Comments on: Sri Lanka: A country without citizens Journalism for Citizens Sat, 07 May 2011 09:18:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Kandyan Sat, 07 May 2011 09:18:43 +0000 Monarchs don’t live very long lad…look at Sri Vikrama Rajasinghe. Descending from Dutugemunu? who the hell? The Raja caste of the Sinhales died about 500 years ago hard to believe a Kshudra becoming king and to be anointed by a Jackson Anthony shows our new royal family very well. Sri lanka has no future. unless we accept ourselves for who we are, not who we aren’t.

By: The Kandyan Sat, 07 May 2011 09:12:32 +0000 Wow Civil and Constructive engagement? and Media’s are asking for freedom of speech?? Damn! Hypocracy anyone?? well after what happened to Michael Jackson maybe I’m being too prejudiced…lol

By: ItWillNeverEnd Tue, 09 Feb 2010 18:33:05 +0000 Any enemy of the government will be treated the same.
Whether it be Prabhakaran or Fonseka, its all the same.
You don’t mess with the government.
Our constitution makes our president equal to a king. You don’t mess with a king.
For the past 30 years the whole country was united and focused on defeating the LTTE.
But now, we are starting to fight with each other. Do we really need a common enemy to keep ourselves united.
Was it a mistake to destroy the LTTE ?
Expect more [stuff] to go down.

By: Jaffna Tamil... Tue, 09 Feb 2010 13:35:30 +0000 NoEalamInSL says…..,
—Stop Political Harassments! Long Live Democracy! This is a begin of an end! —

That is what we Tamils have been saying for almost 52 year since 1958. I am glad you are waking up, Brother or Sister (as the case may be)…..

But I am sure with your name, the irony is lost on you.

As they say in the west, “aint Karma a bitch!

By: NoEalamInSL Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:41:04 +0000 Why Ground views is silent when a national leader was arrested?
Sri Lanka has become a country without citizens!

[Edited out]

What ever crime he has comitted, he deserves respect as a human being.

“According to eye witness over 100 military policemen led by Major General Sumith Manawadu had taken part in the arrest opperation. When General refused to cooperate he was dragged by his feet and was beaten up by soldiers. He was attending a meeting with three opposition party leaders, Rauf Hakeem, Mano Ganeshan and Somawansa Amarasinhe at the time of the arrest”. JDS

Release General Sarath Fonseka!
Stop Political Harassments!
Long Live Democracy!

This is a begin of an end!

By: Gayan Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:44:11 +0000 You are right in one observation, Sri Lanka is no Iran, You cannot bring people to the street and let them die so you can fulfil your shatered dreams. Democracy has thought you a lesson. You should learn it the easy way.

By: Jaffna Tamil... Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:38:21 +0000 Dihraj will not get it till his house is on fire… But even then it s doubtful…..

By: Jaffna Tamil... Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:36:54 +0000 As someone who has mixed feelings about Gen. Fonseka’s arrest, not because I love Fonska more but because I love Rajapaskse less.
The statement that ” Those who forget their past are condemned to re live it” is never truer than today.
When the Tamils were being humiliated, discriminated, hounded and murdered, the vast, vast majority Sinhalese, with the divine belief that Sri Lanka was for the Sinhalese didn’t give a damn. In fact moist of them actively supported the Sinhalses governments actions.

Now the Sinhalese are tuning against each other. JVP against the SLFP. The Sinha Regiment against the Gajaba Regiment, Rajapakse against Fonska and Amarawansa. Once on the slippery slide, one doesnt know where the skaters will end up!

I have been talking to some Sinhalese friends who’s brother in law was a close Fonseka confidant. They are very worried. He is expecting to be charged as well.

Unless and until the Sinhalese accept that Tamils and Muslims have inherent rights that inherent and not to be given and taken by the Sinhalese Majority, the country is doomed.

It’s like the man who didnt help when his neighbor’s house was on fire, because it was not his house. Now the wind is blowing flames across his yard……

Is there enough time for the man to help the neighbor and by doing so help himself as well?

The Sinhalese people have the power to decide. But will they?

By: franc Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:19:29 +0000 This happens to many who vote and lose. Once you learn to accept the decision of the majority you will be ok. Be happy that there are more than 6 million ritght thinking citizens. Dont redicule your nationality.

By: Panishkarsinghala Mon, 08 Feb 2010 17:43:57 +0000 Today the Land of Buddha who refused denial a Visa to his Holiness the Dalai Lama, has arrested a Gentleman and Soldier. Hon General Sarath Fonseka, because he did not wish to give a plebiscite to a man who invited the Butcher of Burma to observe pirith at the Dalada Maligawa. THE BUTCHER OF BURMA IS INVITED TO A NATION WHERE HIS OWN MONKS REFUSE HIM BLESSINGS. IF A DESECRATOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS, VIOLATOR OF CIVIL LIBERTIES BE INVITED AND HIS hOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA NOT BEING INVITED TO OBSERVE AND WALK THE LAND OF HIS LORD BUDDHA, I BELIEVE THAT THIS LAND IS SLIDING INTO A QUAGMIRE OF DISASTER. MAY THE TRIPLE GEM BLESS THIS LAND THAT HAD SEEN TOO MANY THIEVES IN POWER.
