Comments on: election 2010 Journalism for Citizens Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:52:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jaffna Tamil... Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:52:20 +0000 Mr. Yapa says—Keep in mind, when you do things with bad intentions, the bad results(reaction) come after you (the doer) without fail, as the wheel of the cart comes after the leg of the ox. You will reap what you sow.—

Keeping with the animal theme, why such a cock and bull story? Its people like you who cause Sri Lanka to be at the same level as Haiti.

To quote a WISE , Sri Lankan, Parippu Please

___We have over 2,500 years of glorious history in Sri Lanka.
Why think about our future, when we can ask for more of our past?—

By: yapa Mon, 08 Feb 2010 15:09:58 +0000 Dear Sam Thambipillai;

Recite your poem everywhere, at the very first instance, you see a web thread. Sow the seeds of hatred all over the world, every opportunity you get. Keep in mind, when you do things with bad intentions, the bad results(reaction) come after you (the doer) without fail, as the wheel of the cart comes after the leg of the ox. You will reap what you sow.

You recite your poem, but don’t answer when responded. Why? You cannot justify anything you say. Keep on spreading hatred. Thanks or your willful actions!

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 08 Feb 2010 10:48:16 +0000 The independence of a nation is the fundamental right enshrined in the UN charter. The rights of self determination and self rule of nations exist under this right.

The nation of Tamil Eelam(TE), is entitled to these legitimate rights based on Vaddukoddai Resolution(VR) of 1976 and the democratic mandate given by the people of TE in 1977.

These events happened after the people of TE refused to participate in the first republic constitution of Sri Lanka(SL) in 1972. And the Sinhalese went ahead and unilaterally declared the constitution as applicable to the entire island, though the people of TE vehemently opposed and totally rejected it.

The political truth is that the “citizenry” of TE, including those in exile, already have their right to self determination and self rule in view of their post 1972 political actions and democratic expressions till 1977.

Therefore, self determination is not a matter for Mahinda Rajapakse to “give” but to allow to happen peacefully. If not done, the UN and the International Community will be obligated to step in and allow it to happen in due course.

But on the 4th day of this month, the Dominion day of Ceylon – not “independence day”- president Rajapakse said that he will not “give” self determination and self rule to the people of TE, as if it is a matter under his control and authority.

Rajapakse, as usual, was fooling the Sinhala masses by broadcating this untruth from the “Most sacred “Buddhist” temple” in SL; a place from where even the genocide of Tamils was “blessed” and soldiers were instigated by “Buddhist” priests to commit war crimes.

In “Buddhism” in SL it is most sacred to repress Tamils, kill them and deny their legitimate rights !!

FW De Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa, winner of Nobel Prize for Peace, allowed self determination to South africans 20 years ago, lifted the ban on dissident political parties and announced the release of all political prisoners.

Ceeleberating the 20th anniversary on 2 Feb this year, De Klerk said “we would no doubt have been able to maintain control for many years but under grim and unacceptable circumstances”.

Speaking about the consequences De Klerk said ” our young men would have spent their time in military service; many more white South Africans would have left the country; and there would have been pervasive white poverty and unemployment among those who remained.”

“Worse still the prospect for a satisfactory negotiated settlement would have diminshed…” said De Klerk.

Whatever De Klerk feared as ugly consequences for South Africa, has happened with precision in SL during the past 34 years.

When will a great leader emerge in SL, who can speak the truth and decide with wisdom, pragmatism and bravery to make SL and TE coexist peacefully in the island?

By: punitham Sat, 06 Feb 2010 13:59:36 +0000 The parrots that used those trees may come back and find Buddha statues in their places.

How on earth could people build Buddha statues while preventing aid agents reaching the wounded, starving people??

A prince became Buddha when he saw starving people??

By: punitham Sat, 06 Feb 2010 13:52:23 +0000 Pictires taken down A9 between Omanthai and Elephantpass have empty spaces where buildings stood ten months ago. They have carefully taken away all the rubble so any newcomer will not know a building was demolished there.
All the trees except Bo trees have been sawn off. All Bo trees have got a Buddha statue under them now.
Keeping hundreds of thousands of people detained in mammoth camp, this is what has been done with A9 closed to the public for 6/7 months.

By: punitham Sat, 06 Feb 2010 13:46:55 +0000 At present many Tamils in the Northeast are not so lucky as those bikes that have a roof over them.
