Comments on: Was I wrong to oppose the war? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 25 May 2010 19:57:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: longus Tue, 25 May 2010 19:57:46 +0000 dingiri,what an educated fool are you? Luckily people like you never got a chance to have a say in the conflict!

To give a “small” Eealam?Very hilarious!Why don’t you give it in your own backyard?

By: dingiri Mon, 24 May 2010 12:58:25 +0000 OK, I never liked the LTTE or Prabakaran just like DJ. But I knew for a fact that at least 90% of Tamils would have preferred a separate state even with VP in charge. In conflict resolution it is not compulsory to love you enemy. One needs to just recognise that a sizable proportion of the population wants something different and that we need to find a compromise where both sides get some but perhaps not all their wishes.

The best way to look at it is from the point of fairness and equality. Before going for all out war we should have offered the Tamils a solution based on complete equality. i.e. a separate state of a size proportionate to their population. I dont believe VP would have agreed as he wanted one in which the Tamils got 4 times more land per capita, but had we made the offer we could have then gone to war with the conviction that a compromise based on fairness and equality was offered and was rejected. If the only circumstance that VP was prepared to settle on was complete humiliation and dispossesion of the Sinhalese, pushing them all into the lower 2/3 of the country then war would have been inevitable.

By: longus Sun, 23 May 2010 00:14:08 +0000 Human,I appreciate your ‘Humanness’,but hardly so your tinted view! The conflict in the Northern Ireland was temporiliy doused with the peace pack,but it’s bound to disintegrate with the scale of the things happenning now.Simply the British couldn’t curb it militarily after trying to do so for so long,just like the previous Sri Lankan governments who tried to fight the war.

Did Israel-Palestinean peace deal materialize?

The separatism of the Tamil political parties started even before the Independence of Sri Lanka.How come Chelvanayagum asked for 50/50 in 1947 and formed the Federal Party?

The Tamils of Sri Lanka think that they are a “Superior Race”.

It’s not the Sinhalese who think like that!

They wanted the extra-special treatment which they received under the British to be continued!

The Sinhalese indentity got a shot in the arm in 1956

Yes,still we can’t accept the Tamil Homeland concept,because it doen’t say where the Sinhalese Homelands are!

All the terrorists are dead and gone now.Mahathma,…Buddha….Martin Luther preached non-violence.

Soon after the Buddha’s death the prince called Vidudabha sliced all the Saakyans to death in cold blood.Buddha prevented Vidudabha twice when he was alive.

After the death of king Asoka his cherished “Dharma Raajya” was invaded and strewn into pieces.

The Buddha or Gandhi IS no more.

So,don’t cry you pseudo humanists(just fuck off!) We humans are into our favourite occupation in our long journey to be “Human”


By: Human Fri, 21 May 2010 22:12:37 +0000 First of all I must thank Dayan Jayatilaka for taking the time to reply. So now it is time for me to reply back

DJ: “Human’ supposes that had Ranil continued in office the tigers would have disntegrated.”

Doesn’t DJ remember they were in fact already disintegrated after Karuna left with a large number of Battle hardened men and women?. My argument is, if the same conditions continued, with the absence of the focus on the common enemy, why wouldn’t other internal rivalries come to surface. Karuna was the first man who managed to break away from Prabha’s grip and still stay alive. Wouldn’t that have inspired more other rebels within the LTTE? To me it sounds more than likely.

DJ: “Doesn’t he or she know that the Tiger Air Force, which was earlier on the drawing boards, actually came into being because of the equipment smuggling during Ranil’s CFA? This made the Tigers the only non-state group with its own air force!”

Oh the TAF! That is the huge military advantage tigers gained during their ‘rearming and regrouping’ session during the peace time right?. And with the newly gained air power they managed to hammer the SL military left right and centre and won the war! – really?. They managed to buy a few cheap light civilian aircrafts (Zlin – not costing more much more than 60,000 USD these days) and managed to drop some homemade bombs missing their targets completely about half the time. Yes they struck about 10 times killing a grand total of about 20 people in the space of more than 2 years. But what effect did this have on the war? Did TAF have a significant effect on the balance of power? Did it have any effect? Was this the one grand tactical advantage LTTE gained during CFA? Of course it sounds impressive when you say “only non-state group with its own air force”. But from a military point of view, that doesn’t make much of a difference. Being the “only non-state group with its own air force” doesn’t turn your Zlin into a mig. TAF did have symbolic value. It did have a huge psychological boost to their supporters. But that is no substitute for real increases in your firepower as they found out quite quickly.

