Comments on: Aiding and abetting to kill plurality in ‘patriotic’ Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:27:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nithyananthan Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:27:14 +0000 It is one of the very few, the most honest intellectual expositions of its kind but at different angles, I ever have read on history of ever changing political landscapes in Lanka. Author narrates very well the myopic view of the politicians and how they still harp and trapped on old beliefs while the world around them have changed for the better; and the unhealthy morphosis of electoral politics and malpractices consistently adapted in Lanka – aimed at dissipation of plurality of Tamil speaking minorities and monism of majority by abusing their privileges and power.
It is very informative as well and a well-defined, analytical presentation of high caliber of its kind, especially by a non –Tamil – but a peace-loving Noble Sinhalese Expositor. The sequential presentation style of facts, actions and inactions and actual realities speaks of his professionalism and makes anyone believing the author is well-informed of the history and on-going and unfolding events on day-to-day basis.

Lastly, let me thank the author, Mr. Kusal Perara, for his intellectual interest, devotion of time and aptitude in preparing this expository documentation. It’s an excellent piece of exposition of textbook caliber educating the general public both Tamils and Singhalese to alert their awareness. Looking forward more from you for Peace and Prosperity to Lanka, Thank you! Nithy!

By: Sinhala_Voice Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:29:39 +0000 Kusal,

I do understand the point you try to make. I also agree that trying to create a Sri Lankan / Ceylonese culture is meaningless and it is going to be resisted.

The ONLY thing that is going to be or has been so far SRI LANKAN is the relationship that an INDIVIDUAL has with the state and the instruments of the state. THAT IS ALL THAT CAN EVER BE SRI LANKAN.

For put it simply:
Are the Tamils going to abandon their culture and get this ” Sri Lankan” culture >>NO.

Are the Muslims going to abandon their Islam and become “Sri Lankan” >>No.

If at all it will ONLY be the Sinhala-Buddhists who will identify with this Sri Lankan identity. So the challenge for us Sinhala-Buddhists is HOW DO WE MAKE THE RELATIONSHIP between the STATE and the INDIVIDUAL more appealing to the so called NON-(Sinhala-Buddhists –assuming here that ALL sinhala buddhists are happy with the status quo as it is NOW).

I disagree with the 1946 Delimitation Method which says….


If they want to give group representation to any group that needs to be taken care of in a different chamber like the SENATE or UPPER HOUSE.

This may be the ONLY solution we have to solve issues in Sri Lanka.

By: Kusal Perera Tue, 13 Apr 2010 04:45:32 +0000 Who ever this “magerata” (my country) is, who does not have the spine to comment with his/her real identity, has one basic flaw in comprehension. He or she can not read and understand the fundamental issue I have raised in this copy of mine. That is, EVEN the State Council in 1946 that guided the formulation of electoral principles for independent Ceylon and thus for the first parliament under the Soulbury Constitution, accepted the necessity to have “plurality” that was inherent in society, adequately represented in parliament. I further stated that this principle of plurality was adhered to by Delimitation Commissions that followed every national census.

Therefore I do not know, how this “magerata” came to the conclusion that I long for the Soulbury constitution, which is never discussed in this copy. That in fact shows the comprehension ability of this patriotic person.

That said, why this concept of plurality ? Why this necessity for “minority” representation ? Because there is nothing called a “Sri Lankan” identity, other than in the passports issued by the government of Sri Lanka. But within this country, there is at least 03 distinct cultural identities as Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim that carries with them political aspirations too.

This fake argument of a “Sri Lankan” identity within this society, is therefore an escape route for Sinhala cowards, who do not want to face the reality of living with diverse cultures in this “land called Sri Lanka” so named by the Republican Constitution that was adopted by a pro Sinhala, National State Assembly in 1972 and therefore the legal necessity to issue passports with nationality filled in as “Sri Lankan” for citizens of this country.

