Comments on: A choiceless election to elect a lumpenised parliament Journalism for Citizens Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:04:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: realist Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:04:10 +0000 I agree with Kusal that the Sinhalese peasants have run amock. they have been serfs throughout history and never resisted arbitrary and autocratic rule of our ancient kings. So the Sinhalese and the Tamils are polarized and all hope of reconciliation between the victors and the vanquished are gone. Sinhala Buddhist imperialism has won the day and the Rajapakse family will rule for the foreseeable future in the style of our ancient kings. forget freedom and the rule of Law. Our villagers dont appreciate them. they will only after they are lost but it will be too late and they will have to shed blood to get them back

By: niranjan Wed, 07 Apr 2010 04:55:22 +0000 “The Sinhala ideology that supported the war on the other hand was not challenged by the defeatist Opposition,”- If the opposition challenged the Sinhala ideology then the opposition would have performed worse than they did in the last Presidential election. e.g Ranil W tried to down play the Toppigala victory and the UNP lost ground.
However, the UNP is putting up a good fight for the Parliamentary election. But even if the Government fails to get two thirds at the elections they can always entice opposition members to cross over to its side. There is no guarantee that affidavits are going to prevent UNPers from crossing over.

By: democracy Tue, 06 Apr 2010 23:53:32 +0000 Yes. almost all are corrupt,but we do not see any gentlmen in this mnape contest We voters ge what we deserve

By: Heshan Tue, 06 Apr 2010 19:20:28 +0000 As the above article indicates, the election is a sham, albeit a necessary one. At least to the outside world, Sri Lanka wants to present itself a “democracy.” In practice, of course, the democracy does not extend beyond the width of the paper… the best analogy I can think of is a sick man. You could kill him and the illness would end right there. Or you could give him medicine to treat his illness… of course, in giving him medicine, the dosage is critical. Too much is fatal, while too little will have a negligible impact. These here elections fall into the too little category (although some would strongly argue the opposite). Elections are in fact necessary, but a lot more needs to be done. The quality of the candidates, the potential side-effects (implications for society), etc. all have to be taken into consideration. After all, not all medicines are equal, neither are any two politicians.

By: raj Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:24:06 +0000 This is a very biased article…………C’mon GV,not at all up to your usual standards.You can do better than this!!!

By: magerata Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:28:12 +0000 Man you seem to be a sour loser, even before losing! Where did you pull those numbers out as I am not familiar with them.
If you think magerata and its government are like Myanmar, you are a bloody frigging insane. But you have the right to be so.
I am in love with this “autocracy” which I am allowed to walk around without having to worry about having my balls blown up coconut tree high.
There may be “dirty” politicians in the current ruling party, (which was elected) led by a democratically elected president, so please name a few “clean” politicians that you have come across.
Problem with your insane ranting is that you bring up a bunch of problems that you say exists but fail give a solution(s). All I see is admission of you and your chosen politicians incapability to win! what gives?

You want to take racism away, them start by not being a racist. People like you point finger at us saying we are racists because we applaud and support the elimination or let me say annihilation of LTTE. LTTE did not have a race, terrorists never do. And all Tamil people are not terrorist either.
If you really want help magerata or En Nadu, then start by not referring to racist southern Sinhalese and northern Tamilians, Sri Lankans will do and has a nice sound to it!
You want to talk about economy, rebuilding and beneficiaries, research about infrastructure development plans and budget, and how Japan will benefit from it. I bet you can’t, because your focus is too narrow.

By: rizan Tue, 06 Apr 2010 06:41:46 +0000 see video – WikiLeaks has released a video taken from a US Apache helicopter showing the murder of two Reuters journalists in Iraq in 2007. Will there be any repercussions for the US?