If anybody ‘regrouped and rearmed’ during the peace time, it was the Sri Lankan military.

“The army nearly doubled its artillery, from 97 in 2001 to 187 in 2002,”

“The army increased its APCs by approximately 70 percent, from 158 to 204.”

“The air force remained at 10,000 airmen until 2002 when it nearly doubled its size to 19,300 airmen,”

“In 2001, the SLN increased its manpower by 80 percent to 18,000 sailors. By 2003, the navy had approximately 20,600 sailors,”

Source: Sri Lanka’s Military: The Search For A Mission – Brian Blodgett ISBN-13: 978-1593301828

While the state was doing all these things what was the LTTE doing? Bought a bunch of Zlins and cessnas! Talk about the balance of power? No wonder they got thrashed when the war started again.

And what makes DJ think that “equipment smuggling” would have been impossible had it not been for Ranil’s peace? The LTTE got all their supplies by the sea during war and peace. If it was impossible for them to smuggle stuff during war time they wouldn’t have lasted this long. And Zlin -43 is only 7m by 10m (including wing span) when it is fully assembled.

But it is true that the doubling of the size of the navy and the air force during the peace time (during the ‘regrouping and re arming’ of the SLA during peace) did pay off when they war started again. Making smuggling much harder for the LTTE.

But let’s get back to the point. Did CFA really make LTTE stronger? How does a bunch of cheap two seater planes modified to drop improvised bombs that eventually killed about 20 people (and an unlucky buffalo) stack up against the loss of Karuna? Someone who was high up in the LTTE power structure(He was a body guard of Prabha in the early days) and had valuable inside information including the battlefield tactics used by the LTTE? How does it compare with the fact that the peace made it so hard to get new recruits that the LTTE had to resort to large scale forced conscription to try to keep up with the fast expansion of the SLA? How would a team of 14 year olds kidnapped and trained to fight by the LTTE fare against a team of SLA men? How about LTTE’s main source of income, donations from Tamils abroad, dropping to an all time low during the peace time? Because during that time people didn’t feel LTTE was protecting the Tamils. It didn’t look like Tamils even needed their protection. So people had other things to spend on. Of course it changed once the war drums started again.

DJ: “this ‘Human’ hasn’t read Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism”

Hmmm… That’s interesting. Does DJ know Wilhelm Reich also built “orgone energy accumulators” and claimed to have discovered “primordial cosmic energy” which , according to Reich is “what other people call ‘God'”!!! And does DJ know this man also claimed he could ‘make rain’ and ‘cure cancer’?

I don’t think his book is a good choice to use to back your argument.

While his claims were influential at his time, his assumptions and opinions are anything but science. And DJ shouldn’t forget that 1930 was a long time ago and Social Psychology has moved on. Even Freud’s ideas on which “The Mass Psychology of Fascism” was based on, is now considered “desiccated and dead” by Psychology departments in American universities. But that’s a different debate so let us leave it there.

The argument DJ is making is simple. Violence is OK against some opponents. Simply because those opponents are BAD. Of course there are different ways of saying ‘bad’. You can say ‘mad’ or like DJ use the political ‘F’ word. Fascists. It is precisely the same argument that is used by both sides of almost all violent conflicts, from street gangs to nations. The LTTE is no exception. They kept using the word ‘Fascist’ to label the Sri Lankan state. Successive Fascist Sinhala leaders wanted to destroy the Tamils. Want proof? Just look at all the history of ethnic riots and the governments inaction during the riots. Look at the quick reversal of “Banda Chelva pact”. How can we believe any peace deal would last even few months? Or the next leader wouldn’t reverse everything. Look at the attacks by government sponsored thugs when Chelvanayagam and his supporters tried to do a peaceful protest against the violation of Tamil rights? Look at the denial of the right of the Jaffna people to vote! Look at the burning of the Jaffna Library. Look at treatment of leftist Sinhala leaders when they spoke out against racial inequality? Look at the refusal to share any power! The list goes on and on. Can we have any hope of a negotiated solution with those Sinhala Fascists? Peaceful protests don’t work when dealing with Fascists. You have to talk to them in their language – violence. This is a classic piece of LTTE propaganda that has been used to Justify all their cruelty. Of course it is a bunch carefully selected half truths used to justify their violence and mislead their people. While I am not sure if Prabha would quote Reich like DJ, to explain Fascism, the underlying logic is the same. Violence is OK when fighting bad guys. And everyone knows who the bad guy is. In every fight it is the ‘other guy’. To an LTTE supporter, Mahindha would be a Fascist. A dangerous charismatic terrorist with an unhealthy following who should be killed.

