Comments on: SARATH FONSEKA AFFAIR: POLITICAL CANNIBALISM MUST CEASE IN SRI LANKA! Journalism for Citizens Wed, 06 Oct 2010 03:01:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Wed, 06 Oct 2010 03:01:57 +0000 The democracy in Israel is like socialism in USA. There is no democracy in Israel. The ethical standards of democracy is non-existent and neighbouring countries- do they feel that Israel is a democracy? not at all. We need to be impartial in decidng wheter a country is democratic or not.

By: NoEalamInSL Fri, 26 Feb 2010 20:50:06 +0000 Dr. Dayan Jayatillake replies to Dr. Nalin Swaris: “Who are we? A matter of identity” Previously Dr. Nalin Swaris wrote “Comrade Dayan’s Sour Grapes?”

By: Groundviews Fri, 26 Feb 2010 03:37:29 +0000 The Arrest of Sarath Fonseka and Comrade Dayan’s critical response –

By: Heshan Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:23:45 +0000 <>

Yep, the Jewish interests have quite a hold on Washington. You have to keep in mind that Israel is the only real democracy in the Mid-East… and the Mid-East is where the oil lies. It would be interesting to see what happened if an alternative to oil was actually found. The US would pull out its troops, the economies of practically every Mid-East country (except Israel) would crash overnight, and total chaos would reign in the Arab countries. Those same Arab countries would then declare war on Israel, and guess who Israel would ask for protection? That’s right. You see, the Jews are not just greedy folks.. they need the USA for their survival. Why the USA needs Israel – I haven’t figured that one out yet.

Save your despot chat to little kids. So called despots are like villains on day time soaps except on 24 hour news channels for the gullible. Aware people know despots are plenty among us. Some have a better PR team. 😉 ”

Ever heard the phrase, “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll know who you are.”

When it comes to behavior, one finds many *striking* similarities between Hugo, Fidel, Mahinda, Moammar Q, and Gothabaya… when I was a kid, there was this great book called “Where’s Waldo?” You had to spot Waldo in a crowd of people. So if someone gave you a map and asked you to spot Mahinda, guess how you’d narrow down the search…

P.S. When the mucho man flops it out and goes suck on it baby and some profusely refuse, it’s not being a despot. It’s called being straight! LOL”

Are you referring to the macho man in the commercials. That was a classic.

“Dr. MR’s administration is evolving so fast it’s bewildering to some! It’s so tough not even respected diplomats, 5 star generals OR the most ruthless terrorist organisations that survive the game they play.”

Evolving or disintegrating, is the question. According to Einstein, insanity is: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

On the other hand, the above definition might work in war. And it would explain why politics (as a system) is totally flawed. Make the same promises. Wave the same flag. Appoint the same family members to new posts. Vote for Emergency Regulations every month. Arrest journalists/political opponents over and over. When the economy dries up, go to the same IMF for a bailout.

One must wonder why S. Lanka has not totally collapsed yet… then again, Zimbabwe has not collapsed, despite record inflation. My theory: globalization & geopolitics allows failed states to survive. Take away the IMF, take away Hugo, Sonia, Fidel, etc… put S. Lanka in a Robinson Cruso type scenario. Could it survive just on its own? Doubtful – “Dr” MR and his cronies know that – they applied for Western citizenship ages ago.

By: Prem Thu, 18 Feb 2010 15:35:32 +0000 The people voted for MR, just because he managed to kill many Tamils as possible in the name of war against LTTE. When he is turning his guns towards sinhala mass, why can’t you all enjoy the same way you celebrated when Tamils were crying.
Will he be able to keep just 30,000 sinhala civilians behind bars as he is doing in vanni. Life is purely of karma. .. enjoy when it comes to you.

By: Malcolm Baldwin Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:24:19 +0000 It’s with a heavy heart that I read about the arrest of General Fonseka and the harassment and worse of Sri Lankan journalists. I lived five years in Sri Lanka from 1988 to 1993 during troubled times, but one had great hope that after the surprising defeat of the LTTE Sri Lanka might return to its honored democratic past and become the bastion of good government that it has the capacity to be. With prospects for that now dim, one can only hope that opposition will unify, that journalists will heroically pursue their calling and that the nation will rally to check the dangerous slide toward autocracy and corruption. The remarkable and most honorable Mr. Jayatilleka shows the way forward.

