Comments on: Tamil Question and the Global Crisis of Capitalism Journalism for Citizens Thu, 27 May 2010 05:18:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sie.Kathieravealu Thu, 27 May 2010 05:18:10 +0000 Considering demographic, geographic and economic factors [e.g. the spread of Tamil speaking people all over the island, the virtually inseparable natural water circulation pattern and the economic advantage of unitary planning, to mention a few] it seems beneficial for all communities to have a unitary setup. However, this may only work if visibly appealing power-sharing institutions establish equality of all communities at the centre itself along with the introduction of power-decentralisation to regional and local levels. [My own unitary model with “two regional parliaments and an equality-based Supreme Parliament at the centre” is one such possibility – for which I have been campaigning for a long time.]

Some suggestions, that might help in finding an answer or lead to find an answer to the questions posed in the above quoted paragraph, is to create a UNIQUE SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE that would ultimately bring in GOOD GOVERNANCE by showing the way out for injustice, discrimination, oppression and corruption born due and bred by the present system of governance that is mistakenly or mischievously termed as democratic by persons who call themselves political scientists.

“Even the demand for devolution needs to be reframed as a demand for democratization that brings government closer to all the people, not just minorities, apart from being made far stronger than the 13th Amendment, which has loopholes allowing the Center to take back the devolved powers. Along with the demand for abolition of the Executive Presidency, and further devolution to smaller units, it would give all the people of Sri Lanka more control over their lives, instead of having their lives ruled by a remote power in Colombo that knows little and cares less about their needs”.
So, it is high-time we start to RETHINK in terms of a solution that would address the ASPIRATIONS ALL THE PEOPLE in the country, not just the aspirations of the Tamils, in a just and meaningful way rather than continue to criticize other people for their “faults
A UNIQUE concept that moves towards a meaningful and just power-sharing arrangement (not devolution) based on true democracy – a large number of people participating in the governance of the country based on equality, equity – is a great deviation from the usual thinking of the meaning of the word “sharing of power” is given below for the perusal and comments of concerned people.
The best political solution/system of governance to address the problems faced by various sections of the Sri Lankan society – particularly the poor, the politically weak and the various categories of “minorities” who do not carry any “political weight” – would be to DILUTE the powers of all elected representatives of the people by separating the various powers of the Parliament and by horizontally empowering different sets of people’s representatives elected on different area basis to administer the different sets of the separated powers at different locations.
It has to be devolution HORIZONTALLY where each and every set of representatives would be in the SAME LEVEL as equals and in par and NOT VERTICALLY, where one set of representatives would be above (more powerful than) the other, which is the normal adopted practice when talking of devolution, in this power-hungry world. It is because “devolution of power” has been evolved “vertically”, we have all the trouble in this power-hungry world. So, for sustainable peace it should not be the present form of “devolution of power” but “dilution of powers” or “meaningful sharing of powers” in such a way that no single person or single set of people’s representatives be “superior” to another.
This system of governance would help to eradicate injustice, discrimination, corruption and oppression – the four pillars of an evil society – and help to establish the “Rule of Law” and “Rule by ALL” for sustainable peace, tranquility and prosperity and a pleasant harmonious living with dignity and respect for all the inhabitants in the country. It is based on the principle that everyone must have similar powers, rights, duties and responsibilities and most importantly everyone should be deemed “equal” and treated “equitably” before the law not only on paper but also practically – be it the Head of State, The Chief Justice or the voiceless poor of the poorest in the country.
Since all political and other powers flow from the sovereignty of the people, it is proposed herein that these powers be not given to any ONE set of representatives but distributed among different sets of people’s representatives (groups) elected on different area basis (village and villages grouped) to perform the different, defined and distinct functions of one and the same institution – the Parliament – like the organs of our body – heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, nose, ear etc. – performing different and distinct functions to enable us to sustain normal life.
In these suggestions the powers of the Parliament have been so separated and distributed among different sets of people’s representatives in different areas so as to dilute the powers of an individual representative or that of a set of representatives in any area. (Dilution is better than Devolution)

By: jayathilaka Tue, 25 May 2010 15:04:01 +0000 Capitalism is trying in vain to hide its ugly face from the educated ,intelligent people of all parts of the world, capitalism has failed in doing so and it is getting clear than ever before eg: Greece at present.those powerful countires are struggling had to come out from recession even now though they are boasting about them selves .

