Comments on: Post-War Sri Lanka: Way Forward or More of the Same? Journalism for Citizens Sun, 23 May 2010 10:07:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: davidson panabokke Sun, 23 May 2010 10:07:40 +0000
Weak UN Human Rights Council can be improved by engaging public in developing world democracies argues Campaign Chair, 16 March 2010:
‘’Speaking at the 2nd Geneva Summit for Human Rights, Tolerance and Democracy, Edward Mortimer(Senior Vice-President, Salzburg Global Seminar), made a strong plea for human rights activists to do more to engage the developing world democracies who currently define how the UN Human Rights Council operates.”
Panel on “Towards the 2011 Reform: Can the UN Human Rights Council Be Fixed?” Edward Mortimer, Geneva, 9 March 2010: ‘’….When we see positive change in governments’ behaviour at the UN, it generally reflects change within the societies that they represent. And therefore I believe that the struggle for improvement in the Human Rights Council is one that needs to be pursued not only through conventional intergovernmental diplomacy but also through political work at the level of civil society. It is through what people like us in this room say and do, not only at meetings in Geneva, but through constant and consistent advocacy within our own societies and in our interaction with each other’s societies. We must take the debate to the people.”

By: davidson panabokke Sun, 23 May 2010 10:03:36 +0000 People at the grassroots must be made to realise that the governance at the centre, economic prosperity of the peripheral South and the political(=socio-economic) prosperity of the Northeast are related to each other.

Instead of driving the society by the essence of religion(=good governance) the poor are deprived of economic properity and the oppressed are deprived of political prosperity by being compelled to ”celebrate” religious festivals.

By: davidson panabokke Sun, 23 May 2010 09:03:15 +0000 1. Denial of access for UN, ICRC, INGOs to Northeast = Prevention of development of Tamils/Muslims
2. ”Development” by army and government ministries = further colonisation of Northeast by government ”colonisation” schemes (minor versions of those of the 50s/60s/70s /80s/90s so that they won’t be conspicuous).
3. Restrictions on journalists into Northeast + Clampdown of dissent in Colombo = Enhancement of 1. and 2.
