Comments on: Monsoons: Another western conspiracy against Sri Lanka? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 20 May 2010 01:06:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pearl Thevanayagam Thu, 20 May 2010 01:06:03 +0000 Now the government is to blame for the floods. There is some truth in this. But truth will elude us unitl we recognise what caused these floods.

Hell, we are in the 21st century and we are still consulting astrologers. Anura, Premadasa, Sirimavo and JR went to that paedophile Sai Babha to invoke blessings and he pulled out gold chains and ashes from his front sleeve.

Let us pardon Sirimavo ‘cos she did not progress beyond Grade8 at St Bridget’s and her speeches were prepared by the assassinator of her husband SWRD Buddha Rakkita Thero.

Let us also pardon Anura since he could not be arsed with finishing his term at Oxbridge. Add on Premadasa whose education was limited to evening classes at St Joseph’s.

Do we still need politicians who would trek to India and invoke blessings and tie endless threads on their wrists by holy priests that they fail to realise their fate is already sealed.

So could we let ourselves forward to the 21st century and take our own destiny in our hands. Shine the torch within and make sense of sensibility in managing our land with rationale.

Let us pay heed to scientists and environmentalists who are closer to God and nature than soothesayers and charlatans.

How we invoke religion to wage wars on enemies in the name of religion is something that baffles me no end.

Premadasa’s life was not spared despite all th blessings of Sathya Sri Sai Baba who like Rajneesh ( with his private airstrip) had his own monetary portfolio hoodwinking the Americans seeking solace from a materialistic world.

We are but living a dream if we still believe in pseudo priests and their producing material welath out of nowhere.

The floods we experience are not produced by politicians but by the politicians whose short-sightedness and selfish interests far superceded rational forward planning.

My oh my, when will we ever learn.

By: justitia Wed, 19 May 2010 14:08:09 +0000 Longus,
Sorry I should have, but these did not come to my mind.

By: mohandev Wed, 19 May 2010 05:02:32 +0000 Sure it’s a conspiracy by SF/JVP to prevent the victory celebration when the once hero is left behind in a dark poor ventilated cell whilst his beloved son in law is running from place to place disguised as monks & what nots to prevent getting caught to bros & co. Maybe the Diaspora too would have contributed towards it to ensure bad weather. Ha ha ha……… no doubt this is Sri Lanka, where else could we be !

By: AJ Wed, 19 May 2010 03:10:26 +0000 Why are these “HENA” not landing in the parliament…

By: longus Wed, 19 May 2010 00:27:54 +0000 VERY HUMOUROUS!

Well, justita,you have forgotten to include in your long list of superstitions;the miracles performed at churches which “cures” cancer patients,the so called miracle nights of healing the deaf,the blind,and the crippled(anything short of raising the dead )the criminal acts of depriving the sick of medication,blood transfusions and praying till they die……

justita, I think that you have forgotten to include the above facts…………..!

By: indonicus Tue, 18 May 2010 23:37:26 +0000 NEWS FLASH:

(Doctor) Mervyn Silva has banned all rain in the Kelaniya electorate.

Basil has revoked the order but has asked for ten percent of the water, no matter where it falls.

Mahinda has appointed a commission to investigate.

Ranil is singing “It only rains on me”.

Sarath Fonseka is saying: “This is nothing compared to the storm I had in mind”

By: Black Magic Tue, 18 May 2010 21:54:51 +0000 I think we SriLankans are better than this, we had our world renowned scientist in NASA.So we should not disgrace ourselves with this kind of articles, especially if these people who made this statement were once from USA.
Can some one explain how Sri Lanka is going to make rain, if they can then it would be a useful tool for nations in Africa and solve drought in the world. We need to refrain from making these statements as we would become the laughing stock of the world.
Sri Lanka should concentrate on developing the nation and become something like Singapore or Hong Kong, instead of doing research on how foreign forces stopped them from celebrating the victory over LTTE. Past is past forget it, make peace and move forward for the betterment of the country. Western world is struggling with their own problems with Middle eastm Euro debts, US economy, Oil Leak etc, and they do not even remember about Sri Lanka or even to screw with rain. What have Sri Lanka got to offer for the western world development. So stop this nonsence and move forward, but be careful with Chinese takeover of Sri Lanka in near future. I hope Rajapakse will resolve it too.

By: pissu LK Tue, 18 May 2010 18:04:31 +0000 I think US & EU agents may have gone to Seenigama Devalaya & broken coconuts (Pol Gahala) there. We have to counteract with our dare devil specialists,

By: Maha Kaira Tue, 18 May 2010 16:16:29 +0000 Tongue in cheek indeed. The majority of comments here are interesting and funny except for indignation shown by one or two paranoid morons who do not know what humour is; people of the ilk of Hitler and Pol Pot and other similar birds of prey. Such folks were recently singing praises for the disorganised removal of the pavement hawkers as if we had made a moon landing, but c’mon, how about the authorities cleaning up the drains? Even Dr. Mervyn should be able to do that, at least by whacking it with a molgaha. Or how about making sure the sick and dying Sinhala people at least have adequate medicines in the hospitals? Can’t manage that? Or controlling rampant bribery? There is no doubt that the Malayalam hooniyam astrologers aided and abetted by the ant-Buddhist West asked the weather gods to wipe out our glorious chest thumping victory parade. After all we must not forget that the Weather Gods are not only Greek and therefore part of the anti-Sri Lanka EU, but that the Greeks can call upon more gods than we Sri Lankans who are limited to the Hindu collection of tis thun kotiyak (33 lakhs) of gods. God Zeus with his weather control, God Zephyrus (God of the west wind), Godess Harpies (Goddesses of storms) and God Hades (Lord of the underworld and Dr.Mervyn) have indeed carried out a conspiracy against Sri Lanka. Let us now pray to God Aether (God of clear skies) so that God Hypnos (God of sleep) can let us Rest In Peace, at least until the economic storm caused by pathetic economic management, also a Greek conspiracy, enveloped Sri Lanka in six months’ time.

By: Magodis Thuma Tue, 18 May 2010 16:10:28 +0000 We need another government agency to protect our mother land from such weather attacks and conspiracies. We recently set up a Coast Guard, and now we need a Weather Guard. Of course it must come under the Defence Ministry.