By: Zorro Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:01:39 +0000 Hello Dayan, It is very probable that you soon be branded as a traitor (possibly from Gota) for emphasizing the depths of disasters a nondemocratic, corruptible, nepotistic and narcissistic regime could bring over the fellow citizens and the country. But your awakening comes rather late as this dictatorial methods and lawlessness is not a post war symptom but started with the last offensive against the LTTE at the end of 2008. We all kept silent with the delivered arguments of Gota, that “the war situation was such hazardous that no normal governance can be expected from the regime and maintained”. But their thirst for power and paranoia of pursuance were such immense that the clan lost every relevance to the reality. It is true that I asked myself “if they can do such things to SF, a war hero, the conductor of power of the Rajapaksha regime, how insignificant for them to do more harm to the Tamils, at a time the majority was such drunk in the victory and nationalism the govt was pouring out for free. I should reprimand you and all other law abiding people of Sri Lanka at this juncture, If there were war crimes carried out at any time of the conflict and no matter from whom, these crimes should be probed and the culprits should be punished, whoever it is. You hear the same voices within SL who called the int. community to mind their own business after the war now asking for their intervention to tame the Rajapaksa regime. The tide has changed faster than expected. And you are right; we have to reduce their power in the forthcoming GE; the only way.

By: Observer Wed, 17 Feb 2010 10:38:23 +0000 “On another note, one good lesson that SL (specifically, the SL State) can take from the LTTE is the need to evolve. ”

oh and by the way…

“It is not the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change”
– Often misquoted as by Darwin. No definitive source

Dr. MR’s administration is evolving so fast it’s bewildering to some! It’s so tough not even respected diplomats, 5 star generals OR the most ruthless terrorist organisations that survive the game they play.

Keep it up Sir!

By: Observer Wed, 17 Feb 2010 10:22:24 +0000 Actually, the LTTE fought quite well. If China had not become the dominant force that it is today, and India (read: Sonia Gandhi) had not changed its geopolitical interests, the LTTE would be alive and well today.

Never said they didn’t fight well. Sure they gave a good fight to be reckoned with on the battle field at times. I only said they cried about it a lot when they were on the back foot! Boo hoo I want a ceasefire.. Boo hoo we are retreating with civlians as our vanguard.. Boo hoo war is soo freakin unfair! get me outa hereeee… EU send boats pluhzzeee… What they displayed at the end was utter cowardliness. Let’s face it honour wasn’t part of their game.

What I’m appealing from those new folk who want to shake things up, to at least fight with honour so we can extend them same courtesy back to our adversary.

On another note, one good lesson that SL (specifically, the SL State) can take from the LTTE is the need to evolve. The LTTE certainly evolved, but not at any rate comparable to the evolution of Sri Lankan geopolitical relations.

It amuses me to see your stubbornness in admitting how the SL army changed. How they changed the game forming them selves in small teams adopting guerrilla techniques and very high risk behind enemy line operations. High risk because when once it went horribly bad the LTTE sent back the DPU’s decapitated heads.

Now that was just uncalled for and frankly Praba and his co deserved to go the way they did. And you’d have to be dreaming if you want a report card on how it was done. When we got our decapitated heads we didn’t make such a fuss now did we? Did we even ask the UN to intervene? Why would we wanna disrupt them from going about their important world saving business. That;s just rude man! Be good sports. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

While CBK and Ranil took the begging bowl to the West and India, MR not only got what he could from the West, but also sought new, forbidden territory: Iran, Libya, and China. Even the Burmese president visited Sri Lanka.

Why concentrate on Burma when Russians just gave him a doctorate and a symbolic throne or whatever? And 300 mil weapons contract. My my my… Seems MR is sleeping with Medvedev at the moment. Boy it must be rough in bed going by their dating!

Democrats in US lose one senate seat, Obama goes on back footing and threatens China and ramps up troops in Afghanistan. Eagerly waiting to see how things fair in Marjah now, even after some inconvenient collateral. Since they’re so polite about it and have apologised no need for war crimes tribunals right?

Anyway there goes change, olive branch to the world, and an undeserved peace price. I always knew soon as he pissed off the jews he weren’t gonna get a 2nd term. Like it or not the jews are running Washington.. *cough* I mean the financial system. Hopefully the republicans will capitalise on this and move bit to the centre and win the next election! You know what I like about the republicans? They’re not coy about their dirty deeds!

Basically, every despot is a friend of the Rajapakse regime… I don’t think the LTTE quite understood that.

Save your despot chat to little kids. So called despots are like villains on day time soaps except on 24 hour news channels for the gullible. Aware people know despots are plenty among us. Some have a better PR team. 😉

P.S. When the mucho man flops it out and goes suck on it baby and some profusely refuse, it’s not being a despot. It’s called being straight! LOL

ave a good day Heshan…. Preach to others not me please…

By: Java Jones Wed, 17 Feb 2010 05:46:04 +0000 Hey Dayan, the following quote was amusing, coming from a guy like you: “Furthermore, the world community may conclude that the shutting up of a former army commander who was supposedly about to blow the whistle on war crimes means impunity is rampant within the Sri Lankan state system and therefore the only path to justice here is the invocation of the doctrine of ‘universal jurisdiction’ by as many national courts as possible, worldwide. ”
By “may conclude…….. impunity is rampant within the Sri Lankan state system” – you mean you didn’t realize that the world community figured out that “impunity was rampant” (along with corruption, nepotism, etc) until this incident??? You either gotta be kidding, or must take the ‘world community’ to be hopelessly naive.
