Comments on: Revisiting the JVP: Will They Repeat Their Past? Journalism for Citizens Sun, 02 May 2010 20:25:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dayapala Thiranagama Sun, 02 May 2010 20:25:53 +0000 Correction
Sunday Times 1988 13 November, not 1983.

By: wijayapala Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:54:46 +0000 Dear Rights Activist,

Persons who believe in God as their creator and provider,believe that to be accountable to God gives spiritual food to fulfil their destiny and purpose in life.

I thought that people who believe in God don’t have to worry about morals or ethics, because their faith in God will bring them to heaven no matter what bad things they do.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:19:04 +0000 I still recall the handsome innocent face of Marusira in 1971 when he was hunted down and killed as he hid in a water tank by the regime in power which not unlike the Federal Party nurtured the JVP to overthrow the UNP and once in power forgot its promises to uplift the Sinhala youth who fought for their ascendency into power.

For the first time the Sri Lankan armed forces became funtional and not cermonial as we would listen to their bands on May Day. We also enjoyed the extended schol holidays.

I also recall that Mrs B visited Rohana imprisoned in Jaffna fort and begged him to give up his rebellion. Then Premadasa and Rupavahini went to town circa 1989 and we were treated to an opulent Mr Ekanayake alias Rohan Wijeweera living it up in the hill country surrounding himself with a collection of gold jewellery and a farmyard full of ducks and pigs.

Truth would elude us and Rohana was shot at by police and the JVP suffered irreparable damage as a political force.

With Pirabakaran’s demise and the vanquishing of the LTTE we are repeating history.

I was still a teenager but Marusira’s face still haunts me; his innocent and honest belief that the poilticians of the day would uplift the masses from the bigotry and elitist notions which deprived the rural masses of advancement.

By: Dayapala Thiranagama Fri, 30 Apr 2010 20:22:58 +0000 MKDK

You say that the JVP was not responsible for Vijaya Kumaratunga’s death. Does this mean that the JVP was responsible for deaths of other comrades I have named? If the JVP was not responsible for the murder Vijaya‘s murder tell us who did it. On the day of the Vijaya’s funeral Desapremi Janatha Vyaparaya (DJV) issued a statement justifying Vijaya’s murder. In his answers to the readers questions from his underground Wijeweera admitted the connection between the JVP and DJV in following words.

“But the present Deshapremi Janatha Vyaparaya is not the armed division of the JVP.As far as we are aware Despapremi Janatha Vyaparaya is a mass people’s organization. There are members of the JVP as well as non members in it” (Sunday Times 13th November 1983 page 9).

It is hard to believe that the JVP was not aware of the plan to murder Vijaya even we accept Wijeweera’s assertion. This is evident again when Wijeweera made a political assassination of Vijaya in his answers after murdering Vijaya as he wanted to justify Vijaya’s assassination.
Wijeweera stated that
“He (Wijaya) was never a socialist…Mr. Vijaya Kumaratunga supported Indian imperialism. They are active within the country as an additional battalion. He went to Madras as an agent of the Jayewardene government and had secrets talks with fifth columnists of the Indian imperialist. He had meals with them. We treat SLMP as a power hungry treacherous lot of Indian agents (ibid. page 10)

Wijeweera had announced the death sentence for all the political leaders and their members who supported the provincial councils and the devolution of power at the time as they were branded as “Indian agents”. Then they carried out these death sentences. They were gruesome and brutal.Wijaya was assassinated as an Indian agent. But the progressives and democrats consider him as a great patriot who fearlessly defended the democratic rights of all communities and gave his life for his beliefs.

I hope readers will be able to decide now who is telling lies and why.

By: Rosa Fernandes Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:34:15 +0000 I am but more optimistic than the writer and some of the commentators about the possible resurrection of the JVP as an armed opposition group for a set of reasons that present an equally un- salutary picture of the future of Sri Lankan politics.

It will be a long time before the JVP takes off again if it ever does, unless it metamorphoses into something else altogether which is unlikely. Its alliance with the UNP for the Presidential elections must have damaged its Sinhala nationalist credentials badly. In fact the alliance was detrimental to both the UNP and the JVP. Having the General on its front benches is neither here nor there.

