Comments on: A clueless regime’s parade for glory with a bumpkin polity Journalism for Citizens Fri, 28 May 2010 02:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Huh Fri, 28 May 2010 02:21:00 +0000 Also, if you want an even better explanation as to how long Tamils have lived in Sri Lanka, please read ” the Evolution of an Ethnic Identity” by Indrapala. He pretty much disclaims his thesis from the 1960’s and admits that it is out of date.

By: Huh Fri, 28 May 2010 02:14:58 +0000 Susantha,

You are ridiculous. I don’t believe in Eelam. Believing that all the ethnicities in Sri Lanka are entitled to a federal structure(if they want it), is not agreeing with the Tamil terrorists. Btw, that way of thinking is pretty anemic, and is the same kind of thinking that
George Bush used in his ” your either with us or against us” mentality. You can access Robert Knox’s book ” A Historical Relation….” online, and I believe there is at least one whole chapter devoted to the fact that there are Tamils in the area in Anuradhapurra and north of that area and Sinhalese people are not to be seen. There are also many articles online by scholars that I’m sure you can access that discuss the antiquity of the Jaffna dialect and how old it is and why it is has not undergone changes that the Tamil Nadu dialects have. Also, the book ” Crucible of Conflict” discusses many of the old customs of the Eastern tamils and how they are different from Tamil Naud tamils as well. Although I am a Sinhalese, and I know fully well that there were Tamil politicans making eelam demands long before 1983, I also know that the Jaffna Tamil people did not start demanding Eelam until every measure their politicians took to negotiate with the Sinhalese politicians was squandered. Also, please explain how suddenly ALL tamils who live in sri lanka are invaders?

By: Susantha Thu, 27 May 2010 19:04:40 +0000 Huh
you make 1001 claims for the tamil terrorists invaders to make claim to our Sinhala country.Can I ask you one Question?Is Nalin De Silva the admin of the VOC archive site?also I like you to give me an authoritative link which justifies any claim of the tamil terrorists?

By: Huh Wed, 26 May 2010 21:05:47 +0000 Susantha:

Although the following is biased, I believe this post is a great rebuttal to what you claim about the Tamil people and their history in SL. It is from from an article that is a rebuttal to the crap spewed by vermon like Nalin De Silva:

” Here is evidence to DISPROVE the claim made by some Sinhala chauvinists that the Jaffna Tamils were brought by the Dutch for Tobacco plantation.

According to the article \”The World\’s Oldest Trade: Dutch Slavery and Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the Seventeenth Century\” written by the Dutch historian Markus Vink, the Slave trade was flourishing during the period 1658 -1689. Thousands of slaves from the South Indian (Malabar/Coromandel) Coast were settled in Ceylon and many other countries around the world.

During this same period, in 1672 Dutch Predikant PHILIPPUS BALDEAES was living in Jaffna and was preaching Christianity to the people of Jaffna (in Tamil language). This Dutch officer first landed in the Malabar Coast, stayed there for a very short time moving along the Malabar Coast to Coramandel Coast up to Nagapatnam before coming to Jaffna. He knew the entire South Indian (Malabar/Coromandel) coast very well.

In his famous 1682 historical account, Dutch Predikant Philippus Baldaeus says,

“I have heard it often asserted by the inhabitants of Jaffna Patnam that, that part of the country was TIMES PAST peopled from the Coromandal coast and hence the dialect of their fatherland.”

Why did this Dutch officer has to overhear some peasants of Jaffna talking about TIMES PAST when the Dutch were already settling those South Indian slaves from the Malabar/Coromandal coast in Ceylon during the same period.

If the Dutch had settled those people in Jaffna, this officer would have said with full authority,

“I have seen (not overhear people) the inhabitants of Jaffna Patnam being peopled (not times past) from the Malabar/Coromandal coast by the Dutch and hence they speak the dialect of their fatherland.”

This clearly proves that, as per the article, the Dutch settled tens of thousands of slaves from Malabar/Coromandal coast in the Southern parts of Sri Lanka (for cinnamon plantation because cinnamon was their main export and not tobacco). Today they have all become Sinhala Buddhists/Catholics who are claiming to be the sole owners of Sri Lanka and the champions of the Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalism.

It is absolutely hilarious to see the very people in the South who descend from those settled by the Dutch while hiding their identity behind Portuguese names keep harping falsely that it is the people in Jaffna who were brought by Dutch. “

By: Susantha Fri, 21 May 2010 15:26:31 +0000 somewhat disgusted

of course tamils and all others are equal human beings and have equal human rights but they are not entitled to any sort of self determination in Sri Lanka

By: SomewhatDisgusted Fri, 21 May 2010 13:00:29 +0000 Susantha,

You evaded the simple and direct question I asked:

Are you willing to treat Tamil’s as equal human beings? Or do you wish to claim a position of supremacy for the Sinhalese?

By: niranjan Thu, 20 May 2010 10:50:30 +0000 Somewhat disgusted,

You will be amazed at how many people in this country think like Susantha. Education has done very little or nothing at all to change such attitudes.

By: Susantha Thu, 20 May 2010 08:22:14 +0000 Huh
check with the census department of Sri Lanka distinguishing between the upcountry Tamils and sri lankan Tamils was done in 1912.
eastern province tamils came there even after the Muslims.Tamil terrorists like chelvnaigam even didn’t claim the eastern province.There are reports by British civil servants that they settled Tamils in the large numbers in the east any way the east will become a Sinhalese majority area very soon I have personally bought land in the eastern province.

elephant pass was populated with Buddhists in the 1600s according to dutch archives and not any book(fairytale) written by some Tamil pseudo historian terrorist

And the book written by the great brilliant Portuguese historian Fr Queroz clearly define about this tamil kingdom myth which is illustrated here


you can justify your claims anywhere but who cares there are 80 million janitors in the world shouting for eelam who cares? we are in a position of power world super powers are with us and we dont fear any stateless janitors if they try to be funny they will get a better treat than they got last year.
The truth is the tamil self determination movement has been crushed we see how afraid they are to talk about self determination in Sri Lanka (Sinhala country)

By: Nithyananthan Thu, 20 May 2010 08:00:46 +0000 Expression of pain and uneasiness of mind by some commentators is understood with regret. It’s neither deliberate nor intentional by this critic to mislead or descend upon or to degrade or ridicule the stature and dignity of those gentlemen named in the comment. Rather reducing instantaneous recognition and comprehension, they have been admired, exalted and honored by comparison with targeted individual – who’s a good readily available example to typify the inherent nature of psyche – jingoistic vulgarity against the Tamil minority – in the name of unrestrained extreme, yet duplicitous, nationalism that again takes refuge in patriotism. What an unease! Nithy!

By: Amarnath Sunderagama Thu, 20 May 2010 02:59:45 +0000 Dear Susantha,
Can I have a copy of the deed to this Sinhala-Buddhist land that you talk of ? Is it registered with the Land Registry ? If it is in your name, can I lease out a few perches ? Relay in need of some pure Sinhala-Buddhist land.
