Comments on: Do candidates need armed security to ask for people’s votes? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: jayathilaka Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:24:59 +0000 it is only JVPs MP who do not seek the security of the government but they get their own carders as their security personel. which is a good example for the ohter MPs who employs a huge number of security around them wasting public money.The main reason behind employing a huge number of security personels by the MP is that most of them are engaged in notorious acts for which they are fear of their death by the opponents.

By: jayathilaka Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:23:36 +0000 it is only JVP MP who do not seek the security of the government but they get their own carders as their swxurity personel. which is a good example for the ohter MPs who employs a huge number of security around them wasting public money.The main reason behind employing a huge number of security personels by the MP is that most of them are engaged in notorious acts for which they are fear of their death at by the opponents.

By: Davidson Panabokke Thu, 25 Feb 2010 09:01:10 +0000 This is a country where they build Buddha statues all over the place after driving the residents into detention camps and even preventing aid agents from helping the detainees.

By: SomeOne Thu, 25 Feb 2010 07:47:12 +0000 Dear Sinhala_Voice,

I am sick and tired of talking of democracy.

This island people are not ready for democracy ready yet. Believe me.

First, let them finish fighting for the owner ship of this island.

Then you talk about the “demo crazy”

By: Sinhala_Voice Thu, 25 Feb 2010 04:47:56 +0000 I think the issues that you go back to the method or the process by which one is elected to the Parliament.

The current process is a STATISTICAL GIMMICK. The proportional represetation DOES NOT give real representation to people based on where they live.

The proportional representation system gives POLITICAL PARTIES representation in the parliament.


If the system is so changed that we have a ELECTION SYSTEM/PROCESS such that a geographic area elects members of parliament then DEMOCRACY can be properly and truly installed in Sri Lanka.

Otherwise, there will be more security escorts , more police, more violence , no media freedoms and finally NO RULE OF LAW.

By: warriorking Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:07:03 +0000 Is this the ‘culture’ we cultivate from our great past? Or is just what all ‘sri lankans’ deserve??? Who have the guts to change this horrible way.. And bring the great old ‘ serendipity’ to our beloved mother lanka?

By: Groundtruth Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:29:29 +0000 Talking of the late W.Dahanayake, he was also Prime Minister, from the LPP party, even if it was only for short period. One recalls the photo of him arriving at Temple Trees in a Morris Minor taxi with a rolled up mat,pillow and an umbrella (his party’s symbol too) to take up official residence. He had, of course, no armed security or secuirty of any kind for that matter because he liked to believe he was the peoples’ MP and PM. And he was! How things have changed! He must surely be turning in his next birth at what has happened since then.

One comment is worth specific mention. The Author rightly mnetions that any breach of the law by anyone should be a matter for police action. For that to happen the police muct act according to the law. But can they? Restoration of normal laws and associated order are obviously crying needs.

By: Ali Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:26:16 +0000 All MPs, Ministers, PM & President of Sri Lanka must work only for their salaries and benefits. Crossovers must be stopped. Greed for Millions and billions bring people left country for years back to SL. Some of these names mentioned for PM post. These people use 100s of security. They use same security to conduct many election violations.

On top of that some of them retire from army and ran out of country. Now they are back with 1000s of security. True hero of war is in jail and they are eating SL $ pie alone. Oh! poor SL!

By: p.g.wijeratna Wed, 24 Feb 2010 21:45:49 +0000 yes candidates for election must walk freely among people.If they dont have arm security they wiil try to behave well and coperate with public. Remove all securities with some exce ptions.

By: mzd Wed, 24 Feb 2010 18:43:16 +0000 Throughout history we see very people friendly MPs,Ministers,members of local
bodies,chairmen of local bodies and co-operations, using public transport and
easily mixing with the public.Even now there’s a chairman of a UC who moves
around on foot.He’s from a rich family who can afford luxary.And I know a
prominant MP who is also the elder son of a late senior minister,a brother of a
former Basnayaka Nilame of historically important temple,used public transport
in late nineties and very simple person.Simple, down to earth people are still out there to serve the people.So we got to be careful not to hurt them by putting
everybody in one basket.Security for politicians have become a real issue with the unleash of violence against rivals.This is simply a sign of deteriorating downward trend of once tolerant and enduring politics.Power has become a
necessary household item now and simplicity has gone to the museum.