It may be true that the JVP turns against its erstwhile allies. However this time the JVP has had the rug pulled out from under it by the UPFA which has fully appropriated the JVP’s populist brand of Sinhala (Buddhist) nationalism. We see this being represented by a range of actors from the JHU to the NFF .and the President’s brothers – enjoying such comfort and prominence. within the heart of government – and never before, even during the days of Cyril Mathew was there this level of open endorsement of such extreme Sinhala Buddhist nationalist voices by the government in power. I remember reading recently about how the Defence Secretary was chairing the post war book launch of Champika Ranawake’s, ‘The Charge of the Lion Brigade.’ The reported content of this book sounded toe curlingly racist indeed – a step beyond even Cyril Mathew’s racist tracts.

The SLFP abandoned its rural social mobility project a long time ago, partly because it had no choice, as the economic premises that this political project was based on no longer applied; partly because of the irrevocable changes brought about by JR’s neo liberal economic policies, which were also determined by global trends. And of course the current government like the others before it has fully embraced neo liberal economic policies.. Its constant incantation of the ‘development’ mantra makes this self evident.. Development simply means ‘get rich quick’ for the henchmen of those in power, not just in the north and east, but in the south as well. ‘Development’ is all about the ruling clique’s supporters and sycophants making a fast buck.

This top down ‘development’ agenda will deepen the inequalities within Sri Lankan society, polarise the country even more and here maybe the JVP has a window of opportunity. But the JVP can pull it off only if it can reinvent itself and it does not appear to have the imagination nor the capacity to make the necessary transformation.

JVP cannot do without its reliance on a form of populism through the invoking of Sinhala nationalism; And the UPFA has edged it out of its comfort zone fully. Even the JVP cannot improve on what is on offer from the government as far as Sinhala nationalism, populism and ‘patriotism’ are concerned. In Sri Lankan politics as elsewhere, these are all in a continuum and it is mystifying that Dr. Jayatilleke while critiquing the JVP characterises populist patriotism as good and Sinhala nationalism (narrow) as bad. This is how the JVP also characterises itself: it calls itself patriotic and thus against external interference,; that is why it opposes devolution to the minority.

By: Rights Activist Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:52:11 +0000 Rights have responsibilities. Accountability for the lives of citizens by national leadership is an international responsibility. Thosec who do not want to learn from history repeat it

Accountability demands responsible speaking and actions. When there is accountability, citizens are protected from wicked actions and deceptions.

Prideful and wasteful dictators do not like to be accountable. They have lose actions, lose tongue, do not care or resoect the lives of others and are too quick to resort to violence, destruction, murder and genocide.

During the war against the LTTE, the government of Sri Lanka(GOSL) violated the rule of law against Tamils and permitted soldiers to commit murder and genocide.

In the name of justice, the GOSL should be called upon to account for the lives of 40,000 Tamil civilians killed in May last year.

Persons who believe in God as their creator and provider,believe that to be accountable to God gives spiritual food to fulfil their destiny and purpose in life. They live with an obligation to be responsible for their words and actions.

But most of the leaders in the GOSL and parliament believe in fate, affirming the thinking “what will be will be”. Such belief often does not produce either responsibilty or accountability.

That is the problem in SL. Therefore, accountability will not come from within the country. It must be enforced from outside.

When parents beat up kids they are called upon to account for their action in countries, including African countries, practicing Human Rights.

But the Sinhalese, corporately as a nation, do not want to be accountable in a court of law even after murdering 40,000 Tamils in one go.

On the general election day, the Sinhalese, by their voting for Rajapakse regime, have expressed and confirmed collectively, that they do not want to be and cannot be made to be accountaable for the ruthless murder of Tamils. They have to be punished collectively by the UN and the International Community.

The UN is obliged to ask the GOSL, Budddhist prelates and Sinhala politicos to account for their actions contributing to genocide, a crime against humanity.

If the UN does not do it, the very existence of the UN would become meaningless and the civilisation of mankind reversed.

Criminals are not pleaded to come to court, they are arrested, handcuffed and brought to court. It should be the same for the war criminals in SL.