The next thing DJ is saying is even more interesting

“Justitia accuses the Sri Lankan State of state terrorism. I agree that it has been guilty of epiosdes of state Terorism, but mass scale state terrorism has not been a policy as it was for Prabhakaran and the Tigers. “

This is getting even better. Even Terrorism is not that bad as long as it comes in ‘Episodes’ and not ‘Mass scale’. And I am sure DJ has the privilege of defining exactly how big is ‘Mass scale’ and exactly how long an ‘Episode’ can run. During the second JVP period, Killer squads sponsored by the state went around murdering a large number of young Sinhalese men in rural areas. This was just a repeat of the brutal tactics used by the state during the first JVP uprising. Would they qualify as ‘Mass scale’ or would DJ call them ‘Episodes’ that were not part of the ‘policy’?

I am sure Prabhakaran would say he was just playing a few ‘Episodes’ against the ‘Mass Scale’ killings by the government.To justify his claim he can conveniently point to the fact that the majority of the civilians are Tamils killed by the forces. Of course he wouldn’t want to mentioned that in many cases he provoked the forces with the very aiming of causing civilian causalities to support his argument.

But my argument is if hundreds or thousands of people have decided to use violence and choose to risk their lives fighting an enemy then there must be a problem out there. And it is very unlikely that the problem is entirely inside their heads. And it is very unlikely that killing them all is the only solution or the best solution. Unlike Reich, I just don’t think it would have anything to do with how much sex they were having.

You don’t always need a Ghandi. The northern ireland conflict was resolved without requiring a Ghandi. Of course britain could have taken the view that they are all fascists and looked for a military ‘solution’ who knows? they could have even ‘won’ that war killing all the ‘terrorists’ by now. But that way more people would have died on both sides.

But old ideas die hard. The use of violence to settle disputes predates us as a species. Even animals understand it. It is so natural it is hard to look at other options. So we rationalize it. We have to kill him because he is just crazy. He cannot be cured. He is dangerous. What about the hundreds of people following him? Oh it is just because he is quite charismatic. So charismatic that people would blow themselves to bits just to make him happy. Or maybe there are all fascist. He just unlocked the hidden fascist tendencies built inside every human being. Of course that is possible because Wilhelm Reich said so. he must be right you know? Because he is the one who discovered God among other things! – A very convenient argument that Prabha wouldn’t mind using.

And then DJ has chosen to use the lack of any mention of atrocities in Ashok Mehta’s book as proof that nothing happened! Surely if there had been any ‘ atrocities’ the General would have written about it in full detail right? If Ashok Mehta has published all the detailes then why should Gota get nervous about Gen Fonseka revealing ‘War secrets’ even after the war was over? What about the Channel 4 videos and the recent interviews of SL army officers on Channel 4?

if DJ wants to see the ‘atrocities’ committed by both the government and the LTTE, I am afraid Mehta’s book would not be a good choice. I would recommend

By: ModVoice Fri, 21 May 2010 20:58:32 +0000 Could Dr. Dayan care to explain how the Rajapakse regime that he was supportive of during the war is any less fascist, or free of the same accusations that he had made against the Tigers? Do I sense hypocrisy? Going by his own definition, this implies he is not “healthy.”

By: Ananda Ariyarathne Fri, 21 May 2010 11:31:24 +0000 It is indeed a very constructive approach Ground Views has taken and I have no doubt that it will become a Light House showing many the logical path, if and only if it becomes a real forum where all kinds of opinions can be presented. Then only can there be a proper and a balanced kind of opinions can be formed to find solutions to the problems Sri Lanka faces now.

One can be against War and I think that is the most natural feeling all will have except for a few mentally sick sadistic excuses for human beings. World history had enough such human beings and there is no need for another to appear to prove how he would behave. Such monsters are created only when the Leaders are clueless and do not do their duties honestly and diligently.

I think all our leaders who came after the Independence failed let us all collect enough courage to accept that.

When Socialist Leaders promoted equality they were ridiculed and all those who had the power talked about Freedoms that would be lost under Socialists. They were cock sure about their own prowess and prescribed solutions.D.S.Senanayake promoted honestly thinking that some kind of discriminations would come later. As a simple-minded person, he never thought about population expansion

After his untimely death, the dog fight started and if S.W.R.D.Bandaranayake was elected as the UNP’s Leader, SLFP would never have been created. To defeat UNP,, he found the unfailing formula-Buddhist Priests, Village Medicine Men, Singhala Educated Teachers, the farmers who tilled the land and the landless workers-the Five Forces. He became the Champion of the backward Singhalese who were dreaming to have better social status.

