Comments on: GETTING SRI LANKA’S ECONOMY BACK ON TRACK Journalism for Citizens Mon, 31 May 2010 13:36:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: conerned citizen Mon, 31 May 2010 13:36:32 +0000 Feeding the military industrial complex will in turn become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Oppression of ideas militarily will always fail, just need to look at history and it will be self evident.

All those with misguided ideas regarding wealth of the country owing to military security should look at the proportionate military budget against the GDP. when ever this proportion is too high in favour of the military industrial complex, there has been a break down in its economy. Look at soviet union, north korea, america today, and all other small nations with similar disproportionate military spend. Those examples of success storied such as south korea do not have a high military proportionate budget, it is supported by foreign powers.

Seems majority of commentators here are from southern cities.

the article promotes integration not oppression and I am for that.

By: jayathilaka Tue, 25 May 2010 08:07:47 +0000 fish is rotten from the head..The political leaders of Sri lanka should set an example than a precept dedicating themselves by cutting own expenses and waste they incurr by way of corruption and so on.and deviate from their extravagent nature of having luxurious lives while ordinary citizens are tighting their belts if they really need to see a change.But Unfortunatley there seem to be no such a senario in sight instead leaders going aroung the world begging aids and no end of the taxing people to bridge the deficit of budget .

By: ranjit de mel Tue, 25 May 2010 07:50:37 +0000 i do not want to comment on this article,but it would be better for this writer to educate herself before she writes articles.if iam correct she wrote about the sufferings of the displaced tamils and conditions in the refugee camps sometime back,and i felt she wrote that article also by reading articles written by individuals with good knowledge about the conditions.her article was let me say a jigsaw puzzle article.i write only comments. ranjit de mel berlin/colombo

By: Heshan Tue, 25 May 2010 07:45:09 +0000 Dr. Dayan J:

It rqeuires reform, restoration of standards and rationality.

Forget ethics and morality. It will require many more successful denials of war crimes, such as you yourself accomplished in Geneva. S. Lanka must continue selling prime real estate to China, so that they keep pesky Hillary and Miliband on the sidelines. As long as the IMF loans keep coming, and Ahmadinejad, Gaddafi, and the rest of the dictators offer charity from their bloody booty, the welfare state will have enough sustenance to ensure many more generations of Rajapakse royalty.

By: eddie Tue, 25 May 2010 07:02:11 +0000 completely off the mark. singapore, south korea, taiwan and most of the western world have powerful militaries, but i notice they’re economies are quite healthy. the military is essential to protect the economy, in actual fact, the military adds wealth by protecting it. its like an insurance policy. we saw how costly the war was. demilitarisation would just send the wrong signal.

By: Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Tue, 25 May 2010 02:48:21 +0000 An economy which didn’t crash during the height of wartime militarization, is going to stay afloat even without militarization, in a postwar context, due to ‘ natural recovery’ , i.e. tourism, re-integration of the islandwide production structure and market; the release of pent up consumer demand in the North.

The real challnge is to join the asian economic upsurge. That requires a huge change in public policy and a clean up of institutions and processes. It rqeuires reform, restoration of standards and rationality. That’s a tall order! However, what is not really an imperative is demilitarization: China, India and the Asian Tiger economies are hardly de-militarised! We need a strong, modern navy.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Mon, 24 May 2010 21:15:14 +0000 TheLTTE is now a vanqished force. But their ideals are still alive.

Successive Tamil politicians icluding Ponnambalam Brothers, SJV, GG et al pandered to the elite they called Tamil Vellalas, a question very much in dispute.

Here in the UK i have yet to hear any Tamil proclaiming he is not a Vellala unlike the Sinhalese including Gananath Obeysekera and Late Colvin R. de Silva who are proud to proclaim they belong to Salagama caste; which is not exactly Kandyan elite.

A journalist of my acquaintance who is now deceased used to tell me that salagamas when they landed on Serendeib isle demanded they set foot on rice sacks instead odf sand sincethey were more elite than the Sinhal Goviyas.

Everything is relative.
And we all know Colvin and his ilk have had far better education and enlightenment than the backward Kandyans.

The orthodox Christians among whom is the narrator of this peice Rohini Hensman while escheewing Hinduism still clung onto their superior positon amng Tamils in that they pandered to the American and UK missionaries to better themselves in education and high posts wthin the Ceylonese administration.

I still remember the family friends I stayed with in Colombo who invited those Tamils of a lesser caste to their prayer meetings in 1986 prayed to God they should not co-hort with lower castes and marry them.

The hippocracy of all hippocracies.

Let us take a phrase from the Bible: Look at lilies; they neither reap nor sow. But God gave them splendid hues while they whiter by night. How much more would the Good Lord have loved those human beings he created in his own image.

Here we are harping on ethnicity and caste.

Jesus did not differentiate among castes. And yet the followers of Christ cannot let go of thier entrenched belief that their Vellala dominance should give them a ticket to heaven not to mention the reserved positions at Vellore Medical College which is the prerogative of the Niles, Bartletts, Rockwoods, Hitchcock, Hensman et al.

By: sapper Mon, 24 May 2010 06:30:38 +0000 Rohini>>,
“Military spending produces nothing that contributes to expanding the economy: neither food, clothes nor shelter, neither education nor healthcare, neither infrastructure nor capital goods”

jz think about salary of soldiers. increase in military spending in term of salaries and local purchasing would alone increase aggregate demand of the country. economy would have a inflationary boom.
on the other hand, military productions (eg: fast attacking craft of SLN) would be desirable for country`s manufacturing sector in long run.
so military expenditure is not a “deduction of countrys wealth”

By: Susantha Sun, 23 May 2010 13:39:47 +0000 If there is demilitarization it will give the ability to the Tamil terrorists to regroup so it should not happen we should strengthen our military further and send a strong message to the 80 million janitors living across the world that we will fight tooth to nail to prevent them from laying ownership to any part of our country

By: sumane Sun, 23 May 2010 02:45:25 +0000 a typical example for post-washington consensus thinking advocated by the IMF-WB.
