Comments on: Exceptional responses to questions from media Journalism for Citizens Mon, 15 Mar 2010 11:50:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Mon, 15 Mar 2010 11:50:06 +0000 Belle,

“I have never subscribed to the LTTE. But you need to pretend that I did because otherwise you can’t touch me”

There was never a need to pretend.

Pretense is your Hall Mark like the time both “Belle” and “Disgusted” engaged me in an argument. I thought they were two individuals. Found out much later that I was deceived. Your emphatic pronouncements sound hollow, considering your duplicitous nature.

You are the one who challenged what I wrote about the Times fabrications. But you avoided discussing the PUBLISHED material and instead were writing about non existent reputations, deals, work ethics, unpublished material and figments of your imagination, everything else BUT what the Times published.

“What would you have wanted me to do to prevent the LTTE from carrying out its terrorism? Come flying up to Sri Lanka like Batman and zap them off the face of the earth?”

Raising your voice against the LTTE as STRIDENTLY as you raise it now.
Creating public awareness about the suffering of the down trodden Tamil Civilians in the Vanni squirming under the Jack Boot of the LTTE.
Joining other Tamil Voices who bravely fought the propaganda of the LTTE.
Organizing or joining Public protests against the LTTE and its Fund raising Fronts.
Those would have helped.
Imitating cartoon characters definitely won’t

“Even your illustrious army took 30 years to do the job”

Not if the Indians refrained from a Parippu drop.
Despite the “Invincibility” that was being touted, it just took 3 years this time.

“Where’s your evidence that I even contributed money to the LTTE?”

Did I accuse you specifically of contributing money?
This is what I wrote “Some RAN AWAY from this so called Freedom Fight but from the safety and comfort of their homes staged Terrorist flag carrying demonstrations, provided funds, moral support and encouragement to a Fascist Group IGNORING the KNOWN ATROCITIES these Fascists commit against fellow Tamils”

Notice the word “SOME” in the above.
You did not deny the other forms of support.
Looks like a guilty conscience is articulating itself. There is a Sinhala proverb “Puhul Hora Karen Dane” which literally means the pumpkin thief is apparent from the Pumpkin ash left on his shoulder. Money is not the only way support can be extended. I believe that you have an LTTE bent because of your writings, the same basis used by you, to accuse me.

“Do you have any idea how desperate you sound just lashing out at people whose identity you don’t even know and accusing them of things that you summon out of your demented imagination? ”

Physician Heal Thyself. I told you before, moderation will be reciprocated with moderation.

“The LTTE is dead. Now people like you are stumped because you’ve run out of excuses for your country’s failures and your racism.”

That’s what your types want everyone to believe, so that they will drop their guard.
What happened to the TRO, the WTM, the strong arm men of the LTTE that roamed making collections, the Transitional govts, the LTTE control of Hindu Temples in UK etc. Has that entire infrastructure simply Vanished in to thin air?
What happened to the Female Tiger leader, the one who did the commissioning of LTTE female cadres by presenting them with Cyanide capsules? The last time I heard she is living in comfort in the UK. Most of all, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MASSIVE FUNDS that were collected?

If what I write in defense of my country in response to lop sided unjustified racist attacks from Tamil Nationalist like you, can be called govt propaganda or racist, so be it. We will be there to counter your misinformation. The Internet is no longer your exclusive domain as it was in the past. Your intended target audience is no longer receiving a ONE SIDED story.

Sections of the Tamil Diaspora blindly supported the LTTE’s terror at home and its political articulation of people as weapons of mass suicide. In turn they became accomplices in extending its dreadful fiat over the Tamil social and political space within Western democracies. Without batting an eyelid, this same Diaspora is using human rights campaigns to challenge the Lankan government. They enhanced the legitimate stories of profound suffering of their people with well-publicised lies that the people were staying with the LTTE willingly, all the while denying as always its abuse of children and blaming the Government squarely for all their ills.

By: Belle Sun, 14 Mar 2010 15:55:53 +0000 By “him”, I meant Fonseak, of course.

By: Belle Sun, 14 Mar 2010 15:55:11 +0000 Off the Cuff,
You share the Rajapakse regime’s penchant for dramatic rhetoric, underneath which lies…absolutely nothing. Just like how they accused him of high treason, planning to assassinate the entire Rajapakse family, etc, and now all they can do is charge him with participating in politics while in the military and violating military procurement procedures!

