Comments on: 19th may, 2010 Journalism for Citizens Sat, 22 May 2010 16:40:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: sumathy Sat, 22 May 2010 16:40:51 +0000 Thanks to all those who found some meaning in the poem.
About Sivaramani’s poetry: I have done some translations, and am continuing to do so. Hopefully we can get a publication out. There are other translations out there. But, of course, obviously I like mine more.

For me, Sivaramani’s death, and those of so many others, and the suffering brought on by the long years of war are inextricably linked together.
And as we write on reconciliation, progress, development, and most importantly, that cherished or abhorred word, nation, we need to sit down and reflect on what exactly is the meaning of this suffering, these deaths and these lives.

Maybe working through Sivaramani’s poetry and Selvi’s and other people’s, their voices as theory, and not just as expressive and personal writings, would give us something to reflect on. Also, they may tell us about what questions we need to ask today. In some ways, that’s why I write poetry; ask questions about where we stand today.

By: ordinary lankan Fri, 21 May 2010 15:57:55 +0000 seeking to connect with your suffering
I turned to this post
so few words
and so much meaning …

how can we read some more
of her labour of love?

By: raami Thu, 20 May 2010 12:27:18 +0000 Dr.Sivamohan,
thanks for remembering her on her death anniversary.
if i remember correctly,she said,
” i have destroyed all my identities
as long as my hands could extend.
if there is a help remaining
for you to do is
destroying all the rest”

but contradicting her wishes we carry her in our minds.
where can i find the translations of Sivaramani poems?

By: Punitham Thu, 20 May 2010 05:49:22 +0000 IDPs are denied rations of food.

Then why rows and rows of flags?

Socialism or Buddhism?

By: Heshan Wed, 19 May 2010 19:07:55 +0000 How about writing the words “IMF” and “China” on the Lion flag… that’s the future of S. Lanka. Never-ending bailouts and servitude to mighty China, the new emperor of the East.

By: Punitham Wed, 19 May 2010 13:21:06 +0000 Banking on Solutions, A real-time evaluation of UNHCR’s shelter grant programme for returning displaced people in Northern Sri Lanka, March 2010:
”Movement along the A9 is also still restricted for international NGOs and UN agencies. ”
The refugees and resettled Lanka’s nowhere people, Sutirtho Patranobis, Hindustan Times 17 March 2010:
‘’On the stretch of the A9 highway between Vavuniya and Jaffna, hundreds of released IDP families have put up flimsy tents or taken shelter in broken houses. After months in camps, they now have the freedom of movement. But little else.”

By: Magerata Wed, 19 May 2010 12:31:26 +0000 I can only hope that all Sivaramanis of today, will live long and we get to enjoy their poetry.

They tear off
The wings of insects
Make guns
From sticks and logs
And kill friends
Imagining them enemies

I think she really wished, that we stop playing games.

By: tis-a-small-world Wed, 19 May 2010 11:15:38 +0000 Dear Dr.Sivamohan
Great piece of poetry! well done! I remember listening to Sivaramani’s poetry on the 20th death anniversary commemoration ceremony of Rajani Thiranagama. If someone can publish Sivaramani’s poetry either on a website, it will be great!
