Comments on: Outcome of presidential elections in Sri Lanka: Is there anything to analyse? Journalism for Citizens Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:25:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Observer Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:25:33 +0000 Deja Vu anyone?

What is striking in both cases is that, while they agree the election was peaceful they contend that the counting was fraudulent.

“We will appeal in the courts not against the quality of the election, which was evaluated by the international observers, but against the quality of counting the ballots,” said Andriy Shkil.

“Believe me, public opinion [in Ukraine] and European opinion will coincide with ours when we prove this in the courts.”

Sore losers need to take it with dignity!

What I found even more interesting in both these situations is the tug-a-war between the East and the West. Both nations have polarised communities that one side pull for the Western influence while the other side takes refuge in the slowly but surely unifying East. Hmmmm…

By: kichchi Mon, 08 Feb 2010 04:04:42 +0000 Elections results do show that anti-Tamil feeling is very high in Sri Lanka very much more than anti-corruption, anti-high cost of living and so on.

MR won the election in 2005 and 2010 due to the anti-Tamil feelings of the Sinhalese. These die-hard Sinhalese are hell bent on seeing that the Tamils do not have any rights in this country.

SF’s support diminished from the moment the TNA endorsed him. Had the TNA endorsed MR, MR would have lost for the same reason.

So, MR should actually thank the TNA for supporting SF and pave the way for his (SF) defeat. It is an indirect support given by TNA to MR. In 2005 too, LTTE gave an indirect support by boycotting the election.

IF the TNA had called for a boycott of the election, or supported a third candidate like Dr Wickramabahu or Srithunga Jayasuriya who supported the policy of self-determinaion of the Tamils, then SF would have won or would not have lost with such a big margin.

Former President J.R.Jayawardene once said that “If I starved the Tamils, the Sinhalese will give full support to me. The more I starve them, the greater the support”. JR was correct. That is the mind-set of the Sinhala majority. That was the trend in ALL the elections since 1956.
Had SF stood with his earlier stand that he country belongs only to the Sinhalese but as good Buddhists we will accommodate the minorities IF they do not make undue demands, he might have won the Election.

This election too proved it as correct.

By: Sam Costa Sun, 07 Feb 2010 13:36:19 +0000 perhaps this could be useful to many who still cant feel against the el results had been manipulated.

An Open letter to the Election Commissioner of Sri Lanka
Thursday, February 4, 2010
– A Gobitharan (London)

Dear Mr Dissanayake

(February 05, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Recent events following the Presidential election have put you on the negative limelight, due to your confusing and contradicting comments made head down without looking at the audience.

Lots of accusations are leveled against you. Some have been denied. The manner in which you are responding to the issues surrounding the conduct and the outcome of the election is further confusing the citizens like me. I plead with you to look at the face of the world at large and tell the truth to the following serious questions.

Question 1: According the ‘The Times’ report filed by Jeremy Page ‘The President’s brother and adviser, went to see the Independent Elections Commissioner just before the latter announced the final results. The ministers denied that Basil Rajapaksa was meeting the commissioner, and said that he was asleep at the time, but Ms Wenger said that she saw him leave the Commissioner’s office immediately after the press conference’.

My simple question to you is: Did Basil Rajapakse meet you just before the election results were announced? If so, what was discussed or ordered by him?

Question 2: Sri Lanka Guardian in its exclusive news reported that you and your wife were held in captivity in the Presidents official residence Temple Trees and intimidated to obtain your consent to announce the government favoured comments on the outcome of the election and also to get your resignation announcement withdrawn.

In the public interest and to earn the public confidence, would you kindly confirm by looking at the audience straight on their face without fear or subdued voice, whether this story is true or false.

Question 3: The Lankanewsweb in its latest news headlined ‘A group of Army personnel had imprisoned Election Commissioner’s wife and daughter at Water’s Edge on the election day’.

Once again in the public interest, will you be able to confirm this story is true or false.

I understand that you are not permitted to travel overseas until the General Election is over. If this is not true, will you be able to travel to the UK or any other healthy democratic country and make a public statement on the issues surrounding the election. I am prepared to fund your first class flight ticket for your visit, as I consider your public statement in a respectable place without any fear of recrimination will be very useful for Sri Lanka’s future.

Finally, with the very serious accusations levelled against you on the conduct of the Presidential election, how do you expect the citizens of Sri Lanka to consider you are independent to conduct the forthcoming General Election? Will you make a public statement to confirm what action you will be taking to overcome the difficulties you have encountered during the Presidential election to ensure the difficulties are not repeated with your backing?