I have never subscribed to the LTTE. But you need to pretend that I did because otherwise you can’t touch me. What would you have wanted me to do to prevent the LTTE from carrying out its terrorism? Come flying up to Sri Lanka like Batman and zap them off the face of the earth? Even your illustrious army took 30 years to do the job. Where’s your evidence that I even contributed money to the LTTE? Do you have any idea how desperate you sound just lashing out at people whose identity you don’t even know and accusing them of things that you summon out of your demented imagination? Like as if you care a fig for Tamils.

The LTTE is dead. Now people like you are stumped because you’ve run out of excuses for your country’s failures and your racism.

By: Off the Cuff Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:57:20 +0000 Belle,

“I have far worse names for Sri Lankans who don’t care a dime about their own fellow-citizens being killed mercilessly, rounded up behind barbed wire, and journalists and dididents being targetted for summary execution and persecution.” this is what you wrote

That’s exactly what your Sun God and his band of TERRORIST thugs did for nearly 30 years to the TAMILS living under them.

Did you care “a Speck of Dirt” about the Tamil CHILDREN who were forced to sacrifice their childhood and finally called upon to make the SUPREME sacrifice?

While you were busy playing War Drums after taking the cowards exit you closed your eyes to the suffering of the Tamils in the Vanni, as you and your siblings were comfortable and safe. Where was your Humanity then?

You cant feign ignorance as you CLAIM you get a lot of information from the Vanni. If you are able to get so much information now, you should have got TONS of information when the LTTE was running the show. Were you getting Selective information all these years? Never heard about LTTE ATROCITIES towards the Vanni TAMILS? The Tamils about whom you are shedding tears now.

Were you Deaf, Dumb and Blind to what the LTTE did to the Tamils under them? Looks like you have selective amnesia towards the LTTE but microscopic vision and memory towards the SLA.

And now you take a Moral High Ground!!!

By: Belle Sun, 14 Mar 2010 11:21:57 +0000 Off the Cuff,
“Some RAN AWAY from this so called Freedom Fight but from the safety and comfort of their homes staged Terrorist flag carrying demonstrations, provided funds, moral support and encouragement to a Fascist Group IGNORING the KNOWN ATTROCITIES these Fascists commit against fellow Tamils living under them which included FORCED conscription of Children (as young as 10 years), Torture & Murder of Dissidents and use Civilians as a MORTAR AND BULLET Shield.

I call those who fall into the above category, who fan the flames of HATE and who FIGHTS a war by PROXY using Children not just cowards but DESPICABLE COWARDS”

I have far worse names for Sri Lankans who don’t care a dime about their own fellow-citizens being killed mercilessly, rounded up behind barbed wire, and journalists and dididents being targetted for summary execution and persecution. Who then go on to reward the perpetrators for their fine service by voting them in again. What was it—only a 1/4 of the tamil diaspora are “despicable cowards” according to your calculations? Well, more than half of Sri Lankans qualify for that very bad name I have for them (but which I can’t say cos it’s not for polite ears).

By: Off the Cuff Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:38:47 +0000 Hey Hey Belle,

” If we fight, we are terrorists. If we don’t fight, we are cowards. That’s exactly the kind of reasoning one always gets with the likes of you.” so you wrote in your last post.

No I don’t consider a FIGHTER who fights another ARMED group a Terrorist.

A TERRORIST is a coward who PURPOSEFULLY TARGETS non combatants such as UNARMED, UNPROTECTED, Babies, Children, School children, Pregnant Women, Women, Pilgrims, Priests and Men outside the war Zone.

Some RAN AWAY from this so called Freedom Fight but from the safety and comfort of their homes staged Terrorist flag carrying demonstrations, provided funds, moral support and encouragement to a Fascist Group IGNORING the KNOWN ATTROCITIES these Fascists commit against fellow Tamils living under them which included FORCED conscription of Children (as young as 10 years), Torture & Murder of Dissidents and use Civilians as a MORTAR AND BULLET Shield.

I call those who fall into the above category, who fan the flames of HATE and who FIGHTS a war by PROXY using Children not just cowards but DESPICABLE COWARDS

How many of the approx 1 million Tamil Diaspora living abroad fall into that category? Judging by the LTTE Flag carrying demonstrators world wide, about a quarter million (or more). Judging from what you write you are no angel either.

This is a response to the last paragraph of your latest post. A response to the rest will follow.

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 13 Mar 2010 19:14:47 +0000 Dear Wijeyapala,

The answer to your question is here.

