Comments on: Is Sri Lanka in danger of being held accountable by the International Criminal Court? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 17 Jan 2012 17:45:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Medalankara de Choppe Tue, 17 Jan 2012 17:45:03 +0000 Do not worry. When the Pirith Noole is tied every thing will be ticka ti boo

By: hemawati Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:31:56 +0000 In reply to jansee.

exactly. winning an election on a supremacy ride and genocide. but all humans suffer thier conscious. mahinda is facing tremondous pressure and pain to protect himself and family from the mess he has created. I am sure many in the close cirlces know where the government money and time are spent today. you cann see all the missions and visits simply a validation of this claim. so yes, thumbing victory with a worrysome future. to believe china 100%, I am not sure china will not be there too long if its interest is at stake, an example is Libya. stop dreaming and stop misleading the people that we are safe, ltte cancer is gone and with thes cancer, more 40,000 have been killed, after ltte is finished the true protection for tamils also disapperared. the recent tna meeting event shows exactly where sri lanka is going. also increasing intolerance towards minorities and twisting history lectures simply shows the ignorance sinhala budhist. what i am worried about is that who is next. sinhala budhist want a villain always – first muslims in 1900, then burgers, then tea estate tamils and sri lankan tamils and JVP. now what is next?

malays?? sinhala chritians???

By: Groundtruth Sat, 23 Jan 2010 13:38:14 +0000 There’s always a silver lining somewhere on this planet! Since SL is not a signatory to the ICC it could look forward to granting distinguished citizenship to war criminals who may wish to enjoy the rest of their lives in sunshine and other comforts in paradise isle. Besides they won’t feel lonesome.

What will be the position of SL nationals being prosecuted in other countries where they may have dual citizenship or Green Cards? US is not a siganotory to the Rome Convention but there are some circumstances where their citizens can be prosecuted for cruelty to other humans e.g Abhu Grail prison in Iraq where US prison wardens were prosecuted in US courts and convicted.

By: shakya Sat, 23 Jan 2010 05:07:50 +0000 The topic is “Is Sri Lanka in danger of being held accountable by the International Criminal Court?”, and the answer is “No”.

jansee and others who voice siilar concerns, as for your question in regards to particular countries having laws governing the prosecution of foreign individuals. I have not forgotten this, as some countries may have such laws, though it does not pertain to the question being asked here. The current system will not support such a prosecution. It would be up to individuals such as your self to take the impetus to change the system so such loopholes are removed.

By: Tmama Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:18:37 +0000 I cannot recall there was any action by the International Criminal Courts
in the famous recent events, regarding transgressions of electoral procedures, for example regarding the disenfranchisement of many voters in Florida in the 2002 Bush V Gore Election, where youger Bush, brother of the winning candidate, was the Governor.

Or to research a topic nearer home, and dearer ostensibly to the two leading candidates in the present election, was there any condemnation of Sri Lanka following the decision to disenfranchise plantation workers in following the grant of Independence and the first election in 1948, by bodies like the Commonwealth or the UN.

Would the writer please elaborate further with historic precedents..

By: Dhiraj Fri, 22 Jan 2010 15:31:35 +0000 “Is this a divine providence?”

It’s called politics.

By: jansee Fri, 22 Jan 2010 15:15:04 +0000 Shakya:

Have you forgotten that some countries have laws to prosecute even foreign individuals if they have committed crimes against humanity? Surely you know why Robert Mugabe is hiding from the world? It is a matter of time that individuals in SL, too, would face the same situation.

Actually, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Thousands of innocent civilians have died due to the recalcitrant attitude of both parties – the LTTE and the SL regime. I just can’t believe that instead of holding these butchers as criminals you people are talking about betraying the country. Whatever happened to the conscience and Buddhist philosophy? Where is the Dharma? Just remember this – there was a time not too long ago MR thought that it would be a breeze to win in an election but he would not have certainly bargained for what he is facing now. Is this a divine providence?

By: Sinhala Fascist Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:36:06 +0000 Sigh! I am relieved now. I was peeing in my pants at the prospect of war crimes charges. So there really are loopholes that we can exploit to escape from war crimes. We can kill with impunity and never get caught. What an encouraging news for me! We should start a consulting business to advise war criminals all over the world – how to escape after unleashing violence on hapless citizens. After the loss of GSP+, this new “business” may bring in some revenue. Let us put our best and only “skills” – KILLING & DECEIT, to good use this way. Sri Lanka should be a model state for all war criminals to follow. We should aim for that.