All of us know the rest. The gap between the Tamils and Singhalese was made.He and a person like Dahanayake who seldom spoke in Singhala became the Champions in promoting Singhala only.
The stranded Singhalese youth already revolted and JVP was born.

The lop sided policies continued and naturally Tamil youth had less opportunities

In the meantime the Tamil counterparts who were leading Tamil people put the blame on the Singhalese and created the hatred. In short that was how a monster like Prabhakaran was formed. He became the hero as he gave the cruel’ Singhalese ‘ tight and became the saviour in the eyes of Tamil people and later he started maintaining his position by force, making their lives miserable longing to see a country of their own.

Now I can come to the point.

The writer talks about Non-Violence and there is no doubt that it is the most revered position. But whether we like it or not his rabid behaviour had to be stopped in the interest of all peace loving people whether Singhalese of Tamils. Now one year has passed since the complete annihilation of the monster and his LTTE. and how peaceful it is now. If one cannot see that ,there must be something radically wrong with him.

But, now the Peace is achieved, what about the rest. That is where the problem lies.

Out of the MPs who have been elected how many are rational?. Most of them are glorified Minstrels and they simply do not have the capacity to think deep and understand what is really needed.It is out of them the Ministers are selected.

One may say that the MPs to be selected cannot be scholars and there for they cannot be genius people.True.That is why a good bureaucracy is necessary. See how the formula goes out of control.

The Minister does not like a Clever Secretary ( Not all the Ministers ) They want and prefer only ” Yes Sir ,Yes Sir Three Bags full ” singers. and not the original thinkers.The result is what we see now.

So, there is no point in fighting only for a” No War Future” because it will never be realised if we continue like this..

Sri Lanka has got a chance for the first time after the so called independence to rethink and do things.

I have a proposal and it is very simple.All of us those who are concerned can make a list of priorities at hand. then,thereafter, we can give proposals for each priority.All those can be sent to the President’s Office for their attention.

If nothing happens,we see to it that President becomes aware of those . If nothing happens,then we can reach the Opposition for action. There will
be enough intelligent people who would take over from there.

No one will have a reason to be annoyed because this forum will be promoting only the truth.

That way,we can avoid any more wars.

Ananda Ariyarathne



By: ranjit de mel Fri, 21 May 2010 09:52:43 +0000 because of the tigers , we have many s.l.ans today , who have become ,so called academics,intellectuals,thinktanks, — .some write articles and many who are not that super brains comment.i would like to call myself liberal,iam against any form of war.infact till the about 1991 wished the ltte success.allthough i may call myself a peacenick(i know many peacenicks who like war.wars should continue for these p.k. ,for them to make money(NGOS;INGOSE),i wanted the fascist ltte to be crushed by all means. this liberal,p.k. writer is of the opinion mahathma G. and marthin L.’s , commitment to non violence brought real solutions to the problems during their my opinion india got her independence not because of G. but because soviet union under the leadership of stalin won the 2nd world war.(details some other day).what has changed in india?for me allmost nothing (poverty,discrimination etc.).india has become strong,but nothing the u.s.a. certain changes have taken place for the blacks and the coloured,but for me u. s . a. is the biggest terrorist country in this world.hope obama who is not a black,could and would change this world,for the betterment for us all.anyway i did not celebrate victory day,because iam waiting for the the day where all s.l.ans have justice,irrespective of our ethnicity.
ranjit de mel berlin/colombo.

By: jayathilaka Fri, 21 May 2010 08:41:04 +0000 pros and cons of war.Which serves the best to achive a goal.The ideology of non-violence or seems that people are more prefered non -violence. But the history of human kind is full of violence and proved over and over again that only through violence the people have achived their goals and been sucess in reaching their target.

By: Nithyananthan Fri, 21 May 2010 07:22:34 +0000 @ Dr. DJ’s – quote: “Gen Ashok Methta’s …’ a scrupulous professional study of How Eelam War 4 was won… there is no mention of any ‘atrocities’ war crimes or mass scale State Terrorism…”

How could anyone, an accomplice – in particular, expect to confess or accuse himself or his partner for committed atrocities and war crimes? It’s taken for granted as a Certificate of Character and recommendation for clearance from crimes and violations. Credibility of the issuer / originator is always taken into consideration and scrutinized. It’s something like evaluating the eligibility and credence of such Certificates given by Dr. DJ and Dr. Mervin Silva – the two highly decorated Doctorates, in Lanka.
