Comments on: The future of tourism in Sri Lanka: A conversation with Renton de Alwis Journalism for Citizens Sat, 29 May 2010 06:46:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renton (Out of the Box) Sat, 29 May 2010 06:46:36 +0000 To N, I visited Tahoe and camped out in the Lake Tahoe for days and explored the area. Visited the University of Nevada. Also ‘saw’ the casino areas. Also am aware of the impact on the American Indians from all of this. That is the problem of the US. Have you all being to Macau, China SR or Genting Highlands, Malaysia? There are models we can look. I said Kalpitiya for it is a peninsular that thopouigh biologically rich and diverse now, we can not save in another 50 -100 years. There are other higher areas we need to keep in tact. And we are only talking here of a part of the whole peninsula and what we can do as an option to ensure we do not damage the rest of the country. These are not superficial stuff we are talking about. Someone mentioned the Racecourse for a gaming centre… with Royal College in front of it? These are real choices we need to make for otherwise we can have the whole of this gem of our island ruined in our search for making 3 billion dollars from tourism with 50,000 hotel rooms and 2.5 million visitors roaming all over the country a year. Think of the impact on our heritage sites that are already taking a beating. Think of all the scenic sites and the biologically sensitive areas.

By: N Tue, 18 May 2010 03:17:37 +0000 Oh yeah and I forgot, when I said visit Tahoe and Vegas, I should have clarified that you should visit those areas and talk to land use managers there to see the actual affects of the development there.

By: N Tue, 18 May 2010 03:14:23 +0000 Dear Renton,

You didn’t address the fact of whether the examples in Tahoe and Vegas have worked in protecting the environment. You are proposing a model that has not worked anywhere else, huge profits and developers simply do not equate sensible land use. Again hiding behind qualifications and experience isn’t really helpful, there are plenty of people with ‘experience’ that I have seen who make bad suggestions and generally screw up.

I’m afraid your talk smacks of greenwash and ignorance. Tying climate change into this is farcical. If the sea levels rise then it is the LANDWARD side that needs conserving as habitats and species need space to migrate to in order to avoid the rising sea levels. Besides for a gambling complex why do you need 2000 acres? You admitted the clientele doesn’t really care what the environment looks like, the abandoned race course in Colombo should provide more than enough space, revitailize a neglected part of the city and keep Kalpitiya safe from the depredations of climate change.

Also I hate to point out the obvious, but Kalpitiya is a peninsula, hence both the landward and the seaward sides will be affected by rising sea levels.

By: Groundviews Mon, 17 May 2010 20:30:50 +0000 KALPITIYA: The Lagoon, The Islands and The Sea at Barefoot on the 21st of May. Click here for details –

By: KolithaBahu Fri, 07 May 2010 19:17:30 +0000 Dear Sanjana Aiye,
Really enjoy “The Interview”, I would have liked some of them to be a bit longer, but the people you have and what your doing is really great ! and I have watched some interesting stuff thanks to Vimeo.

That said, I have one and only one question for you,

Why Sandals ?

By: Renton (Out of the Box) Fri, 07 May 2010 05:13:11 +0000 In response to N who asked me to visit Tahoe & Vegas… the answer is I have. I also know that the American Indians hold casino concessions in most parts of the USA and they are not touted as being good for them by others. There is so much written about the pros and cons of it. Please please… I have worked and being in advisory capacities to nations ranging from Bhutan (conservatory at the extreme), to Nepal, to Yunnan Province of China, The Mekong Countries, India (with WTTC) and also Macau. I worked for a decade based in Singapore and had seen all developments … the good, the bad and the ugly. The key point I make is ‘Sri Lanka is a gem and we can not afford to have all of its facets impacted by tourism. We can not have resorts and hotels everywhere. The government policy says there will be 2.5 million visitors and 50,000 hotels rooms will be made available by 2016. The objective is to earn US $3 billion in foreign exchange.

What I saying simply is to limit this scale of development to a few areas (resorts and have it well managed) . Kalpitiya, that has already 4,000 acres of acquired land by the government and has the space at the landward end to have an exclusive facility for gaming can meet part of this objective.

I am a conservationist by training and at heart and one who loves and cares for my country very much. I want Sri Lanka to be in tact with minimum negative impact from tourism. I am also a pragmatist and am strategically seeking ways to ensure that it will be so. We need to think macro and not only micro about regions in a romantic way. Think of the impacts of sea level rises as a result of ill-managed causes for global warning can do to low laying areas. Think of what The Maldivian President told his countrymen when he assumed office about looking for alternative land. Also request everyone to ‘STUDY’ the options we have to balance the ‘development’ needs with careful use of our natural resources.

By: wijayapala Wed, 05 May 2010 01:39:39 +0000 Dear Asanka,

“Your majesty, the birds that glide the skies and animals that roam the forest have an equal right to live and move anywhere in this country as you have. The land belongs to the people and all other living beings. You are only its trustee.”

– Mahinda Thero (not our Mahinda) to King Devanampiya-Tissa, ~250 BCE

By: In Your Face Tue, 04 May 2010 21:58:14 +0000 Mr. Renton De Alwis,

I applaud all your initiatives, including the idea of a casino in Kalpitiya. I appreciate your forthright and practical approach to casinos, particularly with regards to how they may boost a certain segment of the tourism industry. I see nothing contradictory in this because casinos are, after all, part and parcel of the modern world in which we live.

In the country in which I was brought up, people abhor terrorism and suicide bombings, but no one objects to people having a little fun at a casino. Democracy is the freedom to choose, and you have demonstrated this with your open, inclusive plans for the future.

Congratulation, sir, you are on the right track.

By: Kosala Tue, 04 May 2010 11:18:26 +0000 Hi Asanka,

Well someone has to care for those that don’t have a voice in this world.

By: Asanka Tue, 04 May 2010 09:05:16 +0000 Excellent, we musn’t letter environmentalists and other do-gooder hypocrites ruin our chance for development
