Comments on: Open letter to the President of Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:01:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: justitia Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:01:28 +0000 Only Dayan Jayatilleke appears to dislike this brilliant satire.

By: Groundtruth Mon, 01 Feb 2010 21:13:10 +0000 Will it be the same Commisssioner of Elections again for the General Parliamentary Elections? Surely, he needs a break afterall this “free and fair” Presidential election.

By: niranjan Mon, 01 Feb 2010 06:01:27 +0000 Heshan,

Thanks for the congratulations. My visits to Sinhala rural areas and one Muslim area before the election convinced me that Mahinda was going to win. I was expecting 53% for MR, but his 57.8% has surpassed all expectations.

By: Nona Sun, 31 Jan 2010 05:44:06 +0000 When my cook asks me “Nona, minissu kiyenawa Janadipathithuma hariyata salli humbukaravanalu…eka eththa kathawakda?” I don’t have to wonder why things happen the way they do in this country and why we have not done much about it. Don’t you guys say nothing about having a cook…I love SL food but I have better things to do than spend 3 hours fixing a decent meal!

By: In Your Face Sat, 30 Jan 2010 01:55:06 +0000 SeeingPastTheSmoke,

You’re still reeling from the defeat, aren’t ya, buddy?

By: SeeingPastTheSmoke Sat, 30 Jan 2010 00:33:17 +0000 Dayan Jayatilleka,
You said:
“One thing that my friend Prof R. Wijesinha will never know, but you folk do, is the answer to the question: ” what does it feel like to be quite so stupid”?”

But you know the answer to that one, don’t you? Like for example, when you lost favour?

An academic should know that one can’t ‘see’ history and make out its significance when one is deeply embroiled in it. One needs the distance of time. You see things through the perspective of your own desires. It may, by accident of circumstance, hold true now, but what you foresee for SL’s future henceforth is not what will happen.

By: Frustration Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:39:36 +0000 What exactly the Election Commissioner say on that very day ?

This below article will bring you the truth ….. at least then one would realize what had been the case

Sri Lanka’s most controversial and ugliest election ever, the 06th Presidential Election concluded this evening (27th) on a questionable note. The final result was announced by an obviously agitated Elections Commissioner. The Commissioner also chose the occasion to make a speech that analysts said was loaded with meaning and abhorrence of what had been a turbulent task of overseeing a violent election. It was evident, agreed many observers, that his speech was made under duress and contained several areas that gave rise to controversy about the election and its final result.

Some of the issues raised by him were as follows.

“Under the empowerment of the Elections Commissioner as indicated in the 17th Amendment to the Constitution, I issued specific guidelines to the state media that were duly ignored. I then installed a Competent Authority for the state media who was completely disregarded. I then met the heads of state media but to no avail. I realized that this was a hopeless cause and so I had the Competent Authority removed.”

“ I was able to note that during the election, many state institutions operated in a manner not befitting state organisations.”

“Some blamed me saying that my task was to ensure that the ballot boxes were safe and to ensure that the counting was done right. But under the circumstances I faced today, I could not even ensure the safety of even one ballot box. I did my duties during this time under great duress and mental agony.”

I hereby state that the situation has reached a dangerous level that is beyond me. I am also advanced in years and have served in this capacity for eight long years so I only ask that I be released from this thankless duty.”

“It is impossible for me to work in peace under the circumstances – I am constantly under stress and find that I may fall sick and have to face consequences of such an illness.”

“ Regional leaders harassed my team and I in several areas such as Puttalam, Anuradhapura, Matala Districts , they even bothered the counting centres. This is not a good trend. In fact, it reached an uncontrollable level of verbal abuse directed at Presiding Officers and Asst Elections Commissioners. “

“ I have been accused of favouring one party in the process of carrying out my duties. I regret that it is no longer possible for me to suffer such indignity and insult – I am not able to do so physically or psychologically.”

Observers were of the view that the points highlighted by the Elections Commissioner clearly indicated that he has had to announce an election result not in keeping with his conscience, under duress. All we can say is that truth is like a rubber ball in water – it emerges every time you try to suppress it.

By: peter Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:43:58 +0000 you have missed out on the journalists. the only country where journalists were not harmed, killed, abducted, media institutions were not bombed out or damaged or the journalists not forced to flee the country at a time terrorism was rampant and the journalists were writing articles on the war effort or the effort of the powers that be in trying to procure arms and other unshady deals of this glorius regime.
however, the satire is splendidly penned.

By: polsambola Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:47:07 +0000 …aah juicy.
“…Your victorious nomination for a second term was gained without the slightest indication of corruption or abuse of power. The state media was never flagrantly exploited by your government for election propaganda despite constant provocation by the independent media backed by evil forces, both local and foreign, out to sully your regime’s integrity. As always, you have stood tall and acted with restraint like a true statesmen. We commend you for rising above the inferior behavior of your adversaries….”

Yes, Priyantha we ought to use the quotes.. why not? they are already being echoed by 60% of the land.

One lesson here for the kids (as refered to by Dayan J) If you haven’t got the teeth to bite back when bitten.. don’t bother barking.

By: jayathilaka Fri, 29 Jan 2010 10:33:58 +0000 the commisinerof election himself provides thebest evidence that theelection was manupulated by the government .in his summing speech he claims that the way the government obstructed him carying out duties.opposotion claims that the enthusiasm in the party members is not shown in results.and the people in common have a great amout of suspicion about the outcome