By: ranjit de mel Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:19:22 +0000 i do say jvpeers from 1971 up to now were only sinhale national socialists.revisiting the jvp would be interresting for former jvpeers and for for people who does not know the history of this there are a few tamils and muslims in the jvp,who are naive to beleive in the jvp.(i too was naive in 1971 and sympathised with the jvp for a short time)jvp is not a marxist party,was never a marxist is good that they are allmost dead.together with fonseka they thought they could achieve their aims,which they failed two times by terror terror —- terror.the majority of the sinhale people did not want jvp terror again with the top sinhale nationalist fonseka.there wont be political ressurrection for the jvp,but jvp terror is possible ,because that is the only possibility for them.unfortunately this time allthough dead ,they were not buried,very soon it will happen and that is good for s.l. ranjit de mel berlin/colombo.

By: LAL SENEVIRATNE Fri, 30 Apr 2010 03:30:41 +0000 A Quality article written by Mr.Dhanapala who has done a lot of background study.Its not only theory he has touched on the ground realities.The JVP leaders cannot hold a candle to Marxists of the past such NM,Colvin,Sarath M,Leslie,Dr.Wicks,Pieter K to name a few.These were men of stature and held their seats due to the large personal Vote they obtained.Can any of the present JVP Leaders win in their own backyards-their personal votes will be nil.

The JVP do not stand for anything,just bitterness, hatred and greed.How could they sit on the same platform as the UNP.As the writer has quite rightly said its only if the UNP can the JVP rise again but this could change should the leadership change and Politicians such as Lakshman Seneviratne,Sajith P,Dayasiri,Karu start running the party and spread their voter base to the rual areas.Lets not forget the 1977 victory,even the SLFP strongholds were won with big majorities therefore it was not only in the swing that unseated strong candidates but strong campaigning by Candidates born and bred locally not those who parachuted from Colombo.

By: true sri lankan Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:18:35 +0000 What ever said by some ‘writers’ who analyse things on their favors, JVP is the only force having the most scientific and practicle solution for ethnic issue. Simply what they say is give equal rights to all despite ethnicity, religion etc. If person in power not willing to do that, how come JVP responsible for that.
Just dividing people on ethnic grounds will make the matter worse.
JVP oppose separatism. Promote unification.
If U analyze they have not taken any step to humiliate Tamils.
SLFP and UNP leaders in the past used the issue for their political gains. Bandaranaya took sinhala only step. UNPers burned Jaffna library and ignited 1983 flames, just to say few examples.
If not for JVP, you all will be under Prabakaran by now. They made the political plateform and rest done by SF and crowd.
They asked MR just after the defeat of LTTE to give prioriy for the development and social welfare of war affected people and not to go behind personal agendas. MR did not listen. People did not listen. Now all are in trouble.
Any way whether one likes or not JVP has and will play a leading role in the way Sri Lanka goes forward.
We like them becouse they are the real representative of ordinary mass in Sri Lanka.
Just see the origin of parties. SLFP and UNP both originated through ‘elite’ crowd for thier personal gains. JVP is the party of ordianry man though many people are being decieved by 2 main corrupted parties. We know some like if JVP take violent path becouse you can crush them again. But they are very very tactful now. I think background is being made with these articles etc that JVP will be crushed with false alegation of using weapons etc.
The writer says ‘Sri Lanka needs a political party that can guarantee democracy and social justice for all its people, including devolution of power to ethnic minorities’
If you know little bit of history you can realize that both main parties will agree for the last bit because of foolishness and obedience to western countries and India. But the most important’ democracy and social justic for all ‘can be achieved only through JVP. The writer is making the background for power devolution and separatism as an agent of separatists. He knows that it will only be the JVP who will play a major role then.
I challenge Groundviews to publish this comment if possible, to show your impartiality.

By: mkdk Thu, 29 Apr 2010 15:57:16 +0000 I think when one writes he must write the truth, if he knows it if not must refrain.if you believe all what you read you are an idiot, so please analyze and think (if you have any brains) before writing, for exam; everyone knows how and who killed V Kumaranathunga, yet you claim the JVP did it, that is a deliberate lie. in other words you are nothing but a liar!