By: ranjit de mel Tue, 25 May 2010 08:50:08 +0000 many individuals write articles on this subject.some articles are very good and unbiased. my comment:- it is absured to write about the preachings of lord buddha.s.l.ans buddhist (majority)call themself sinhale buddhist,and that means what they try to protect is buddhism according to the sinhale buddhist mindset.
-most of the tamil elite, specially from the north p. ,when they talk about the rights and aspirations of the tamils,they mean the the rights of the elite to discriminate the other tamils who does not belong to their class and caste.for this they(elite) needs a state, atleast the n.p. . they want the whole cake for them in the n.p.,if possible also in the e.p.,and share the cake with the others in other provinces. it is a fact in tamil nadu the quality of life for the majority of the people is not better than in s.l. .the only difference is the state of tamil nadu is governed by tamils.- the quality of life of the majority of the sinhale and muslims is no different than of the majority of the tamils.why? because of the sinhale elite,who governed s.l. from 1948.
-iam for a federal setup in s.l. but i feel for this to happen the mindset of the elites has to change.maybe h.e. m.r. would change this.the tamils specially the t.n.a should also be flexible.ranjit de mel berlin/colombo.

By: eddie Tue, 25 May 2010 07:14:41 +0000 exceptionally foolish. after the government thrashed them in the most absolute manner, why the hell would we bend over to their demands? rather, you should come to us with the begging bowl and take what is given.

By: Heshan Mon, 24 May 2010 01:05:26 +0000 Observer:

Sri Lanka was better off during the period of the CFA than it is right now. All the results of the CFA – from the Karuna split to rapid economic growth – were achieved in the background of prolonged negotiations with the LTTE. The fact of the matter is, the Three Stooges are incapable of building the country from the ground up. They can seize all the ministries they want, but it will not make a difference. Notice the word I used: “incapable.” It was easy for them to throw all the resources of the nation into the war and blindly extract a favorable solution through brute force. Winning the peace is a different story. Winning the peace is actually a far more arduous task, and takes an altogether different mindset, which, unfortunately, Lion flags, false promises, and white vans from the Ministry of Defense (want to guess which Stooge is in charge?) , will not even begin to do. Believe it or not, modern-day politics is a social “science.” There is a rational method that one follows to get the best results. Those who stray from this path do so at their own risk. Anyway, the point is that the Rajapakse’s are not rational decision makers… they are impulsive gamblers who will gamble away the welfare of the island for their own profit. Do not forget that even Sorbonne educated CBK got carried away by the Executive Presidency… what chance does our friend in the national costume stand? The sooner that S. Lankans wake up and realize the truth, the better it will be (not only for this generation, but the ones to come). If a socialist revolution is what takes to topple them, so be it.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Sun, 23 May 2010 22:13:30 +0000 Let us look at the achievements of our Presidents.

JR brought in the open economic policy and created free trade zones and the working class benefited. For the first time dirt poor, uneducated and underprivileged could set foot on a plane and earn foreign money in the Middle East so that they could raise their heads above abject poverty.

Premadasa and his one million houses gave the poor a chance to have electricity for the first time and concrete houses. I still remember Peliyagoda’s rubbish dump turned almost overnight into dazzling houses. He also gave school children, free nutritious breakfast and milk.

D.B. Wijetunga did not do much and he faded away with hardly anyone noticing.

Chandrika at least ended the fear psychosis which reigned during the Premadasa era and attempted peace talks with the LTTE.

The current President is celebrating the war victory which as Vasantharaja rightfully says got our country in the worst debt it has seen and it will take our next two generations to clear this debt if at all.

In the history of independence and before, the majority Sinhala dominance has never been questioned either by the colonial powers before or even now by the Western powers at whose mercy we are for our sustenance.

In this light Tamils, both in Sri Lanka and the diaspora, need to engage with the government in a positive manner so that we get at least some kind of autonomy. Once we gain the government’s confidence we can gradually persuade it to treat us as equal citizens.

It does nto bode well for the present political representatives of Tamils such as Douglas Devananda, Karuna and Pillayan to hold Tamils at ransom through abductions, intimidation and killings of those who do not support them.

Their thuggish behaviour gives all the Tamils who want to negotiate with the government a bad name and gives ammo that Tamils’ only mode of bargaining is violence.

