Comments on: THE TRAGIC TRAJECTORY OF CHANAKA’S LIBERAL PROJECT Journalism for Citizens Thu, 06 May 2010 13:19:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: dingiri Thu, 06 May 2010 13:19:58 +0000 niranjan,

Sure, there were civilian casualties in the last days of the war, but that does not construe a war crime. Remember the Army did not chose to kill those civilians. It happened only because the LTTE deleberately herded them into the scene of the final battle. They knew the army was this time comitted to defeating the LTTE no matter what the cost in money, lives of soldiers, enemy or civilians. It has been a frequent choice made by many of the countries that are lecturing us today. In the World Wars, Vietnam and even today in Iraq and Afghanistan. The LTTE should have realised that and released the 300,000 people who were trapped in the NFZ if they ever cared for them. If the diaspora genuinely cared for the civilian lives they should have realised that it would be far more worthwhile demanding that the LTTE released them before the final battle. In the end what is clear is that no one really cared. The govt, LTTE or the Diaspora. They were just a tool for the LTTE and the diaspora. A tool that didnt do the job.

By: niranjan Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:04:41 +0000 Observer,

Are you sure that there were no civilian casulaties during the last stages of the conflict? Evidence was not possible because the Government restricted access to outsiders during the fighting. Only the army, the LTTE and the trapped civilians were there.
However, if you ask the civilians who escaped the fighting they may well tell you what they witnessed. Lack of evidence does not mean that there were no civilian casualties. The question is what are roughly the numbers of civilians who died in the fighting ? and were they deliberetly targeted.

There are intelligent people both Sinhala and Tamil in this country and overseas who do not believe what the Government says. They want to know the truth or something close to that with respect to what happened during the last stages of the war.

By: wijayapala Sun, 25 Apr 2010 04:02:44 +0000 Dayan,

The answer to your question should be evident from the fact that the EPRLF and NEPC Chief Minister Perumal received Premadasa and voted for him.

And how did Premadasa repay Perumal for his vote of support?

By: Observer Sat, 24 Apr 2010 23:43:26 +0000 Oh I can read alright.. My problem is I read them with an open critical mind. All I hear is wild accusation with no reliable facts/evidence to support some of the wildest claims that defies sane reasoning. Hence I support the current administration.

Agnos, why don;t you do a bit of self reflection on your self. If you read what you just wrote, you essentially accused me of being a criminal for having my own views. Essentially you classified me as a criminal based on my right to freedom of expression. This is the same kind (you) would scream of suppression of freedom of expression by the government. But it’s nothing more than pushing an agenda.

By: Agnos Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:02:26 +0000 Observer,

If you can read English or Sinhala, go read the abundant publicly available information on the regime’s crimes; and since you are a supporter of this regime, your own complicity in the crimes. But one can hardly expect self-reflection from criminals like you and I don’t have time to waste.

By: Observer Sat, 24 Apr 2010 02:18:02 +0000 Agnos, care to explain why the current administration is a criminal regime? Can you substantiate with evidence? You should at least have a valid basis for your claims.

By: Observer Sat, 24 Apr 2010 02:11:57 +0000 “Do you think Kerry and Lugar know more about the conditions in the North-East than those of us who were born and raised there and have relatives who died by the actions of the GoSL”

Agnos cut the crap, who are you trying to kid? Blame the agressor! the LTTE! The diaspora.

Yours and my relatives died as a result of war. LTTE gave us the war. We responded! You surely did not think we were going to take the violence of the LTTE with a smiling face…

Propaganda? get real.. it’s the other side of the story you refuse to hear.

Just think for a second this was a war all the extremist Tamils wanted and cheered for during hay days. don’t cry now. you committed your self for the loses in the name of the cause. You your self are responsible for your dead relatives. It is you who gave them money to fight a war while living in your comfortable Western countries. The blood is on your hands not the Gov SL. Don’t ever forget that.

If you whole heartedly committed your self to a war then, accept the dead bodies that will return to you with grace. We did. We never cried when our brothers were fallen.

You can try again however, it is your right. But we reserve the right to respond and defend what is right!

By: Agnos Fri, 23 Apr 2010 02:41:28 +0000 ” War crimes” ..’ criminal regime’??? Says who? Not the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s report on Sri Lanka signed by anti-war liberal Senator John Kerry (D) and moderate Richard Lugar (R), not the State Dept Human Rights Report..

This is the kind of argument you have been making in your role as a propagandist for the GoSL for so long that the stark illogic and silliness of it fails to hit you.

Do you think Kerry and Lugar know more about the conditions in the North-East than those of us who were born and raised there and have relatives who died by the actions of the GoSL? or more than the UTHR which has a long history of objective ground reporting at great personal risk?

By your (il)logic, why should there be religions other than Judaism because someone says Albert Einstein had the most brilliant mind of all?

I can understand that you cannot see the blood-stained hands of Rajapaksa because you have had your head stuck in his behind. But I didn’t know that your senses had been so dulled that you couldn’t even smell the stench coming out from that behind.

“…a debate in the pages of The island IS a ‘public debate'”

I distinctly recall that after repeated challenges by Chanaka in the Island, Kautilya himself wrote that he had agreed to a debate (i.e., ” live” debate). Not that I was taking any side.

By: Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:08:55 +0000 Agnos,

By the way, a debate in the pages of The island IS a ‘public debate’. Given Mervyn’s masterful grasp of international politics (most especially of the Middle east region, including Iran) and propensity for savage satire, aren’t you glad, as I am, and all well wishers of Chanaka should have been, that a more public debate did not in fact take place?

By: Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 22 Apr 2010 00:56:07 +0000 CORRECTION:

That should read:

“Mervyn, who won the gold medal for oratory at Law College beating KN Choksy among others, and debated Lalith Athulathmudali in 1984; and whose diction made him a broadcaster for the BBC including its home service (on Yuvtushenko’s poetry, mind) and whose knowledge and use of the English language was second to none in Sri Lanka (to put it conservatively), had no reason to shirk a debate with young Chanaka except for reasons of charity, and one other fact: he was sole caregiver for my mother Lakshmi who had suffered a stroke. As far as I can recall the debate in print was on Chanaka’s support for the Shah of Iran.”
