Comments on: FROM VICTORY TO NORMALISATION IN SRI LANKA Journalism for Citizens Mon, 24 May 2010 03:30:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susantha Thu, 20 May 2010 11:06:24 +0000 Dear Sir we will never allow the 13 th amendment or any sort of compensation with the idea of Tamil self determination all policies of the government will be in order to crush this concept not enhance this.Mahinda Rajapakse has impliedly made it absolutely clear that the Tamils are not going to get self determination in Sri Lanka after so many soldiers died to protect the country from the Tamil invasion and ensure that Sri lanka remains a sinhala buddhist country will go in vain if any sort of devolution is given and Mr Gotabaya has stated that all political parties that talk about Tamil homeland will be banned by the new constitution we the Sinhalese people will not accept anything short of total annihilation of Tamil national aspirations and Tamil self determination as a solution to the ethnic conflict I am personally prepared to die for this cause
