Comments on: I REMEMBER: 19 May 2010 Journalism for Citizens Sat, 19 May 2012 04:15:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sri Wed, 26 May 2010 18:15:10 +0000 People are always ready to point fingers at others rather than admit that a crime or an atrocity was committed by their country. I’d thank Alan Keenan for making us remember what happened in Sri Lanka. I was born in ’86 very much after the incidents that instigated this war took place, but my parents have gone through hell and back and the stories they relate are nothing short of horrific.

And yes, I am a Tamil.

By: Punitham Tue, 25 May 2010 22:12:40 +0000 Tathagata Bose
I wish to contact you – pl get my eddress from Sanjana.

By: Punitham Mon, 24 May 2010 14:44:52 +0000 Tathagata Bose
Have you (or your teammates) written any article on the work you did in the camp to National Medical Journal of India or similar?

By: Punitham Mon, 24 May 2010 14:18:39 +0000 Tathagata Bose
Please inform Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group and Tamils Against Genocide:


By: Surendran Mon, 24 May 2010 11:52:01 +0000 I wonder if Dayan Jayatilleke remembers any damn thing.

By: Ilankaian Sun, 23 May 2010 11:38:28 +0000 We can blame each other for the horrible racial violence in Ceylon now Srilanka. It was the greed of the Sinhala majoritarianism, misconception, and twisted mind from mythical writings that caused all these carnage, Still many SL are pouring racial, religious hatred. I remember the Tamil politicians been stoned later thrown into biralake in 1956. I saw my neighbour had his stomach rippied open at the bustand on his way to work,he ran back to his house to fall dead at his door step. My school principal [Royal college Mr Silva] lost his eyes because he was unable to read a sinhala paper given to him. over 20,000 displaced in colombo and its suburbs having one meal using the few school toilets and caged at Royal, Thurstant, St.Peters and Saraswathi hall of Hindu college. before being shipped to northeast. in the 60’s missionary schools dismantling started to subortage the Tamil students chances of entering the university. many grievances from minority groups were ignored due arrogance, faiure to realise the out come. Things could have been changed but Sinhala politicians who should be blammed for createing the Prabaharan phenomena. All the atrocities carried out by srilankan army interligence and deep penetrating units were conveniently blamed on LTTE. The fleeing ‘kumthin boat’ people were murdered and set a light by the SLNavy in 1986, 1981 Jaffna library was burnt by police &two ministers, Killing of Luxshman Kadirgamer & Keethish Logeswaran blamed on LTTE. the surgeon who operated onLK found three bullets and do not match the sniper story given by police and government. there are many more hidden informations by the SLState and its armed forces. the last year’s activity are slowly trickling out. let us wait for natural justice wheels to turn. country is now pawned to China foolish India with a foreiner tea canteen women at the helm, is getting itself torn apart. the biggest joke Srilanka advising shivashankerM on how to curb naxalities. It was the same people who advised on destroying LTTE by gave saterlite detectors to located Tamil civilians &LTTE to be bombed, Indian men on ground many died along with SLArmy. now SL’s turn to supply men and their experience to India. let us think rationally bring reconciliation and build a peaceful nation, more discremination and subjugation will spill more blood.

By: Realist Sun, 23 May 2010 10:55:37 +0000 I tend to believe such eyewitnesses . The Government must realize that outright denials will not convince any one. It is better to let the world community to its own devises. We should not be boasting about our great victory if it was achieved by such atrocious methods. men like Dr Dyan Jayatilleke can be left to do that. The UN is concerned lest other countries follow the example of Sri Lanka in their campaign against terrorism.that would negate the progress made in enhancing human rights after the terrible World War 2. If we are sensible we should be silent and perhaps pass an Amnesty Act by our Parliament to grant amnesty for our Armed Forces for any acts carried out during the war including the President and the Defense Secretary. It will not prevent them from prosecution outsdie the country but it will at least help us to face up to the truth without punishing anybody

By: ampanai Sun, 23 May 2010 05:42:53 +0000 Great writing in deed. But, the story of Tamils should be told in context, as why they opted arms? And ( non state actor) are they really terrorists? when a government to this date continue unleash terrorism?

By: davidson panabokke Sun, 23 May 2010 04:30:40 +0000 I remember my uncle’s Sinhalese workmates were butchered by Sinhalese mobs in 1958 riots because they could not read Sinhala.

By: Vino Gamage Sun, 23 May 2010 03:30:41 +0000 Tathagata
This is seriuos – have you told Amnesty International Human Rights Watch, …
