Comments on: From here to nowhere and to an ‘Ahmadinejadian’ end? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:00:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: SV Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:00:34 +0000 See, he himself reiterates when Ltter leader was killed and all the realities related to war end. Those who including myself being away from the country who only listened to the talks of governing party, until today, thought Army commander was away from the country at thetime, LTTE leader was killed. Truth story, even evidences related to them could be forwarded as proving materials, as it is, he had travelled to china for a purchase and the related check. His explanations were very honest to anyone who listened to the video. I wonder why all those crossed over UNP supporters sitting around to MR spread wrong stories. All these could come to light if the real evidences are there. I am sure, many including myself was caught by sorta of false speeches carried out by governing party. But I read a bit in every report so that I can get a neutral view, that is why I thought to listen to videos of youtube. Srilanken style is … even if you dont agree with any sorta of false propaganada, just because many other follow it, u also need to remain further silence. This has now created a misery in the country.

By: Southernvoice Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:51:16 +0000 I dont think if SF elected, is he too going to be like MR. Today after listening to his discussions telecasted on the 23 th in lanken TV, I feel he could do what he thinks is better for thecountry as any other leader could do. He is not bound to any party, since he is still apolitical. He is very strict with his policies saying that he should be an example to others so that the ministers could also follow him. That is the most important fact if any leader wants to go against abuses of all form of a state. He openl says if anyonewho would go against the principles, there he will need to even go against them. That is very correct. He sounded very honest.

By: SomeOne Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:32:28 +0000 “…The single solution to free our people from the shackles of corruption, is a benign dictator to emerge: in the manner the Singopore boom was spearheaded, under the now senior mentor, Lee Kuan Yu….”

Yes, it is true. He (Lee Kuan Yu) built his country based on “Fairness”.

Why should every one else be honest and hard working while the one at top is unfair, corrupt, immoral etc..?

One who leads the country should be a role model.

However, in the long run, we should change the structure of this political system so that it will promote competition at grass root level.

By: niranjan Tue, 26 Jan 2010 06:15:26 +0000 Kusal,

Excellent article. keep up tehe good work. There is very little difference between the two candidates. They are both Sinhala racists in different guises. They have not even spelt out their economic polices leave alone reconciliation which is the need of the hour. The main issues facing the country have not been touched on by the two main candidates. The Executive Presidency will never be abolished and I am sure the intelligent voter knows that.

I am a Sinhalese and I did vote this morning. I voted for two candidates who I know will not get elected. The two main candidates I feel do not deserve to run this country going by their track records.

By: tikiri de zoysa Falk Mon, 25 Jan 2010 22:46:36 +0000 The single solution to free our people from the shackles of corruption, is a benign dictator to emerge: in the manner the Singopore boom was spearheaded, under the now senior mentor, Lee Kuan Yu.

Being that Mahinda has shown his propensity for treating our country as his private domain… I’d go with the “unknown devil”, Sarath – and hope that his military discipline will grapple normal corrupt tendencies to it’s burial grounds – forever and a day!

We need to dream. No, We need to believe that good can overcome evil.
Go Sarath. Challenge yourself. Should the people give you the mandate.
Maybe you have some hope, Mahinda, should you pull through. Reform.

By: Nicolai Mon, 25 Jan 2010 18:48:07 +0000 I am with you. SF is just going to be repeat act. I too will give this election a miss. I am hoping I can press the fast forward button another 6 years. I think two terms of this whether it be one from MR and one from SF or two from MR, will make no difference. The people will be tired of the old act. I just hope that the parties can just stay independent and don’t sell out.

By: Kusal Perera Mon, 25 Jan 2010 17:47:06 +0000 Hi Pearl,
your comment seemed very emotional. I don’t have any issue wit that. Yet we read the situ here quite different to you, who is too far away from the ground situ. As for me, there is not much to choose between the two, for the present and the future.
If you read the 2 manifestos, the Mahinda Chintanaya of 2005 and Gen SF’s 2010 Believable Change, there’s isn’t any difference.
Both were written by the same political combine – JVP and Mangala combine. Then the MR-SLFP prayed they could sell it to come to power and succeeded. Now RW-UNP pray they could come to power on this newly labelled old arrack.
As for corruption and nepotism, JVP voted with every MR budget and the extension of Emergency and thus nurtured this corrupt and arrogant government in every way. Do they have any moral right to talk of corruption after voting at all budgets that allocated money for Mihin Air, for the Mega cabinet and for all taxes that kept fuel and consumer prices so high ?
Would you expect any change for democracy with this political alliance that changed positions not on principles, but for petty, power hungry politics ?
We have a long way to go after we messed up for 60 plus years. We have to work towards a new political perspective and a new pluralistic culture. I would not expect that change to happen in this election and from these petty politicos and their military hero who have no sincere vision for the future.
I have decided to let go this election and wouldn’t mind any of the culprits of war taking the presidential election for now. I prefer to see beyond this presidential election for solutions and that we have to strive towards.
Thanks for your comments Pearl, and lets keep the dialogue going

By: Andre Meurer Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:00:44 +0000 I have long been searching for a decent, unbiased, and well pondered blog about the political situation in SL. It wasn’t easy but it looks like I finally found it!

I was in SL last September and could already tell the campaign was going to be nasty, but it seems to have escalated even more than what I expected.

Very nice post, keep up the good work.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Mon, 25 Jan 2010 02:37:15 +0000 Iran’s election was flawed. Sri Lanka’s election was marred by violence and flawed since the eighties.
But today we are facing a different kind of elections. Elections in the aftermath of a bloody end to the LTTE’s call for separatism which spared no human sentiments and which cost the citizens so much misery.
The end of the war did not bring in peace but rather the most virulent form of post-war violence, corruption, and nepotism by the incumbent president who preyed on his elusive victory to entrench his whole family in the cabinet and started a joyride of squandering public funds much to the chagrin of the common citizen.
Do we really need to put up with this megalomaniac. Do we need to put up with his scant regard for human rights.
Unless we vote him out by exercising our voting right we would be complicit in bringing down the democracy which is on its last knees.
Let us vote for change. If Tamils voted at least we would have tried to bring back peace to this island of ours marred by the evils Rajapakse unleashed.