The challenge is not to bark upon a non existent “Sri Lankan” identity, but to politically arrange for a governing system that would restructure this State to accommodate all national identities, Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims as equals with equal opportunities.

I have a RIGHT to be accepted in this society as a Sinhala citizen and I DON’T have to skin myself of that historical identity to be a non existent “Sri Lankan”. So is the RIGHT of any Tamil or Muslim person, to be accepted as Tamil and Muslim. Therefore, lets us not be mean and cusard “Sri Lankans” to call for the suppression of our own cultural identities, merely to deny others of their own identities.
– Kusal Perera

By: magerata Mon, 12 Apr 2010 21:52:41 +0000 Well I managed to read your article, and with all the close and far fetched facts, longing for “Soulbury Constitution” and hatred for Sinhalese dominance has given you ample juicy stuff to write. I do not know whom you write to or for but I feel that it is not Sri Lankans. But it is alright, you may have your masters to please, like I do. Mostly I please myself. May be Sinhala nation did not want anything to to do with Tamil nation so much that some of them went for a 30 year war. Yet I fail to see you mentioning those facts and their contribution to hardships the nation faces. You do not give us those facts and figures other than telling us that not following Milibanda’s Constitutions then and now created the divide.
Milibanda and LTTE failed and doing their things but the real Tamil people continue to suffer along with their Sinhalese and Muslim brothers and sisters. I always call these people Sri Lankans and that is what I want them to be now and in the future. Why don’t you see these people as Sri Lankans? Or are you still in favor of divide and conquer method of your colonial masters? So describing JHU, you have unknowingly prooved that majority of your so called Sinhala extremists are intelligent peace loving people;
“Even in districts where over 90% Sinhala Buddhists vote, like in Moneragala, Hambantota and Anuradhapura, they (JHU) failed miserably.”
If you want Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans to succeed, then stop taking labels that fit people like JHU and slapping it on all Sinhalese people or taking LTTE label and slapping on all Tamil People. And for all, stop deepening the racial divides. We do not need those. If you a looking for quick fixes for these problems, you are dreaming. But we can certainly start today. See the great democracy of USA, where equality reigns, as I mentioned before, KKK still lives where Black Panthers were banned years ago. Black Panthers are still being persecuted for crimes they supposed to have committed then. KKK continue to commit what they do best. So can you make a guess why KKK is banned yet? Has it got anything to do with majority?
And your conclusion; “Its the Rajapaksa regime that now fathers this Sinhala political campaign for supremacy, waiting to be tested on its ability to hold this as a single Nation, leave alone developing it as a democratic, Nation State with equal space for all.”
I am sure you were one of the people who waited for LTTE to win or at least continue. (I have not proof of this other than your own writing style) along with people like Milibanda and other developed nations. Well you know the results. We will rise as a single nation, Sri Lanka where Sri Lankans live. For sure, we do not need damn “Soulbury Constitution” nor the likes of JHU. We need some how, to educate people like you and bring them to their senses.

By: magerata Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:18:30 +0000 I am still reading your article (just finished glancing through it, I do not have time now read it in its entirety.) So I might comment again later.
But I was grinning ear to ear to see that you picked G.W Bush, who almost destroyed the world with his redneck patriots and Al Gore, who “invented” Internet to explain Patriotism in Sri Lanka.
I think President Obama, has shown the world the value of equality. But I doubt, even he will be allowed in a KKK rally, yet. People do change.

By: justitia Mon, 12 Apr 2010 17:18:48 +0000 Former diplomat Godage has suggested an “Equal Opportunities Bil” to afford tamils equality in national affairs and in living as ‘wanted’ citizens.
But I remember the virulent opposition to such a proposal a few years ago, when even schoolchildren were mobilised to protest on the streets to ‘protect their rights’.
Tamils have to wait and see what the new parliament brings. But the president and the UPFA have not spelled out their intentions with a 2/3rds majority, which will require only about 6 to 8 MPs to cross over from the opposition, and will surely become a reality.
