Comments on: Opportunities and challenges facing post-war Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Mon, 24 May 2010 06:58:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nimalan Mon, 24 May 2010 06:58:36 +0000 Thanks for giving an over view yet does not ignore the causes of the Island’s root causes of war.LTTE is a by product of the Aparthaid in the Island.My hope & prayer is that the permernent solution is given to Tamils gurentied under International institution ie UN.
Not doing so will open a new chapter in which the king of lanka will be once again put his stamp firmly for bring the last face of lanka.
The right to National self determination is the birth right ofboth Sinhalees & Tamils.

By: Punitham Sun, 23 May 2010 22:33:06 +0000 1.Thank you, Iqbal

2. How long will the Tamils have to wait: 61 years before May 2009 and one year after May 2009 and ?
How much humiliation and indignity will they have to undergo?
The worst humiliation has been in the last one year of which there is no end in sight – people battered by political oppression of 6+decades, economic embargo, aerial bombing of three decades, army of occupation and PTA/ER of 4+ decades are detained in terribly overcrowded camps with restricted access for NGOs and unrestricted access for paramilitaries, ………

By: Ambi Sun, 23 May 2010 22:25:49 +0000 This article exposes the true state of Sri Lanka and hope the president’s real intension is peace and reconciliation. 63 years of systematic genocide of Tamils should not be allowed to continue. If true peace and justice, for all, in the island of Sri Lanka can’t be instigated within an year or two after the war then two Nations within the Island may be the only solution.

By: Nithyananthan Sun, 23 May 2010 11:09:45 +0000 In an unfavorable climatic and conducive political conditions, many double / triple degree holding holy and unholy doctors still waiting in ambush to shoot-down any efforts, by the new government to address the festering national question, before it’s airborne. Given this cutthroat ethnic rivalry in the backdrop, another friendly still patriotic admonition in the form of expositive dissection, on pros & cons on prevailing state of affairs; and thus reminding the priorities and responsibilities lying ahead as prerequisite for prosperous Lanka, is presented not by novice but by Mr. MCM Iqbal – one of the very few well known, outstanding, peace-loving citizens of noble rank of Lanka – working for racial harmony and coexistence. Thank you, Sir! Nithy!

By: Srini Sun, 23 May 2010 04:49:52 +0000 There seems to be so much talk of the President doing, not doing, his intentions; similarly about the other government functionaries intentions, actions, attitudes; talk of whether the 17th amendment is being implemented, whether it will be implemented, etc., etc., etc. May I make a suggestion? If we want a democracy it is us, the people, who should take responsibility. Could all that has happened in Sri Lanka over the past many decades culminating in the worst in the over two decades past be attributed to apathy and a slavish dependence on everyone, especially the majority, not holding the deepest desire to be the powerful creators of a community, country and world? Extreme situations need extreme actions. I urge every member of the majority community to take this extreme action based on love and compassion. Instead of letting the Tamils languish in refugee camps would you consider welcoming them into the community by each family taking on another family to come and live with you, in a healing, compassionate home environment? That would be the ultimate way to face the truth and achieve reconciliation. Show the rest of the world the way to healing and living in harmony. As people, includes every one, we are more powerful than governments, dictators, rulers, all put together. GRACE is not just from God. Each and everyone of us is made in God’s image, there is God within us. Each of us can practise, demonstrate, GRACE – Growth and Resurgence is Achieved by Community Empowerment. We empower others, even one, and it helps us grow bigger and greater to who we are meant to be. Let us lead and not hang around waiting to be led.