In this scenario we need to re-think how we elect our political representatives.

Granted the government needs politicians like Douglas so that it can excuse itself from blame for the misery created for Tamils through their intimidation tactics. This is exactly what the government wants. Just like Pontius Pilate it can wash its hands and say, “look, I had nothing to do with this” and at the same time chuckle at its fait accompli.

By: Huh Sun, 23 May 2010 18:24:46 +0000 “Unfortunately, extreme dislike of the LTTE and a desire to display superiority over the Tamils, blinded the vast majority of the Southern Sinhalese from negotiating a peaceful solution with the LTTE.”

Although I sometimes I agree with Heshan, this is not one of those occasions. I don’t agree with the way the SL army recklessly killed people up north, but I don’t believe a peaceful solution would have been possible with the LTTE. I believe there has been documentation of how they merely used the ceasefire period to stock up on arms. Also, as they get a huge following from the diaspora, I don’t believe they would merely give up there eelam cause if the SL government struck a ” peaceful agreement” with them.

By: Observer Sun, 23 May 2010 11:43:39 +0000 Unfortunately, extreme dislike of the LTTE and a desire to display superiority over the Tamils, blinded the vast majority of the Southern Sinhalese from negotiating a peaceful solution with the LTTE.

How is it unfortunate when LTTE was a murder machine. Who in their right minds would negotiate with them? Peaceful solution? HA!!! All what LTTE ever wanted was eelam and that is no negotiating or compromise. I can’t believe the stuff you write sometimes. You must think we are some aliens in Sri Lanka.

Economic ruin, dictatorship, and Lion flags (notice how practically every Sri Lankan newspaper displays a silly Lion flag!) will surely be the fate of S. Lanka. Not the wish of Lord Buddha, but the curse of Ravana will finally come to take hold of the island.

We’ll see. If that;s the case all Tamil racists can rest easy for the revenge they seek is already upon us. lol You’re very kind to worry about us Heshan, but seriously, not necessary. We’ve had it rough and it couldn’t get anymore rougher. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger right?

By: Heshan Sun, 23 May 2010 05:06:38 +0000 Excellent article. The Sinhalese – other than the elite bourgeois – did not benefit from the war. Regardless of how many Lion flags the 100K+ soldiers in the North may wave, they are still going to go home to a mud hut in the South. Five, ten, fifteen years from now, these soldiers will still not be able to afford a martini or margarita at one of the lavish nightclubs in Colombo. The rest of the (civilian) Sinhalese do not have it much better… like the article makes clear, there will be no economic revival, and there will be few benefits for the common man on the street.

On the other hand, the elite Sinhalese bourgeois stands to gain a lot from the end of the war. The three brothers are issuing the contracts to China/India, and reaping the commissions in the name of “developmental work.” Their Swiss Bank accounts must no doubt be full to the brim, if the 500K USD found in Anoma Fonseka’s bank locker is any indication.

Unfortunately, extreme dislike of the LTTE and a desire to display superiority over the Tamils, blinded the vast majority of the Southern Sinhalese from negotiating a peaceful solution with the LTTE. Economic ruin, dictatorship, and Lion flags (notice how practically every Sri Lankan newspaper displays a silly Lion flag!) will surely be the fate of S. Lanka. Not the wish of Lord Buddha, but the curse of Ravana will finally come to take hold of the island.

By: BGD Sun, 23 May 2010 00:56:06 +0000 Bridgette Dalima
I think you miss the fundamental problem in Sri Lanka since it’s independence, and that is the lack of political choice. You have two main parties, with no difference between the two, and a country made up mostly of one ethnic group. Ethnicization started taking place between the two major parties to outbid each other for the same vote. Tamils, … See MoreMuslims, Burghers took the brunt of this power struggle as they were blamed for every problem facing the dominant majority, and the Tamils chose to fight back. Tamil nationalism is a reaction to Sinhalese chauvinism. Let’s not become revisionist historians, as they are a dime a dozen nowadays.

Until, Sinhalese people fight for institutional and electoral change, everyone in the country will continue to lose out. If they think that waving the Sri Lankan flag and electing the most chauvinistic leader of the moment and killing as many Tamils as they choose, is going to bring progress to their lives, they are sadly mistaken. What’s going to happen when they run out of people to blame their problems on?