By: Shamed Lankan Sat, 06 Feb 2010 08:02:43 +0000 @ Bardo Flanks:
Do you seriously want to live in a nation where you never question your leader and if you do, the government can come after you? Or are you one of those people who simply believes everything your leader tells you simply because you support him? You got to love your naivete.

By: Shamed Lankan Sat, 06 Feb 2010 07:59:31 +0000 @ Bardo Flanks:
As my comment said, if you are happy with having a ruthless dictator as your leader, then that’s something you have to live with. You clearly are quite happy goose-stepping along with anything and everything Mahinda Rajapakse does.
By the way, I am sure everyone who voted Hitler into power also felt this way: “(We) do agree with him, and we think his policies are working, and we like the results. Why would we want to question him?”

By: Ajit Alles Fri, 05 Feb 2010 18:58:06 +0000 It seems to me, looking at this as a non-resident Sri Lankan, that General Fonseka was hung out to dry by the UNP, possibly with Ranil Wickremesinghe’s future ambitions in mind. Of course the General didn’t help himself with his foolish comments that seemed purely revengeful; his ego overwhelmed his brain. Nevertheless, the whole Sarath Fonseka fiasco seems like a Ranil Wickremesinghe operation.

By: Niel Marshal Wed, 03 Feb 2010 23:55:42 +0000 Analysis from Kusal and comments followed by that are interesting and eye opening and thought of joining the dialogue.
In the Kusal’s one, I found that it is a kind of hailing the 2010 Presidential election result at the front and failing at the end and also Underline political message is not given a proper place.

Vote rigging allegations are common and no surprise at this time too.
Assuming southern votes are rigged and the rest North, East, Colombo and upcountry are not rigged; SF’s victory in those areas indicates those burning issues are remained unsolved yet and need to be addressed immediately.

Also, No wonder a man in power managed to secure nearly 58% of the vote, but With a very short political history SF secured 41% of the vote and North, East, Colombo and upcountry with apparent UNP’s and JVP’s half hearted support. Also Southern Ruling class did not want to have an emerging strong 3rd alternative at this point, they were aware of the danger very well if Ranil was fielded. I believe that is why they wanted a white swan, a symbol all could agree other than an elepahnt while saving Colombo 7 born, The friend of Rich, Ranil for the next election.

JVP has comparatively cleaner image than other politicians in the business and now have assumed the duty of Thondamans’ that is, as King makers and breakers forgetting their primary duty to stand up independantly for people.

Weather we like or not next 7 years belongs to MR and his policies and his trusted team, as people who love and want to see our country progress must be impartial, vigilant and unearth corruption and mismanagement and let President know and keep a record of it what you have put forward, let the democratic organisations world over know whats happening in Sri Lanka, come up with data, GDP and performance indicators, police corruption figures, crimes, what is government doing or not doing for upliftment of minorities etc
What ever it is MR has proved that he can establish a stable political atmosphere and is a seasoned statesman who has earned respect from at least friendly nations including most important neighbouring big brother and China.
After all he has at least destroyed the belief that “We Can not do it” against Obama’s we can do it.
But at The Who’s cost???

By: Bardo Flanks Tue, 02 Feb 2010 05:13:23 +0000 @Shamed Lankan

The problem is, we (by we, I mean 6 million Sri Lankans including the overwhelming majority of Sinhala-Buddhists) do agree with him, and we think his policies are working, and we like the results. Why would we want to question him?

The people don’t see the rationale for giving up everything Mahinda had accomplished merely for the “freedom” to disagree with him. This is what you and your kind have failed to understand. Ordinary Sri Lankans want a better life, a better economy, better infrastructure, better schools, more wealth and equity, and a strong, confident, independent regime. They won’t forgo all these for the sake of the right to disagree. What is there for us to disagree with?

By: Shamed Lankan Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:33:50 +0000 Sri Lankans deserve the government they get. Hey, you chaps voted for a ruthless dictator who tramples on personal freedom any chance he can. If you don’t agree with him or dare to question his policies, he will come after you and your family. That’s some democracy you guys have. Enjoy!

By: Sony Sun, 31 Jan 2010 21:34:35 +0000 I agree with sisila. The land in Colombo is overpriced. It will not be in another 6 years. Colombo will be another town of Sri Lanka just like Mee Gamuwa, Halawatha or Mada Kalapuwa.
