have any proof that tamils have history in Sri Lanka as a Civilisation

By: kibo Tue, 25 May 2010 02:20:08 +0000 Well written and truthful article, Dr Imtiyaz.

Susantha is the living example of the many issues the country faces due to blind chauvinism based on ignorance and obliviousness. With a mindset as hers, the conflict will prevail for a long time with the third solution being the only reasonable option for long-term peace. The level of argumentation is frankly spoken pitiful and the continuous ignorance founded on misinformation is hard to battle. Coming to terms with a reality of a multi-ethnic country with minorities that are just as native to the country as the majority are, or differently expressed are all together foreign descendants of migrants from the Indian subcontinent, is the first step towards functioning cohabitation. Chauvinism just as Susantha’s is a reverse result of a high level of anxiety and complexes. It lays in the hands and minds of the moderate Sinhalese Buddhists to propagate reason and moderation to the masses, in order to gain a true understanding of the past and present and successfully find ways to live together without feeling superior towards the non-Buddhist minorities of the countries.
