Comments on: Challenges of Development: The Next Phase Journalism for Citizens Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:50:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wannabe Economist Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:50:47 +0000 Brilliant! Well written.

By: Paul Rajasekera Mon, 01 Feb 2010 06:14:31 +0000 A Post-election Manifesto.

Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse scores a stunning victory of 60% as against 40%. The common candidate Mr. Sarath Fonseka challenges the result and threatens to go to courts on grounds of corruption, misuse of govt. power, media etc. The margin of victory may be large enough to offset any losses to the opposition candidate on account of alleged disadvantages, and corrupt practices. Best option for all people now is to honour and accept the people’s verdict, close ranks and think of the future of our country to help cure the many obvious ills and evils that this country is beset with. A post-election manifesto in this regard should include the following:

(1) Immediately implement the 17th amendment to the Constitution (with any
refinements needed, if any) enabling the appointment of the various commissions provided therein, including the appointment of the Elections Commission and the Elections Commissioner.

(2) Investigate through a special Commission of Inquiry into the allegations made by the main contenders against each other, and against the partiality shown by the media during the election campaign, to expose the truth of these, and if valid, the offenders must be brought before courts and punished. This will prevent people from making false allegations to win votes and make them think twice before uttering any falsehoods to hoodwink people.

(3) Activate the Bribery Commission to investigate on a continuing basis all allegations of bribery and corruption in the country and take action to punish all found guilty including recovery of assets, looted property etc. Any false allegations made should be made punishable.

(4) Raise and tighten up the qualifications requirements of contestants for the post of President or any other political office to prevent such a large number of contenders as this time, from contesting. They must all go through a process of purification in terms of their public conduct and assets in addition to all other statutory qualifications, before they come forward to contest.

(5) Ban the formation of political parties on the basis of language, race etc. to make it open to all citizens of the country so that we will never have Tamil, Muslim or Sinhala parties any longer in this country.

(6) Limit and restrict the number of political parties in the country through imposing tough registration and conduct requirements and heavy punishment for violation of rules. Discourage coalitions among political parties; Let traditional political parties develop their own strength through suitable purification processes and well formulated policies; Standardize and strengthen the constitutions of political parties, to prevent easy crossing overs and other unwholesome practices. It is an ugly and unbecoming scene to witness political men crossing parties at will.

(7) Improve the governance of the country through amending of the constitution as agreed upon by all political parties to

(i) remove excessive power of the President, providing for a proper balance of power among the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary.

(ii) amend sections re. sharing of power and devolution of power while providing for only minimum tiers of government for this small country.

(iii) Provide for only a minimum number and type of elections and specifying dates of holding these without any irregularity.

(iv) Especially provide in the constitution for a joint advisory council of all “heads” of religions in the country to provide guidance only in matters of principles of good governance of the country.

(8) Institute an economy drive to reduce the huge burden of all unnecessary costs of government to people including wastage and misuse of the country’s resources;

.(9) Separate national policies from government policies. The government should take lead to unite all political parties on that national agenda which should not be allowed to violate or go against.

(10) Teach all three main languages used in the country to all citizens, including the adults through special programs and equip government institutions immediately to handle business in the language of all clients.
