Comments on: Tamil Diaspora in Post-War Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Thu, 10 Jun 2010 06:41:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: blah blah Thu, 10 Jun 2010 06:41:44 +0000 Stop whining about human rights violations………now that the war is over dont ask for human rights abuse investigations..What were url doin for 25 years when prabhakaran was causing havoc in the country..Sleeping?… now after the president has done a great job in finishing the war your l come and try to cause problems by asking for human rights violations investigations..

None of the top leaders in the LTTE are alive…no one at all..and we must thank the government that the scourge is over and that people can now walk around anywhere in the country in peace without any bomb attack or grenade attack by fools what so ever so stop whining about your petitions and mind your own business or try to help the development of the NOrth and East

and if other tamils can live wit harmony wit sinhalese in the country in perfect harmony im sure u got a big problem wit a stupid attitude

[Edited out.]

By: Guy Gunaratne Fri, 28 May 2010 19:28:17 +0000 Hasan –

A single unifying voice is a lofty ideal but one which is the only way I see where anything constructive can be achieved. By the way, when you mentioned ‘the Forum’ – which forum is this that your’re talking about?

The participation from both communities you spoke about in Ausrtralia sounds great – but is it sustainable without the high commission being involved somehow? Getting mindsets on the same page will be tricky but anything as challenging as this will warrant some guts on both sides.

Oh and…

Susantha –

“…every body on the internet who is involved in attacking Tamil terrorists knows who I am and the cyber tigers all fear me.”

Buddy, you are a parody of yourself.


By: Hasan Fri, 28 May 2010 06:23:22 +0000 Guy,
I have no idea about the activities in London. But in Australia. both Singhalese and Tamil started to work together towards reconciliation without any help or assistance from High commission or government. It gain momentum and more and more Tamils are joining in the Forum. We hope soon we will be the voice of both diaspora communities.
The big minus point is no media for us. Hope we will build one

By: Susantha Fri, 28 May 2010 06:12:33 +0000 Humanist and Guy
I have never posted here under another names every body on the internet who is involved in attacking Tamil terrorists knows who I am and the cyber tigers all fear me.

By: Guy Gunaratne Thu, 27 May 2010 07:32:09 +0000 Hasan –

“Soon the majority will break the silence. It is already seen in many countries.”

I rather wish they’d hurry up about it in London. Many I have spoke to here in the course of making our documentary has expressed the same views and have spoken about seizing the opportunity to change public perception of them – I’m talking about the Tamil Diaspora here – but so far all is still quiet on the Western front.

Humanist –

That is incredibly annoying.


By: Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 27 May 2010 07:18:45 +0000 The writer says : “Firstly it must accept the United Nation Human Rights Commission’s independent inquiry into the human rights violations that occurred during the last phase of the war.”

I don’t know how exactly to break this, but (i) there is no United Nations Human Rights Commission and (ii) there is no independent inquiry into the human rights violations etc etc– no such inquiry ongoing or mandated.

Before one prescribes and pontificates one must get one’s basic facts right.

By: Hasan Thu, 27 May 2010 06:15:42 +0000 Dear All
Everybody took it granted that the view of the Tamil Diaspora is the view of the noisy minority Tamils. There are many Tamils feel happy now that they can go back home without fear about war. See the latest elction for the TGTE. In Sydney, less than 10% voted. Same in Paris and London. They avoid election with negotiation with contestants to save their face. The silent majority are still feared to express their view as they will be treated as traiters in thier medias. Unfortunately most of the Tamil medias outside Srilanka are controlled by these Tiger Sympatyiers. Wait and see. Soon the majority will break the silence. It is already seen in many countries.

By: Humanist Wed, 26 May 2010 13:51:10 +0000 Guy, last year there was his alter ego Susan Goon who also wrote the same kind of dribble – hence the conclusion. Engaged, serious commentators were speculating, is this person for real…

By: Guy Gunaratne Tue, 25 May 2010 18:43:18 +0000 Humanist – you know, I’ve since noticed his other comments and came to the same conclusion. Is he an actual parody? Because he does seem to be pretty ridiculous.

By: Humanist Tue, 25 May 2010 13:27:00 +0000 Guy, don’t take Susantha seriously. He is a parody of the ultra nationalist Sinhala voice. He and one of his alter avatars have been on this site for a while.

Of course, the diaspora has a voice. Without the remittances from the diaspora, the Sri Lankan economy will collapse.