There is a section of the Tamil Diaspora who were never prepared to fight, deserted the so called freedom struggle and condemned the Tamil Children of the Vanni to fight in their place BUT are however BRAVER THAN THE BRAVEST of them from the safety and the comfort of their homes abroad.

They are not “Ordinary Tamils”

By: Belle Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:24:22 +0000 Hey Off the Cuff,
Getting to be quite the poet, aren’t you? A bad one, but nevertheless resorting to rhetorical flourishes to distract from having lost the argument.

I have no idea what Dr Saravanamuttu says. All I know is that the people I’ve heard of who got bailed out were not LTTE cadres though they obviously lived in LTTE-controlled areas.

“Unless there was a regimental style daily Roll Call 6.5 % hiding amongst 310K is not an impossibility. Escapees could not have escalated to 20K unnoticed, if there was a record. If there was a record those who accepted bribes would get caught. That would be too much of a risk for those who were responsible for them. The absence of such close record keeping was the factor that helped in getting them out.”

What risk is there? The fees for freedom were set by the army, not by individual personnel. If you paid higher fees, you even got military escort to Colombo. You mean the army doesn’t notice its vehicles being used to transport such large numbers of people? Was it that easy to get out of camps unnoticed? All the reports said there was heavy surveillance, especially in the initial weeks. Strange isn’t it that I, some nobody in Singapore, knew this was happening since late May, and that it only hit the news in SL many months after? You think the government really did not notice 20K missing all those months?

Anyway, if the 20K who escaped were not part of the 290K, how do you account for the discrepancy in the figures that the numbers in the camps had decreased to 247,073 on 9 Oct, but only 26,838 had been released? That leaves a shortfall of 16,551 to be accounted for.

It’s really hilarious to think that those who escaped weren’t registered at the camps. If they weren’t registered, how do people know that 20K escaped? You say the 6.5% were in hiding in the camps. Are you saying that they already knew they were going to be bailed out even before they checked into the camps, and hence resisted being registered? That’s nonsense.

“No they haven’t said anything like that but the period covers up to 13 Dec and Dr Saravanamuttu’s is in October”

I was quite sure they hadn’t said anything like that. That is your own invention, and you were trying to pretend that they had said it. Unfortunately, I called you on it. I don’t see what period the reports were filed has to do with whether all 20K escaped before the numbers got up to 290K on 25 May.

“Hanging on an obvious error made in a post written more than 20 hours later was unethical as you were AWARE of the argument and the mistake was apparent as it was DETRIMENTAL to my argument not buttressing it. That is why you are intellectually defunct.”

You make mistakes, but I’m the one who is intellectually defunct. Nice. If I can take the trouble to be careful with my numbers, you can too. Otherwise, don’t bother to engage people, and scold them for your shabbiness.

“Prabhakaran lost his bid for Eelam not because he was short of Sophisticated Arms and Munitions but because he was short of ADULTS who were prepared to fight. Nearly a quarter million of them proved to be cowards. That made the difference between Victory and Defeat.”

If we fight, we are terrorists. If we don’t fight, we are cowards. That’s exactly the kind of reasoning one always gets with the likes of you.

By: Belle Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:36:47 +0000 Wijayapala,
I haven’t seen reports that the LTTE herded people into Putumattalan. From what I gather, civilians were fleeing as the army advanced. In this report that I found on the net, families fled from Kilinochchi district as the army arrived there. LTTE drove one family into Putumattalan (and probably did that to others as well), but the question is why did these families even arrive near the area?

Maybe you’d like to give me some info on this.

“And I am really amazed that you did not answer my point that the “international community” actually did not treat the LTTE as terrorists. Why would they pressure the government to negotiate with terrorists?”

Actually, you never asked me this question. But the answer is obvious, isn’t it? That the international community wanted the government to negotiate with the terrorists on humanitarian grounds, to save the lives of the civilians caught in the war? After their nightmarish mistake in Rwanda, one can see why they would pursue this course. Any humanitarian would. Of course, the international community treated the LTTE as terrorists—especially, post 9/11. It severely affected LTTE income, and led to their decline.

By: wijayapala Sat, 13 Mar 2010 13:29:02 +0000 OTC,

Nearly a quarter million of them proved to be cowards. That made the difference between Victory and Defeat.

Excuse me, are you saying that ordinary Tamils are cowards because they did not want to fight and kill people?

What would that make you?
